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Pablolove ago

All this information is great but in reality what can the ordinary citizen realistically do about it when u consider the power these people have? Only God can and will stop them. Of that I'm 100% sure. (1john 5v19)(proverbs 2v20-22)

think- ago

All this information is great but in reality what can the ordinary citizen realistically do about it when u consider the power these people have?

Ten years ago, people said the same about the pedos in the Catholic Church. Survivors hardly dared to talk about what happened to them, priests got away with it almost always. Most people didn't believe survivors.

And look where we are now. Most people believe survivors, and see sexual abuse as a huge problem the Church has. And that Archbishops, Cardinals and the Pope are guilty of covering up severe crimes.

What we can do as ordinary citizens? Redpill other ordinary citizens. Demand change of laws. Not let judges get away with lenient sentences. Do research, and post it here.

There's so much everybody can do. Never give up.

RussKurtell ago

There are many things that can be done to stop them over time. Just like they systematically gain control over centuries, changing lifestyle habits and cultural and social norms can take power back.

  1. Stop giving them your money. Debt is one of their greatest weapons. Mortgages were designed to steal a large % of you total accumulated wealth over the course of your life,(healthcare will take the rest when you are old, this is by design). Never carry credit card debt. Simply don't do business with the large banks. Go do it with a local credit union.

If you already have a mortgage, pay down as much principle as possible. Paying down even a tiny bit of principle greatly reduced the amount of interest.

  1. Get away from your vices. Alcohol, cigarettes, porno, all designed to degrade your mind and body. Not to mention steal your money and waste your time.

  2. You MUST leave Hollywood behind. This is more important than people realize. It warps your reality, and steals your time, money and attention. Stop spending hours a day on Netflix & video games. Obviously, leave all mainstream media behind.

  3. GET OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA. It's turns you petty. It forces you to extend the status comparing bullshit(something you should leave behind in high school), infinitely into adulthood. It exposed your data. It's exposed your family and kids if you have them. It gives them information. It wastes your time. Delete it, and never look back.

  4. Don't fall for the Hegelian dialectic. They control both sides of the narrative. They intentionally pit groups against each other. Don't allow hatred to enter your heart based off of their lies about another group.

  5. Get active. We must abolish the Federal Reserve, Social Security, and Income Tax. Start bringing these points back into the narrative. Don't let them convince you these are "radical ideas". You can start with your local politicians. Learn who they are. Look through their family history. See what interests they represent. Where did they get their money? Are they actually from your area?(Meaning they know your problems and actually care) or are they imported elites? (This is common) You must realize the parties are a lie. Voting "R" or "D" has ensured no one actually knows anything about the candidates. Therefore, primaries are actually important. Stop re-electing corrupt incumbents.

  6. Don't be dead weight. Get your ass to the gym. Learn something new every once in a while. They have to make people dependent to tighten their grip. Become a self learner.

thewebofslime ago

I know it's a lot, but if you read it, you will see that I have very specific advice on what to do.

God helps those who help themselves, friend.