YogSoggoth ago

Brought this up before. Pinball wizard by the Who. The lyrics are not what they seem. That always made me wonder about Peter Townsends allegations.

notagame ago

Oh, hey! Good point. I think I did run across an article outlining the coded meaning. It was a long time ago, but I might try to find it.


Shizy ago

So if the Indiana Jones character is some twisted inside joke/reference to Anissa Jones, then maybe the South Park episode of Indiana Jones being raped is symbolic of Anissa being raped by these a-holes?

notagame ago

I think there were multiple meanings. Like using the Jodi Foster film. Jodi Foster film. While it was directed at what happened to Heather O'Rourke, it also included Foster allegedly being molested. The same with Deliverance. ''Deliver'' as in ''Delivery''? I'm sure thee's a reference there, but also there's Ron Howard and the red-haired banjo player in Deliverance. The backwoodsy feel. I'm sure it has something to do with being raped in those woods so was there something going on in the set used? Or were they referring to camping? Or somewhere in the woods?

And you're, unfortunately, right. Most likely that little girl Anissa was also molested by someone. It's so disgusting.

Shizy ago

It's just sad that they keep getting away with this and kids keep getting victimized!

notagame ago

Absolutely. It's horrific. It's been open season on kids for these sick, Satanic, perv monsters.

It's got to end, but the wall of silence is up. People have to come forward. Either one supersolid person that everyone will believe, or a group that bands together with proof. These are huge names they're going up against. They're icons and you know people's unwilliingness to believe anything bad about someone they admire. I had the same reticence, but for me those emails were enough for the truth to get its toe in the door and open it. Now we need the same type of thing done with this because no one is going to believe anything bad about SS or RR or even SK unless there's definitive proof. And really, for these types of crimes, there should be a high threshold of evidence. You shouldn't just be able to toss that word around and ruin people's lives and reputations so that's how unimpeachable this source and evidence needs to be. And the person and evidence is out there. It just needs to be dumped.

new4now ago

I think Ron was born into it

its said Comey likes a Howdy Doody look

as a youngster he has the look


this one could be Devil Doody


here's Mom and Dad, what is up with the infatuation these people have with a bad eye


here's Demi Moore before she had it fixed


theres more folk with the bad eye

notagame ago

Thanks for this.

The more I'm thinking about it, the more Deliverance is the perfect vehicle to pinpoint Howard. Been reading, and the old Andy Griffith show was all down home and backwoodsy. It's what the town in the movie was supposed to be, but they got raped. So most likely, Howard is allegedly a victim who grew up to be an alleged predator.

All I know is he sucks as a director, so there had to be something ... someone bolstering his career. And he has that nice guy thing going on. I've given up on using the term "nice pedophile". None of them are nice. There are more violence ones and less violent ones, but they both ruin children's lives. And Comey, I'm still wondering what happened to him that night he was held hostage.

And the eye thing ... have no idea ... none! Tooth pulling is another. Why front teeth missing? They're all so sick. I want them locked up so badly. I want their reputations destroyed by their own evil deeds being exposed, and for America to wake the hell up!!!

new4now ago

missing front teeth so they cant bite?

notagame ago

Possibly. It could be a sick sexual oral sex thing also.

I hate these pervs so much.

darkknight111 ago

South park made an episode about "Chicken Lover" WAY back in season 2 (1998) and ripped NAMBLA a new one as well.

Since you mentioned Judith Barsi...

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2648592 My investigation into this case. Also came from enty along with Heather O'Rourke. I believe I have found holes in the "murder suicide" narrative.


They didn't "rip NAMBLA a new one" - what they did was diffuse it into comedy. That's what these people do - they turn these scandals into comedy so they gain a level of acceptance. Often this is even before the public know about the scandal.

Like a couple of weeks ago, Sacha Baron Cohen was doing a skit with Dick Cheney - this only serves to normalize 9/11. We have to understand that satirists are not on our side, no matter how much they send up the infamous.

redwing14 ago

I have a question thats been on my mind. Its about tv and symbolism. In two movies/tv shows I watched "killing of a sacred deer" the girls room has the heart within the heart symbol, a hand print, and small heart stickers(this one might be nothing). In westworld, a huge tv show as we all know, in the last season one of the horses had the spiral symbol on it.

