Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Holy shit OP, you’re doing God’s work

Angelis_Solaris ago

Can someone prepare a printable version of this? I would but don't have time at the moment. I think it would be good to have this all on paper.

Vindicator ago

Unfortunately, I now have to give this submission the "Potential Security Risk" flair, Slime, since you admitted you are collecting the IP addresses of those who visit your site and cross-comparing them with databases of leaked personal information posted by hackers as described in your own words:

So, if a person who visited my site from /v/pizzagate has the same OS, Device, etc, also has the same listed in the credentials of the first attacks, we can further narrow down the list of likely suspects. It appears started with their basic probes on their home PC, then switched to remote attacks when they turned up nothing.

Personally, I don't make any attempt to track. This is Google doing this to you. I could implement a much more detailed tracking of visitors, if I wanted to, but I really don't want to do that to people. Whoever scanned my site probably noticed that I don't really have any kind of back end and likely thought that my knowledge was limited, rather than just trying to keep it simple and safe.

My next step is to confirm any location data I can find from people who came to my site. That merely means running all of your usernames through my database which is huge.

People need to know that if they visit your site, they are exposing themselves to surveillance.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/8chan comment by @17728976.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/thewebofslime comment by @Vindicator.

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scottbear ago

Just when you think you have a grasp of how far this depravity goes, something else springs up. I didn't know anything about that Zambia meat website, jesus christ that is a horrific rabbit hole I wish I didn't go down, pictures of a young girl having her breasts filleted off, it was horrific.

One of the most disturbing finds I came across was the British Courts "Trial judges report" of Ian Watkins the convicted pedophile of Lost Prophets. It goes into detail of the horrors he put his victims through in truly disturbing details, every act described and written in black and white, I had to stop reading, it disgusted me even to this day.

People actually wrote letters of good character to support this beast.

WARNING EXPLICIT DETAILS NSFW https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/JCO/Documents/Judgments/r-v-watkins-and-others.pdf

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/thewebofslime comment by @Vindicator.

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Vindicator ago

Since you elected to continue including fake news sources in among your 88 links, Slime, I'm going to leave this up on the board with a "Possible Disinfo" flair so folks know to proceed with caution.

followthemoney ago

It looks fixed. ;)

Vindicator ago

Yeah, he finally came back and took some of the fake news sites out. Unfortunately, he has also admitted to capturing Voat users' IP addresses and cross referencing them with hacked site data, so I have to give this a "Potential Security Risk" flair. He doesn't seem to understand Voat at all.

thewebofslime ago

I literally haven't had time to do an edit, today.

Ps37-27 ago

Maybe I am late to the show on this one but, in regards to Jerry Sandusky how do we know his wife is innocent? She is was certainly ‘unaware’ of what was going on in her basement. Has she been let off the hook?

thewebofslime ago

I assume his case was operated as a limited hangout to let others go free.

maggiethatcher ago

This question will only be answered if Q were to, say, post John Podesta's travel info from May 2007.

They have it all. Perhaps a leak of this might be a bone we could chew on.

thewebofslime ago

John Podesta had other channels of communication. The gmail leak was very selective.

maggiethatcher ago

Indeed. But where was he early May 2007? We can't prove this information but Mil Int could

SearchVoatBot ago

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c1Anon ago

You're awesome. I had just finished archiving a bunch of PG stuff today from the other sub, and will now have a new batch of things for tomorrow.

ThanQ dear Anon!!


Thank you for this awesome thread. Here's something no one has looked at. Whenever R.C. Instagram was still public I saw one of her friends with a hat that said NEW WAVE. So I looked it up and found NEW-WAVE RADIO. From there I found CHILLIN ISLAND. You have got to see this. They have videos called CHILLIN MINIS. They are very short videos referencing cannibalism. These people are sick. Sick as in I'll sic my dog on you, to give chase, to hunt. Killin Children Island.






thewebofslime ago



It truly is magnificent.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Joe10jo ago

Thanks for the effort! This is awesome! I’ll def use bits n pieces for my pizzapilling! Thank you!

070978098098 ago

Wow I entered this thread thinking "Yep, I already know all this..." Casually scrolling through, "yep, yep, yep, nothing new he... "cannibal hangout" ... on the clearweb? Wat...

ZambianMeat, just the list of Registered users you KNOW every single one of these people is fucked in the head... user names like "Rubberapron"

zyklon_b ago

q and trump are pedos

thewebofslime ago

Let's see the evidence. What have you put together?

zyklon_b ago

acosta and epstein. stormy daniels plus a playboy model. 19 women have accused him of rape.

sued by 13 year olf for rape....

thewebofslime ago

The 13 year old was able to describe Epstein's penis ("egg-shaped') but not Trump's. I read the court documents and even watched the depositions.

Stormy Daniels is not credible, also, a self-proclaimed cultist. Also, not underaged. Why would an elite pedo pay a grown woman for sex? Seems like a contradictory premise.

