3141592653 ago

How do we know definitively that Reiner assaulted Haim?

darkknight111 ago

The film where it happened was Stand By Me.

Given the attempts to solve where it happened have turned up that he was raped at a specific age (14 IIRC), process of elimination places it at this movie. Reiner is by far the most likely culprit.

3141592653 ago

Sorry for the delayed response. How do we know it happened on the set of Stand By Me? I haven't heard that.

darkknight111 ago


Rob Reiner was the director for the film?

The reason said film is suspected is because Haim was 14 when the incident happened. Going through the list of films he was working on, SBM is the most logical scene of the crime.

3141592653 ago

But Haim wasn't in Stand by Me. I'm confused

darkknight111 ago

Oh shit, you’re right. Got the wrong Corey.

For what its worth, wasn’t River Phoenix a Pedowood victim too? Died a suspiscious death too?

Certainly a case worth looking into.

3141592653 ago

River Phoenix's death was suspicious. Nothing's come out about him being a Pedowood victim, but he did grow up in the Children of God cult. He has allegedly said he lost his virginity at a very very young age, like 4 or 5 (I can't remember the exact age.) He was a true talent.

ASolo ago

Great work Darkknight

Lansing-Michigan ago

A child would be taken to the doctor for anal bleeding. Children do not usually have problems with the symptoms.......so it is suspicious.

darkknight111 ago

http://magaimg.net/img/84hg.jpg Calling Card.

http://magaimg.net/img/7e9k.jpg Ask Chris Columbus what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

http://magaimg.net/img/7e9l.jpg Ask Henry Winkler what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

http://magaimg.net/img/7bn5.jpg Justice is coming.

http://magaimg.net/img/7ki6.jpg Dr. Stiles chimes in.

http://magaimg.net/img/7ki7.jpg Ask Arthur Annecharico what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

http://magaimg.net/img/7ki8.jpg Ask Gene Abravaya what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

http://magaimg.net/img/7ki9.jpg Rocky Road

http://magaimg.net/img/7kib.jpg Giardia STD.

http://magaimg.net/img/7kie.jpg Red Shoes.

http://magaimg.net/img/7mja.jpg David Brock

http://magaimg.net/img/7mjc.jpg Dorsey

http://magaimg.net/img/7mjd.jpg Zuckerberg

http://magaimg.net/img/7mje.jpg Schmidt

http://magaimg.net/img/7mjq.jpg Collins

http://magaimg.net/img/89cc.jpg Tom Hanks

http://magaimg.net/img/7u72.jpg The Podestas know.

http://magaimg.net/img/8n72.jpg Ask Rob Reiner what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

carmencita ago

Another EPICPost. Thank You. RIP Heather @millennial_vulcan I know this is hard to read my friend but it has important info we need to know.

Otto- ago

Thank you, DarkKnight! Over a year I've been wanting to collect these, & make my own cards singling out Spielberg, declaring it too late to ask their victims.

carmencita ago

Adnan Khashoggi was the uncle of Jamal Khashoggi a journalist with the Washington Post. Jamal disappeared and possibly was assassinated by dismemberment involving the Saudi govt.

NotHereForPizza ago

God I don't want to spoil this thread by even chiming in, because you're a fucking mad man, anon. You do amazing work.

But, unfortunately, they don't just make shoes. We've found evidence of wallets, belts, gloves even... I'm sorry.

senpaithatignoresyou ago


According to legend, necropants could produce an endless flow of coins if done correctly.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

darkknight111 ago

Flip flops too (made from infant skin).

The info from the Hampstead case became relevant ever since part 3.

Had to find the aproximate amount of leather it takes to make a pair of shoes. Take that to its logical conclusion and you get where I’m going with it.

The shoes get most of the focus since they’re the most recognized.

Otto- ago


NotHereForPizza ago

Keep going. We are with you.

Joe10jo ago

Indeed we are. 👍

Synacked ago

Spielberg and Coppola

Coppolas movie: "the cotton club"

Funded by Adnan Khashoggi (CIA)

Adnan Khashoggi related to Emad Khashoggi (nephew).

Emad Khashoggi commissioned Lady Mona K yacht by amels in 86.

Lady Mona K was sold to Robert Maxwell who renamed it Ghislaine.

Named after his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell of Epstein fame.

Coppolas granddaughter: friends with Rachel Chandler the Child Handler

Of Epstein fame.

Mother of Coppolas daughter: Jacqui Getty from marriage to Gordon Getter after death of Gian Carlo Coppola.

andrewweiner ago

Love the yacht connections. Adnan ran into financial difficulties due to Iran Contra and BCCI. The Sultan of Brunei then bought Khashoggi’s megayacht named after his daughter Nabila. Donald Trump later bought the yacht and renamed it the Trump Princess. After Trump ran into financial difficulties, the yacht was bought by Citigroup angel investor prince Alwaleed bin Talal and renamed after his holding company Kingdom, his favorite number 5, and the initials of his kids K and R thus Kingdom 5KR. Dopey Alwaleed is the son of the former Saudi finance minister and likes to “play with daddy’s money” as Trump said. According to Moussaoui, one thing Alwaleed liked to invest in was 9/11. He also likes to buy stock in Fox News, Apple, and Twitter. Small world these people live in.

Blacksmith21 ago

I forgot how horrific her abuse was. Rob Reiner is a piece of shit. All of them are pieces of shit.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/corey_feldman/status/926040059605692417 :


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