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Pablolove ago

All this information is great but in reality what can the ordinary citizen realistically do about it when u consider the power these people have? Only God can and will stop them. Of that I'm 100% sure. (1john 5v19)(proverbs 2v20-22)

think- ago

All this information is great but in reality what can the ordinary citizen realistically do about it when u consider the power these people have?

Ten years ago, people said the same about the pedos in the Catholic Church. Survivors hardly dared to talk about what happened to them, priests got away with it almost always. Most people didn't believe survivors.

And look where we are now. Most people believe survivors, and see sexual abuse as a huge problem the Church has. And that Archbishops, Cardinals and the Pope are guilty of covering up severe crimes.

What we can do as ordinary citizens? Redpill other ordinary citizens. Demand change of laws. Not let judges get away with lenient sentences. Do research, and post it here.

There's so much everybody can do. Never give up.