Many women accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape. That is not a good standard of evidence.

I'm not saying you are 100% wrong, but the information you are using does not come close to meeting the standard of evidence of my post.

However, I am totally open to having that discussion. I know it isn't a popular idea. But, if you have a theory that Trump is somehow controlled opposition, I would read it. I would prefer something a little more comprehensive. But I'm an open-minded person who won't get triggered by contrary ideas to what I present.

zyklon_b ago

If you cannot admit that Trump is a kike and was just a distraction to try and stop revolution then cannot help

thewebofslime ago

Again, I would just like to see a reasoned argument.

I can make all kinds of claims. The current situation is a faction war between Kissinger and his old rival George Tenet. Kissinger backs Trump. Tenet backed Clinton. the US has always been a psyop, when the Crown decided all colonies would be better tax farms if they believed they were autonomous and western intelligence carries on this tradition today.

But, if I said that, wouldn't you want to see how I came to those conclusions?

zyklon_b ago

No person has that many claims made against him is all i am saying.

RussKurtell ago

I mean he just gave you an example.

Also, you don't know who Q is but you are claiming he is a Pedo.

Fuck off. Your logic and arguments are a waste of all of our time.

thewebofslime ago

Like Brett Kavanaugh, you mean?

I've been the subject of a lot of false accusations that I spent years in court fixing. I won. You aren't going to convince me that accusations are proof of anything. I've seen very elaborate false accusations in my own personal life; so I know that what you see on TV is the tip of the iceberg.

Cersei_baratheon ago

All you have to do is show someone the paintings and other artwork the podestas own and they’ll bite. Just don’t tell them who owns that stuff until after they agree pizzagate is real.

think- ago

All you have to do is show someone the paintings and other artwork the podestas own and they’ll bite. Just don’t tell them who owns that stuff until after they agree pizzagate is real.

Yep. One of my favourite ways to redpill. I let people do a google image search for 'Tony Podesta art', and then explain that until today none of the Dems took issue with that art collection, but they went there and had a good time.

thewebofslime ago

Same with the Paul VI Audience hall.

If you show them the snake headed building and the baphomet statue, they see it.

If you start by saying it is Catholic, they can't see it. It is a great confirmation bias test.

MuckeyDuck ago

That's one big totality!

Pablolove ago

All this information is great but in reality what can the ordinary citizen realistically do about it when u consider the power these people have? Only God can and will stop them. Of that I'm 100% sure. (1john 5v19)(proverbs 2v20-22)

think- ago

All this information is great but in reality what can the ordinary citizen realistically do about it when u consider the power these people have?

Ten years ago, people said the same about the pedos in the Catholic Church. Survivors hardly dared to talk about what happened to them, priests got away with it almost always. Most people didn't believe survivors.

And look where we are now. Most people believe survivors, and see sexual abuse as a huge problem the Church has. And that Archbishops, Cardinals and the Pope are guilty of covering up severe crimes.

What we can do as ordinary citizens? Redpill other ordinary citizens. Demand change of laws. Not let judges get away with lenient sentences. Do research, and post it here.

There's so much everybody can do. Never give up.

RussKurtell ago

There are many things that can be done to stop them over time. Just like they systematically gain control over centuries, changing lifestyle habits and cultural and social norms can take power back.

  1. Stop giving them your money. Debt is one of their greatest weapons. Mortgages were designed to steal a large % of you total accumulated wealth over the course of your life,(healthcare will take the rest when you are old, this is by design). Never carry credit card debt. Simply don't do business with the large banks. Go do it with a local credit union.

If you already have a mortgage, pay down as much principle as possible. Paying down even a tiny bit of principle greatly reduced the amount of interest.

  1. Get away from your vices. Alcohol, cigarettes, porno, all designed to degrade your mind and body. Not to mention steal your money and waste your time.

  2. You MUST leave Hollywood behind. This is more important than people realize. It warps your reality, and steals your time, money and attention. Stop spending hours a day on Netflix & video games. Obviously, leave all mainstream media behind.

  3. GET OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA. It's turns you petty. It forces you to extend the status comparing bullshit(something you should leave behind in high school), infinitely into adulthood. It exposed your data. It's exposed your family and kids if you have them. It gives them information. It wastes your time. Delete it, and never look back.

  4. Don't fall for the Hegelian dialectic. They control both sides of the narrative. They intentionally pit groups against each other. Don't allow hatred to enter your heart based off of their lies about another group.

  5. Get active. We must abolish the Federal Reserve, Social Security, and Income Tax. Start bringing these points back into the narrative. Don't let them convince you these are "radical ideas". You can start with your local politicians. Learn who they are. Look through their family history. See what interests they represent. Where did they get their money? Are they actually from your area?(Meaning they know your problems and actually care) or are they imported elites? (This is common) You must realize the parties are a lie. Voting "R" or "D" has ensured no one actually knows anything about the candidates. Therefore, primaries are actually important. Stop re-electing corrupt incumbents.

