DiscoPanties ago

Gary Marshall was costumed as Satan in Disney's 'Hocus Pocus'. Checks out.

3141592653 ago

Great work

Omnicopy ago

What preachers flew with Epstein on his plane—those would definitely be fake preachers. They lie so good!!!!

Omnicopy ago

Thanks, very easy to understand. These poor children!!!!!!! I've known about it for years. I saw children being sacrificed almost 40 years ago. Everybody’s experience is different.

3141592653 ago

If you ever decide to share more, that would be more than welcome here

carmencita ago

Where will this all end? They just raided Epstein’s mansion. Anything is possible. As always thank you for your tireless research and another outstanding post. And let’s not forget your courage.

darkknight111 ago

It seems as if all the attacks seem to get caused by some major finding.

Tom Steyer (familiy with known CIA ties) sends his controlled op Patrick Little to FF smear the case shortly after the date of the Rocky Road incident got discovered.

Gabe Hoffman the Gatekeeper activates to attack the case and protect Spielberg shortly after the 3rd culprit of the Rocky Road incident got ID’D

The newest wave of shills and fact checkers shortly after Tom Hanks got ID’d as a possible suspect.

EricKaliberhall ago

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