These symbols are popping up a lot. Are they for any purpose outside of pedos taunting us?

notagame ago

I think I may do a post on symbolism. Just afraid @Vindicator or some other mod is going to give me hell about it not being related to pizzagate when it is.

darkknight111 ago

When it comes to symbols, context is everything.

For example, swirls seen in Pacific Islander culture are innocent. The nazi swastica is actually a bastardization of an asian symbol known as a "manji", which represents good luck. The swastica is an inverted manji.

The "pedo" swirl is VERY specific in its design.

Shizy ago

The swastica is also said to be similar to the Basque cross.

redwing14 ago

I am not that concerned with the look of the symbol, more on why they choose to randomly insert them in westworld or killing of a sacred deer.

darkknight111 ago

In that context, its probably "them" flaunting it.

Snailracer ago

One of the meanings of a spiral symbol is a maze, at the center the "truth" is discovered. This fits well with the plot of Westworld. IMO the pedo symbols are very generic on purpose, which causes overlap of symbology.

notagame ago



carmencita ago

Why was her daughter her favorite mistake? Was it so she could sell her off? Her father always gave me the creeps. RR gives me the creeps. He has a pre-school in Parris Cal. Same town where the Turpin family lived. The number of children attending added up to a -2. Hmm. I did a post on Parris. I could not watch the little vid with Heather OR and the jukebox. I will never be able to unsee it. I had always though that I never saw a SS film until I saw a pic of Heather in Poltergeist. Then it hit me that it was the only film of his I have ever seen. That was a sick moment for me. The movie greatly affected me and now it is even worse, knowing what happened to her. I also read that SS used real cadavers in the pool scene. With people and children in the pool, shooting that scene. Vile. RIP Heather

notagame ago

Everything is creepy about the Marshall family. She's the most untalented director in the history of film and Ron Howard is right there next to her in the gutter. I avoided both of their work like the plague ... long before pizzagate.

In terms of the cadavers, you are exactly right. I remember hearing about that. The guy must be a monster. RR has to be also. Thanks for the info on Parris. Why doesn't that surprise me? And remember the child actors staying at the Reiner home? Man, must have been fun back then! Just do what you want and no one noticed. The police were obviously looking the other way. And parents ... they were willing to let their kids do anything ... all for a career and money.

It's insane, sickening, and I feel the same way. I can't think about what happened to all those great kids without getting physically ill. It's why I want the stronghold on silence to break wide open. It's also why I'm fuming about these fake Pedo whistleblowers like Isaac Kappy. Let's see ... no evidence ... name proof ... and the clock is just ticking away. All he's doing is RTing articles and collecting names of victims. I can't stand it ... I can't.

carmencita ago

I completely agree. Heather has affected me the most because she is the one that I first found out about, but all the rest, well, RIP to them too. But they deserve so much more. They Deserve Justice and the names of their rapists and sick satanist abusers named in public. Out on the Internet. In Papers, On TV. Everywhere. Finally. Once and For All.

notagame ago

YES! That's what I want. I want the idolatry over! No more false gods. No more worshipping monsters! Or evil.

Vindicator ago

Two questions: What's the date of the South Park episode? When did the O'Rourke rape theory first start making the rounds? Was Enty the first person to put this forward?


I was researching Heather at the end of 2017 and came across a forum discussing her death in 2006.


The board is based on a "conspiracy theory" that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by the current Sir Paul, who in these circles is called Faul.

I did some investigating into this and got deeper and deeper into it as 2017 progressed. What I have discovered is that the real Beatles were all killed in late June 1964 on the New Zealand leg of the world tour - the replacements (who had been doubling as The Beatles since at least October 1963) then returned to the UK to take their place.