  6. Don't be dead weight. Get your ass to the gym. Learn something new every once in a while. They have to make people dependent to tighten their grip. Become a self learner.

thewebofslime ago

I know it's a lot, but if you read it, you will see that I have very specific advice on what to do.

God helps those who help themselves, friend.





trseeker ago

I discovered Qanon long after discovering the world was run by Satanists. So for me, this entire subject (Pizzagate, etc.) falls into the category of potential "confirmation bias." Seeing the rest of the world catch up seems almost too good to be true.

For the entirety of this uncovering (apocalypse) I have been thinking; Thessalonians 5:3-7 "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

truthToTheMob ago

i discovered pizzagate with no other exposure to this sort of "conspiracy". Blew my mind, and when I mentioned it to my friend who was into all this..he just laughed like "bro...you dont know the half of it". As mind blowing as p/gate was...he was right

SearchVoatBot ago

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ShaneE11183386 ago

I'm scared shitless to even start combing through this, but I will do it. For the children and for my 2 little ones. Wish me luck for I will not come out the same person I am now..

ShaneE11183386 ago

Always do brother. I will watch it soon. Thought it was only 4 min... lol

Brief rundown in 120 characters or less? So I know what I'm diving into

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its worse than you think.

think- ago

I don't agree with you that the investigation is over. I think we only just started. It is important to point out who is a pedo. It might be not so much necessary for those 'in the know', but it is important for the sake of justice, and also for redpilling normies.

I am referring to the UK, and the investigations into historic sexual abuse. Boris Johnson, who would like to become May's successor as a PM, said two weeks a go these were a waste of money. And only three weeks ago, it turned out he himself had a skeleton in his closet - the former GCHQ head, who was busted supporting a pedophile priest in court. And you can bet there are many, many more skeletons in his closet. That he would like to suppress these investigations (which are flawed of course, but still....) is a dead giveaway that these hit a nerve.

The recent revelations in the UK vindicated victims who have accused perps for ages. It enables their healing.

I can see where you're coming from though, and agree that it might be good to approach more journalists and potential political white hats.

thewebofslime ago

I consider Pizzagate to be proven; the nexus around Comet Ping Pong. Sure, there is a lot more to uncover, but there is no need to wait to start pushing for truth because it will expose a lot of other corruption way beyond just pedophilia.

Are_we_sure ago

Proven? You haven't identified a single crime. How can this giant sprawling conspiracy be proven?

No one can even articulate probable cause for a crime involving Comet Ping Pong.

Yes, it is proven. I agree. But to me, 'pizzagate' has always meant much more than the network around JA and CPP.

think- ago

No one can even articulate probable cause for a crime involving Comet Ping Pong.

Hahaha. Thanks for always being so amusing, AWS. :-P

Are_we_sure ago

Give it a shot.

No one has been able to actually do it.

mrohm ago

Sure they have, Kamil. Repeatedly.

thewebofslime ago

I even included a link to some of the laws broken, a lot of the crimes are listed in older posts also listed. Would you like me to be specific? Or would you like another chance to review the citations and evidence?

Are_we_sure ago

Specific would be helpful. I'm not going through the whole gish gallop again.

thewebofslime ago

There have already been convictions. Are you not aware? The very first part includes the known pedophiles.

Are_we__sure ago

Do inform me. I think you are probably expanding "pizzagate beyond recognition, but do inform me.

thewebofslime ago

I consider PGate to be the social circle around 4 people: Brock Alefantis Podestas. We have known pedophiles in their circle end of story. Crimes. Victims. COnvictions.

I do not eschew other people's definitions, but I do consider a lot of the rest to be "Pedogate."

However, these rings are allowed to operate in a greater ecosystem of corruption, which is managed like a reality TV show using the Art of the Limited Hangout.

That's how I see it.

Are_we_sure ago

I consider PGate to be the social circle around 4 people: Brock Alefantis Podestas. We have known pedophiles in their circle end of story.

That's a reasonable scope of PGate, but who exactly are you talking about. Specifics.

thewebofslime ago

Asking the right questions. I have always contested that the list should be stickied or sidebarred on /v/pizzagate

Dennis Hastert.

Anthony Weiner.

Jeffrey Epstein

Christopher Kloman.

Richard Harding.

Laura Silsby (human trafficking)

Terry Bean.

There are more, that's just off the top of my head.

Are_we_sure ago

dammit, my long reply was lost

You basically engaging in lengthy guilt by association exercise and a retroactive fallacy. In most cases, you are talking about association before crimes were known and the retroactively portraying that knowledge backwards to make it look like the crime was openly known for the entire relationship. There's no evidence for this.


Dennis Hastert obviously has many more connections to Republicans than Democrats. He was one of the leaders of the impeachment of President Clinton. The current Vice President said "Hastert is a man of integrity who has led our conference honorably" and that Pence should not resign over the Mark Foley scandal.

