3141592653 ago

Thanks again for your good work. This is a very important topic. I did want to say-- I saw poltergeist 3 when it came out, and she always looked odd/sick/on some sort or medication, to me. The kind that causes those "moon cheeks." Bless her soul.

Lansing-Michigan ago

prednisone causes moon cheeks.Drug of choice for inflammation.

3141592653 ago

Yes. Thanks

carmencita ago

Didn’t notice moon cheeks. Because I saw the first one. Totally unaware of what I would see. I had nightmares. I never knew SS was involved til I came here. I blocked the movie out of my mind til these posts. I was so glad I never saw one of his movies. I never liked him. He gave me the creeps. I found out why. RIP Heather RIP Judith

3141592653 ago

It's just in part 3 that she has what even she called "chipmunk cheeks" from the medication she was on. She did Not look like herself in part 3. I remember being disturbed by it. I had a classmate when I was In Jr high who temporarily got "moon face" from the medication she was taking.

carmencita ago

That must have been hard to look at her being a Child and all. In those days we wouldn’t think about what we know today. So sad that she had to suffer like that and afraid to speak out.

tokui ago

She could've said something, the dummy.

carmencita ago

Say What? You’ve got to be kidding. A Child stand up to big moguls and Steven S and parents that were reaping the benefits of her work - I think not. @3141592653

3141592653 ago

These asinine and heartless comments lately are disturbing

Vindicator ago

I think that is the idea: distract, disrupt, demoralize. It's so nice to have a downvote button. I constantly find myself on Twitter wanting to downvote stuff, and then I remember I'm not on Voat. :-)

3141592653 ago

You are right, thanks. And yes thank goodness for the down vote button.

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago


derram ago

https://archive.ph/wip/yT7fd :

belleauskye3 on Twitter: "Did Heather O'Rourke die of sepsis and cardiac arrest? Absolutely...but what caused it is what [they] think we are foolish enough to believe...My 25yrs as an RN in NICU, Pediatrics, and ICU know EXACTLY what happened to create systemic sepsis and multi-organ failure👇… t.co/xhZxXpNjYN"

https://archive.ph/wip/AGIcf :

belleauskye3 on Twitter: "This is pic of her on the set of Poltergeist III and she does not appear ill...It is noted that she started developing Crohn's or irritable bowel symptoms which can cause bloating and pale tone...This is also a symptom of sexual abuse via the rectum. Another thing is👇… t.co/GAfnIL1b6u"

https://archive.ph/wip/pEDWB :

Louder Than Love (AKA Total Disclosure) on Twitter: "Gabe Hoffman from an Open Secret is gloating his lawyers got my Patreon deplatformed. He threatened w/lawsuits for MONTHS, f he had any recourse he would've already. Newsflash Gabe, everything is being republished on my website & there's nothing you can do about it. Sue me!… t.co/Vue3f95y3o"

https://archive.ph/wip/2QzuY :

Louder Than Love (AKA Total Disclosure) on Twitter: "RIGHT TO RISE USA ($$$ for Jeb Bush & Mitt Romney) lead by Gabe Hoffman's next-door neighbor Al Hoffman Jr. (who he claims met only once) & Chris Cline (deceased, King Coal, next-door neighbor too). Turns out Leslie Wexner is here too, there's your MEGA group/Epstein link Babe.… t.co/QdbvQPGXxh"

https://archive.ph/wip/fmvDi :

Louder Than Love (AKA Total Disclosure) on Twitter: "24. It gets dicier, Klum was also close w/Tom Hanks & wife Rita Wilson, Rita is Toni Cornell's godmother & the couple is seen partying with Geffen at his yacht constantly. Brad Pitt was Geffen's boy toy when he first arrived in Hollywood, that's why he was pushed by the mogul… t.co/ZdVHjdiprl"

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