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Vindicator ago

Unfortunately, I now have to give this submission the "Potential Security Risk" flair, Slime, since you admitted you are collecting the IP addresses of those who visit your site and cross-comparing them with databases of leaked personal information posted by hackers as described in your own words:

So, if a person who visited my site from /v/pizzagate has the same OS, Device, etc, also has the same listed in the credentials of the first attacks, we can further narrow down the list of likely suspects. It appears started with their basic probes on their home PC, then switched to remote attacks when they turned up nothing.

Personally, I don't make any attempt to track. This is Google doing this to you. I could implement a much more detailed tracking of visitors, if I wanted to, but I really don't want to do that to people. Whoever scanned my site probably noticed that I don't really have any kind of back end and likely thought that my knowledge was limited, rather than just trying to keep it simple and safe.

My next step is to confirm any location data I can find from people who came to my site. That merely means running all of your usernames through my database which is huge.

People need to know that if they visit your site, they are exposing themselves to surveillance.