Hastert's crimes occurred when he taught and coached High School in Yorkville, Illinois. How do you expect the Podestas or Mike Pence to know that Hastert was a Pedophile? How would they have known his secrets from decades before he got to Washington DC?


Jeffrey Epstein


We know that Weiner previously was caught messing with Women. The previous scandal involved a 40 year old divorcee. We also known he was massively insecure. In this case he didn't go out looking for a teenager, she got in touch with him. She told him she was a big fan and wanted to write a book on him.......think about that for a moment......She was a big fan of a guy who was best known for being disgraced and forced out of politics? Make no mistake he is guilty, but she later went on Inside Edition and admitted she was glad she disrupted Clinton's presidency. Just like she reached out to him first, she later reached out Sydney Leathers, the woman who first exposed Weiner, not the cops. She asked Leathers how she could make money off this.

still editing.....

c1Anon ago

Do you happen to know of a way to prove they found CPP server nastiness, for someone who isn't buying the CPP story but is a coder & may be more swayable if there were a video or something from the people who hacked the server discussing that aspect? So far that may my best way in with this person.

Are_we_sure ago

I have no idea why people believe the first hacker's story.

It's several levels of fucking ridiculous.

thewebofslime ago

The shot computer was a sleight of hand operation. If I recall, CPP wasn't even hosted at the store. At least a few hundred people got it after someone posted XHydra instructions on how to get on the server on endchan. I think they buried it with a fake leak of like 32 GB that got memory holed. I had a lot more pictures, but I foolishly took the advice to "stop using imgur" and used sli.mg, instead. You can see how that worked out.

Point being, I doubt there was anything on the computer. It was a magic trick.

c1Anon ago

Oh how frustrating!!

So at some point they really did get into the offsite server to find the weird shit about month old pizzas, etc that I've seen screenshots of? That was real?

think- ago

The stuff about the months old pizzas wasn't real IIRC. Allegedly, there were two hacks into this computer: One by a guy called Bigfish, who seems to have been legit, then another (fake) hack by somebody else.

They did the second (allged) hack to distract from the legit Bigfish hack.


c1Anon ago

Very helpful, TY. There's still a ton of stuff from early on that I missed, and i'm pretty sure this is the interview I kept trying to hear but it was always getting taken down.

think- ago

Have you seen the Executive Summary of Pizzagate in the sidebar? It was written by former mod Millennial_Falcon, and has very detailed info about some of the early findings.


c1Anon ago

Yes, TY! I just saved that the other day offline via the source method described. Then I went through & made aaall the links hot and fixed spacing for easy printing & electronic sharing with loved ones & anyone else. I've been doing that (source) trick for other threads as well. I want it all archived to a few offline devices and some even printed. Same goes for the video you shared, which i just watched. I want an easy way to share info if things start going sideways. It's a superb compilation, and ideally I'll even embed the pics into the document. That way I have an almost 100% sharable document no matter what goes down. Hell, i could screenprint/screenshot the archive pages in case THAT goes down.

thewebofslime ago

Unless someone played a really good trick, it was real. I followed the instructions.

c1Anon ago

Wow. Omg. Horrible.

Thanks. Stay safe, and take care. I'll save that stuff you posted on an external tomorrow.

think- ago

I consider Pizzagate to be proven; the nexus around Comet Ping Pong.

Yes, it is proven. I agree. But to me, 'pizzagate' has always meant much more than the network around JA and CPP.

And even of this network we only got a glimpse so far.

thewebofslime ago

True. Ultimately, my point is that we shouldn't have to investigate any further to justify pressuring the authorities to do their job. I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone stop researching; mainly stating that there is no reason people shouldn't feel comfortable confronting this issue because the facts are plenty to feel confident.

think- ago

I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone stop researching; mainly stating that there is no reason people shouldn't feel comfortable confronting this issue because the facts are plenty to feel confident.

Ok, thanks for clariying, @thewebofslime.

Ultimately, my point is that we shouldn't have to investigate any further to justify pressuring the authorities to do their job.

It's true that we shouldn't have to investigate further. But let's be realistic: we will have to do it, because otherwise no one else will do it. I'm very sceptical when it comes to rely on authorities doing their job.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