This event is relevant to this topic because Ron Howard made Eight Days A Week - a documentary which bridged the time of the replacement. It is also pizzagate related because it is perhaps Jimmy Savile's greatest crime he was involved in.

notagame ago

The first is easier to answer:


Episode aired 8 October 2008

The second is difficult to answer. In terms of enty it's this:


Thursday, November 09, 2017 Today's Blind Items - Molesters Killed Her

Enty on CDAN was the first that I heard espouse this gang rape theory. However, I had read that her death was suspicious, but there was no pizzagate and I never even thought something that bizarre could ever happen to a child. So given that Parker and Stone were hinting at this in 2008, I'd say they were the first ones to advance the theory. She died in 1988 so it was twenty years after the fact. And I'd say Parker and Stone are the real ones that know things. How? Have no idea! But look at all the stuff they broke ... so all I can say is that enty was the first I heard talking about her death being attributable to molestation, but since SP predates that by nine years, SP gets the credit for breaking that story.

Vindicator ago

That's kind of amazing. I've never watched SP. I'm assuming they are not good guys trying out SS.

notagame ago

I'm assuming they are not good guys trying out SS.

Why are you assuming that?

No, they are good guys. They got into huge trouble for outing Scientology's/Hubbard's alleged top secret philosophy. It includes space aliens and sleeping and young minor boys. They are irreverent as hell. They were bashed for being conservatives and the lefties did their best to ruin their ratings, but the show was a solid hit despite their political leanings. The thing is -- nobody but them was woke. I sue didn't get the implications behind the SS and GL episode, but there it is ... there all of it is ... it proves that this has been going on a long while. Family Guy is another show that slid things in. I just thought they had great imaginations.

darkknight111 ago

It is the season 12 episode "The China Problem".

Dated summer 2008.

Vindicator ago

When did the rumors first start?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Those are some really well-researched connections, the thing about the jukebox is insane, I never heard that one before. Why do you think the image kept cropping up, where they blackmailing each other? Flaunting it? Fruckers.

I've got another one. Enty just had a blind where people are guessing SS and Anissa Jones, the little girl who played Buffy on A Family Affair. Anissa died of a "drug overdose" and her brother did as well, around a decade later. A weird thing is that Spielberg met with George Lucas shortly after she died. Lucas supposedly showed SS the story about his character "Indiana Smith" and SS didn't like the name, suggested it be changed to "Indiana Jones." Anissa Jones. Who was from Indiana.


Effed up. Anissa, Heather, Drew, Judith Barsi, Ariana Richards - all have been subjects of the SS blinds, all similar looking, 3 of them are dead.

notagame ago

Added this to the OP. Feel it's important. Thanks.

notagame ago

That's a brilliant catch! So even using Indiana Jones had a meaning.

This is has got to stop! Somebody has to blow the whistle on these guys ... and the entire sick cabal. This is literally turning my stomach to think of kids being tortured this way, but these pervs are only worried about their own careers and reputations. Well, you know what? It's time you paid for what you did. Lord, I hope someone steps forward ...

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

yw, it's all good. I've been meaning to make a thread listing all the ped0 stuff in SS movies. Very blatant.

3141592653 ago

Do it!

notagame ago

He's really got to be a monster.

I remember reading how he's ruined actresses' lives because they didn't say he was the best director and the nicest, kindest man in the world. They were blacklisted for saying he was difficult. I mean, what? If he does that to adult women, you can imagine what he does to children. It's probably why alleged to be attracted to children because children do not have the coping mechanisms to fight back. Must be nice to be an ogre everyone fears.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

He is a monster. I'll give you one blatant example of how he humiliated Ariana in Jurassic Park. At first, her character doesn't want to pet the Brachiosaurus, but she's encouraged to do it when Sam Neill and the boy basically call her ignorant. In other words, they groom her into petting it. "Can I touch it?" she says. Vile. What does it do? It sneezes splooges all over her face. Queue the shot of the young girl in shock, covered in "snot." The dino is just a huge animatronic phallus, just look at its neck. So SS put a CP money shot right in the middle of Jurassic Park. (and plenty more where that came from).

3141592653 ago

Ughh thats just horrid

notagame ago

You're absolutely right. She's humiliated into doing it, and then humiliated by doing what they want.

Win-win for the monsters. They are scum.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=YVCIoNXNYSU :

Happy Days Hello, Pfister#3 - YouTube

https://archive.fo/jnsJ5 :

Penny Marshall’s Favorite Mistake: Getting Pregnant at 19

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