4ch - https://archive.is/J6CYe and https://archive.is/JuVa7

8ch - https://archive.is/lQ5I5

images - https://archive.is/IhU0f and https://archive.is/0jTgo and https://archive.is/s5cHP and https://archive.is/Hduws and https://archive.is/qX7dl and https://archive.fo/UkxfD and https://archive.fo/vH6nS and https://archive.fo/Jpbkw and https://archive.fo/XHIpS and https://archive.fo/10Qgh and https://archive.fo/KRhJ6 and https://archive.fo/RysGf and https://archive.is/5kuuk and https://archive.is/4qjhg and https://web.archive.org/web/20190327140045/https://imgur.com/f3eM1Hr and https://web.archive.org/web/20190318213243/https://imgur.com/ynnCE2x

webofslime - https://archive.is/ixM2T and https://archive.is/OoIa4 and https://archive.is/ZOv2y

eddit - https://archive.is/Vhyjb

steemit - https://archive.is/TWad8 and https://archive.is/O932E

twit - https://archive.is/hjVln

nytimes - https://archive.is/Pm6jh and https://archive.is/X4FLh and https://archive.is/w5qoO and https://archive.is/vrMkK and https://archive.is/LD3wV

chitrib - https://archive.is/QlcQY

theguardian - https://archive.is/o6LIa

ra-info - https://archive.is/pJpEb

express - https://archive.is/rQIHb

theatlantic - https://archive.is/voMwY

zambianmeat - https://archive.is/lp7j0

wiki - https://archive.is/r1u3z and https://archive.is/Bpr9O

wsj - https://archive.is/kwwLN

thehill - https://archive.fo/970A3

gatewaypundit - https://archive.is/imDaE

cnn - https://archive.is/peiC7

wikileaks - https://archive.is/lf3FG

conservapedia - https://archive.is/w01T7

vetranstoday - https://archive.is/H02n5 and https://archive.is/H02n5

freedom - https://archive.is/8mNLz

justia - https://archive.is/aw4AB

courtjester1111 ago

Hi. Good research. Read the Links. Thank You. At Post 03/26/19(Tue)05:43:20 No.207820336 It mentions "Carisjame" I think its slang for this?!? https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-8625/carisoprodol-oral/details It works by helping to relax the muscles. Didn't Alefantis have a Friend who had a Farm? I think he was a Veterinarian? TY.

thewebofslime ago

I'll look more into that. ty.

courtjester1111 ago

Title Here

NP Fren. You are doing good. Picture has the words James and Farm. That was my Basis.

thewebofslime ago

I've always felt like the name Caris James is a double or even triple entendre. An inside joke.

courtjester1111 ago

That's what I thought. It was the reading of the conversation that caught My attention. The context of it, as if there. Kinda like matching both the texts and pictures together. I could be wrong?!?

thewebofslime ago

Relaxing soft muscle tissue through chemistry is a strategy employed for improving anal sex. https://webofslime.com/img/media/image68.jpg

courtjester1111 ago

Nailed it. Doesn't bear thinking about. Jesus Wept.

think- ago

Caris James is the daughter of James Alefantis' friend Scott Cummings.

courtjester1111 ago

Got it. Thanks Fren.

Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime, I'm surprised @think- recommended you post in this manner. Our third submission rule requires brief descriptions of each link:

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

Also, I notice you have several links to Veterans Today, which is a fake news site that we always flair "Possible Disinfo". You may want to skip those references.

I'll give you the 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit.

thewebofslime ago

My first problem is that I am out of characters to include in the post. I would have included a lot more links and summaries if I had more room. I used a scraper to scrape all the links off of the articles, which are explained in the images of text and are explained on my site, which is broken down into images... though it is just easier to visit my site. I then moved the scraped links down to the bottom of the post and, essentially, they are already explained multiple times in the Chan posts, on the site, and on the captured images from the site. Essentially, there are three presentations of exactly the same information which adds up to about 200 pages of content (if you printed it out.)

These links would require a short sentence as an intro/summary. Just a brief intro what each chan discussion thread is about.

4Chan Part 1: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/207818214

4Chan Part 2: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/207807866

8chan: https://8ch.net/pol/res/13024681.html

I was hoping that this explanation was enough:

"It's all the same stuff that I've got in a lot of places."

"It is a lot of information that, ultimately, is ancillary to Pizzagate, but lends to the overwhelming amount of evidence that proves protected political pedophilia is true beyond a reasonable doubt and that the characters surrounding Comet Ping Pong are involved. This is probably the longest post in the history of the sub, and, in order to fit it all in the character count, with sources in links, I have imaged the content. RIP mobile."

Is there another explanation you would suggest? If so, I am probably going to have to start reworking a lot of it, because I will have to pull more text out in an image and link to the image.

You see why I have never really trusted the format. It's like trying to prove Pizzagate on Twitter. It is seemingly designed to prevent great posts. In fact, I had the most upvoted summary of Pizzagate, two years ago, but they chose Millenial Falcon's because I started by explaining Uranium One.

2) https://i.imgur.com/swKX2AO.pngPNG

I guess that can stay as is, since it is a meme.

I have no problem removing it altogether.

3) Introduction: https://files.catbox.moe/ezwhwh.pngPNG

Proof that Trump is 'living two lives'?

I am reasonably prepared to address that. Trump's strategies are not a secret, really. He used the Art of War as the premise for Art of the Deal and he sticks to the core concepts of these books. Given his career in reality TV, he is already well practiced at having a private life and a public life. If this is necessary. I can address it, but it will be a lot of work .

Imo it would be good to link to some explanation what the Skolkovo project and the Gulftainer deal are. Unless you have explained it in the three links of you webofslime sub, but I get 'whoops not found' error messages for these.

They are explained in great detail in the Chan links, the site and the images of the site. The truth is that the Gulftainer deal, the Uranium One deal and the Skolkovo project are all compartments of the same scam that George Tenet has to have signed off on.

Interesting about the /v/webofslime links.




If it is a persistent problem, I can replace them with the archive links.

I think you would need to add your footnote no. 8 (about the costs of buying a vote on Reddit).

It is included in the text, the menu is from upvotes dot club which is hard banned on Voat. As a result, the image is included in the various versions of the texts.

I also had to leave out quite a few other hard banned links, even to my own articles from 2016 that show I have been right since day 1.

4) The Art of the Limited Hang Out Part I: https://files.catbox.moe/0nyhv4.png

Same problem as above: Footnotes that would back up your info, and explain where you got the pics from are not visible.

The links from the articles are all scraped and included and the explanation are in the imaged texts. My articles are like 100 pages. I can't imagine they need more explanation relative to every other post in Pizzagate.

I'd suggest to directly link to your website, like you do with the info below.



This would solve the footnote problem.

Those are, indeed, included and I made the text big to draw attention. I might be misunderstanding what you are saying. Do I have it right?

These links would require a short description:

Slime: https://i.imgur.com/DgRLpJa.jpgJPG JPG · 1788 x 1006 Open

Slime: https://i.imgur.com/OAYvUcN.pngPNG PNG · 1012 x 247 Open

Slime: https://i.imgur.com/f3eM1Hr.jpgJPG

Slime: https://i.imgur.com/ynnCE2x.pngPNG

...and if possible, a link to the original site where you got them from.

I explain in the Introduction what they are. They came from me. I made them in paint.net. "Slime Spells."

If you have a Veterans Today link, the post might get flaired the post 'Possible Disinfo'.

I use other articles to back up what it is saying and the primary purpose was to highlight the arrest of one particular individual. I actually didn't include this specific information to spoon feed people because it rapidly becomes a wild tangent. But take notice about the Executive Order that was just past about EMP. I feel these stories are related. But, again, I only have so many characters to work with. I just didn't want to distract too much, but it is there for people who have been paying attention. All media is limited hangout. They are going to put fake stuff in with real stuff to discredit what they hate the most. It is up to researchers to verify which assertions are which.

My target audience is smart people. I gave up on trying to communicate with stupid people unless I am trying to figure out if they are a shill or not.

I make actual money by spotting what shills are promoting or hating on and it doesn't have to have anything to do with politics. I watch a lot of subjects and attempt to measure their impressions. Politics is a hobby, anti-shilling has made me... not rich... but pretty well off.

Rest looks fine to me.

Thanks for looking it over.



Vindicator ago

The chan links need one sentence summaries. The community made this rule because the folks here have seen too many time wasting BS links. They don't want to click blindly, and they don't want to waste their time with stuff they already know. They made the rule, not me.

Despite what I present here, know that this is a tiny fraction of the evidence. We don't need anymore to justify demanding action from government. Stop falling for the gas lighting. Save some kids. Their lives are in your hands.

Useless self-aggrandizement. Delete to make room for link descriptions.

The shills have focused on minutiae. The entire propaganda machine wants you to focus on unimportant straw men arguments in order to ignore the totality of the evidence. Apparently, it is a good Jedi mind trick, because it has worked for two years.

Detriment to the submission; remove to free up space. This is literally a thread loaded with multiple piles of minutia, with no explanation of what they are, how they connect to each other or why they are relevant. It's what's called a "dump".

If you persistently push this information out, you will force the establishment to react. I've seen plenty of people in mainstream media selectively use my stuff. I am reaching people. You can to. Make it mainstream.

Unsourced claim; needs linked support. Otherwise, delete.

Stop falling for the gas lighting. Save some kids. Their lives are in your hands.

Need evidence of pizzagate researchers "falling for the gaslighting".

Massive list of links, almost all to multiple sites you control:

This is a violation of Voat's anti-Spam rules. See the User Agreement FAQ:

Submitting only links to sites you operate (or are associated with), without submitting other, unrelated links, is considered spamming. If you submit niche content (for example gaming videos from your own YouTube channel), you should create your own subverse and submit the content only to that subverse. If majority of the links you submit are to sites you are associated with, your domains may be globally banned from Voat. To be on the safe side, if you submit 10 links to various subverses on Voat, at most 5 of the 10 submitted links may be to the sites you are associated with.

I only have so many characters to work with.

Yes. Voat does that by design -- so submitters have to work with a focused thesis and not swamp readers with massive, baffle-with-bullshit posts. That's how we do things, here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/realProtectVoat submission by @thewebofslime.

Posted automatically (#31478) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @thewebofslime.

Posted automatically (#31398) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

thewebofslime ago

Useless self-aggrandizing baffle with bullshit. Got it.

If majority of the links you submit are to sites you are associated with, your domains may be globally banned from Voat. To be on the safe side, if you submit 10 links to various subverses on Voat, at most 5 of the 10 submitted links may be to the sites you are associated with.

I'm not sure you're reading that right.

Linkposts aren't allowed in /v/Pizzagate.

Fortunately for me, the number of links I have submitted to my site are a fraction of a percent of the total links I've posted.

Do you see how your reading and citation of that rule in this circumstance might be affected by your bias against me? Take a closer look at it.

You have a place called "Pizzagate." I really hope that this the place to reach people about Pizzagate and that we can talk about Pizzagate and the surrounding circumstances.

I can see that your feelings are hurt. I hope that is because you feel the pressure I am applying to get the word out about Pizzagate and you and I have a great opportunity to work together to create something presentable and readable, professional, academic... but balanced with a way to easily digest information that always causes an emotional response in people.

I legit don't understand why my posts always get treated like Molotov cocktails. And when I try to work it out, I usually just get insulted. 100% of the time.

I would like, at some point, to produce something nice, so there is a neutral ground for people to come to to talk about Pizzagate. Then, I would like as many people as possible to see it. Wouldn't it be great if there was a nice, concise summary posted that didn't pick sides and looked at the matter objectively?

Why not have a spreadsheet of Pizzagate articles and evidence in the side bar? Essentially, you've got off-topic stuff, there.

I really want to believe this subverse isn't manipulated, but I keep running into walls.

I'm literally just looking for the best way to prevent the facts. I try in a lot of different ways because the better it gets, the more censorship I face, to the point where I had to make my own website. There I don't have to worry about post length and I have thousands of sources. So, totally, I will take constructive criticism on the best way to present the facts. Do you feel like that's what you've done. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, right now.

I am a creative problem solver. I want to do good in this world. The problem that I am trying to solve, is to raise awareness of the facts surrounding Pizzagate, which does not exist in a vacuum... it is connected to a lot of other corruption.

I'll attempt to fix the article. I hope you can demonstrate to everyone who is watching, right now, that you have an honest agenda to promote the truth about high level corruption. Are you with me?

think- ago

I was hoping that this explanation was enough:

"It's all the same stuff that I've got in a lot of places."

"It is a lot of information that, ultimately, is ancillary to Pizzagate, but lends to the overwhelming amount of evidence that proves protected political pedophilia is true beyond a reasonable doubt and that the characters surrounding Comet Ping Pong are involved. This is probably the longest post in the history of the sub, and, in order to fit it all in the character count, with sources in links, I have imaged the content. RIP mobile."

You would need to ask @Vindicator. It's his decision.

I was thinking of maybe just write one sentence as a short link description.

Like this:

1) 4Chan Part 1: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/207818214

A short run-down of the circle of James Alefantis, his ex-partner David Brock, and some of their pedo friends and connections.

2) http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/207807866

A discussion about Robert Mueller, his role in Uranium One deal and the Jeffrey Epstein case and some of his other botched investigations that show that beg the question: Is he a limited hangout?

3) 8chan: https://8ch.net/pol/res/13024681.html

Another thread about Robert Mueller, his role in the Uranium One deal and other cases.

2) [https://i.imgur.com/swKX2AO.pngPNG](https://i.imgur.com/swKX2AO.pngPNG)

I guess that can stay as is, since it is a meme.

I have no problem removing it altogether.


Proof that Trump is 'living two lives'?

I am reasonably prepared to address that. Trump's strategies are not a secret, really. He used the Art of War as the premise for Art of the Deal and he sticks to the core concepts of these books. Given his career in reality TV, he is already well practiced at having a private life and a public life. If this is necessary. I can address it, but it will be a lot of work .

@Vindicator would need to decide this. To me it's fine.

They are explained in great detail in the Chan links, the site and the images of the site.

@Vindicator - is that enough for you?

Interesting about the /v/webofslime links.

Thanks for replacing the links with archives.

(What do you mean by 'this is a persistent problem?'). People get an error message if they try to go to v/thewebofslime submissions?)

Do I have it right?

Yes, absolutely. I was just suggesting to do the same regarding the image text above those.

I explain in the Introduction what they are. They came from me. I made them in paint.net. "Slime Spells."

Ah, I didn't get that this is what you meant with 'slime spells'. ;-) Not sure whether @Vindicator would like to see the source of each image though, but he will be able to tell you.

I use other articles to back up what it is saying and the primary purpose was to highlight the arrest of one particular individual.

@Vindicator might want to look this, and decide whether the Veterans Today article is legit. Just wanted to point out that Veterans Today is usually regarded as a disinfo site here, see @Vindicator's mod comment above.

Hope this helps and doesn't make it more complicated. ;-) These are just my 2cents.

think- ago

Thanks for reading my suggestions. I will be able to take a look at your comment in detail in an hour or so.

@Vindicator might want to read your edit above, and decide whether it may already suffice, or what specific requirement he still has. Thanks.

thewebofslime ago

I'll try.

think- ago

@thewebofslime, I'm surprised @think- recommended you post in this manner.

This was OP's original post on v/thewebofslime:

Something is weird. In between their penis inspections, 8chan and 4chan being halfway cool for once.

I'm unaccustomed. Did the shill farm stop getting paychecks?




I suggested to crosspost the submission above to v/pizzagate:

[–] think- 3 points (+3|-0) 17 hours ago

Hey @thewebofslime, consider doing a post in v/pizzagate based on these threads?

But I'm afraid you'd need to change the headline ;-), and add an intro to the links, maybe you might even want to post a summary of their findings.

Thanks. :-)

I will PM OP, and try to help him editing the post, so that it can stay.

Vindicator ago



Thanks for posting this compilation!

In the law, the totality of the circumstances test refers to a method of analysis where decisions are based on all available information rather than bright-line rules.[1] Under the totality of the circumstances test, courts focus "on all the circumstances of a particular case, rather than any one factor".[2] In the United States, totality tests are used as a method of analysis in several different areas of the law.[3] For example, in United States criminal law, a determination about reasonable suspicion or probable cause is based on a consideration of the totality of the circumstances.[4]


truthdemon ago

Here is another fact... No one wants a solution....even if it explained to u as a two step solution..instead u buy into the fear porn...

The two step solution can only be understood when u own the fact that authorites are merely ur book keepers..they r URE book keepers..let that sink in..and sink in even more..

Being the book keeeprs..we r giving them the wrong instruction and funding that wrong instructiin...

All ine has to do to defeat the deep state is to 1. Email the US treasury and i struct them to take ur credits ..even for a few dollars they r as book keepers obliged to reduce debt qt the treasury.. Its UR treasury...

  1. Before u instruct them tonaccept ur credit ..u have to confirm with them that u have surety rights over the US treasury when u do that Google : surety rights

  2. When they agree..that meqns they u have set them up as ur trustee..and they will have to cover all ur public and private bills..

  3. U also confirm that u can place charges on any corrupt individuals..and u as surety over the US ..can instruct them to have NSA investigate ..and US marshalls take action under universal jurisdiction..

  4. Its only a two email conversation with the US trewsury ..to confirm this..

Instead we decide to loan our credit and set up banks as trustees

thewebofslime ago

The machine is a protection racket. It can be used against it own when you point out they are missing out on a piece of the pie.





truthdemon ago

Seriously i give up..

People.dont want solutions ..

This solution is only for those who have patience and humility... U cant even pay a dollar into ur own treasury...

..u waste acres of verbage..but cant even use one dollar note and reduce the debt of thebUS tressury byh one dollar...thus placing the US as ur debtor..

Seriously ..i give up on this cowardly forum..

Utube : birth certficate stock market


thewebofslime ago

Go to sleep, then.

truthdemon ago

Lol , better than calling the Drug import agency and federal bacstabbing inbeciles...

What was the premise of u sending me those numbers ?

When one reduces the debt at the US treasury ...one can activate and charge anyone under universal juridiction.....that trumps national juridiction.. Wiki universal jurisdiction.. Even kissinger is shit scared of it..

Fbi and dea officials will be charged under universal jurisdiction, only creditors of the US can instruct the US via the treasury to enforce universal jurisdiction Ie ..the hammer of Christ..

Looks like ur the one asleep...

truthdemon ago


The office of the US president ,IN FOREIGN POLICY MATTER, is War.. He wishes it wasnt true ...but it is... Because we lend our energy to the papal pirate war...and the US privides the war scrip dollar for this show.. Whennu reduce debt with any currency u individually proclaim u dont want to fund the war.. U declare peace... The US becomes ur debtor.. Google: surety rights

truthdemon ago

Listen to trump, sorry, the office of thr US president which is the world war corporation, talk about universal jurisdiction..


The US is either a war corporation or a peace corporatiion...the latter can only be activated by individuals with birth certficates... Google : what is namium Ur name is a roman bond...romenis bonded to provide security to u....u take that security value and lend it to the side show known as the papal pirate show.....

truthdemon ago

Internatiinal criime court only addresses natiinal jurisdiction.. The US does not recognise its jurisdiction when applying universal jurisdiction..and rightfully so...only indivduals who reduce the US debt can assert that right to apply universal jurisdiction.. All nations are but papal pirate corporation operating under papal pull dum diversas ie in a war jurisdiction.. When. U reduce debt u operate outside the war jurisdiction..

Utube : martial law reversiinary interest

Ur birth certficafe funds the war ..when ubdecide to fund peace...u stop working for the war game and its alphabet agencies wont have jurisdiction over u.. U stop delegating responsibility to ur national pirate govt..and u take full responsibility towards the peace jurisdcition.. U run the game ..whether u choose peace or war