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Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime, I'm surprised @think- recommended you post in this manner. Our third submission rule requires brief descriptions of each link:

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

Also, I notice you have several links to Veterans Today, which is a fake news site that we always flair "Possible Disinfo". You may want to skip those references.

I'll give you the 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit.

thewebofslime ago

My first problem is that I am out of characters to include in the post. I would have included a lot more links and summaries if I had more room. I used a scraper to scrape all the links off of the articles, which are explained in the images of text and are explained on my site, which is broken down into images... though it is just easier to visit my site. I then moved the scraped links down to the bottom of the post and, essentially, they are already explained multiple times in the Chan posts, on the site, and on the captured images from the site. Essentially, there are three presentations of exactly the same information which adds up to about 200 pages of content (if you printed it out.)

These links would require a short sentence as an intro/summary. Just a brief intro what each chan discussion thread is about.

4Chan Part 1:

4Chan Part 2:


I was hoping that this explanation was enough:

"It's all the same stuff that I've got in a lot of places."

"It is a lot of information that, ultimately, is ancillary to Pizzagate, but lends to the overwhelming amount of evidence that proves protected political pedophilia is true beyond a reasonable doubt and that the characters surrounding Comet Ping Pong are involved. This is probably the longest post in the history of the sub, and, in order to fit it all in the character count, with sources in links, I have imaged the content. RIP mobile."

Is there another explanation you would suggest? If so, I am probably going to have to start reworking a lot of it, because I will have to pull more text out in an image and link to the image.

You see why I have never really trusted the format. It's like trying to prove Pizzagate on Twitter. It is seemingly designed to prevent great posts. In fact, I had the most upvoted summary of Pizzagate, two years ago, but they chose Millenial Falcon's because I started by explaining Uranium One.


I guess that can stay as is, since it is a meme.

I have no problem removing it altogether.

3) Introduction:

Proof that Trump is 'living two lives'?

I am reasonably prepared to address that. Trump's strategies are not a secret, really. He used the Art of War as the premise for Art of the Deal and he sticks to the core concepts of these books. Given his career in reality TV, he is already well practiced at having a private life and a public life. If this is necessary. I can address it, but it will be a lot of work .

Imo it would be good to link to some explanation what the Skolkovo project and the Gulftainer deal are. Unless you have explained it in the three links of you webofslime sub, but I get 'whoops not found' error messages for these.

They are explained in great detail in the Chan links, the site and the images of the site. The truth is that the Gulftainer deal, the Uranium One deal and the Skolkovo project are all compartments of the same scam that George Tenet has to have signed off on.

Interesting about the /v/webofslime links.

If it is a persistent problem, I can replace them with the archive links.

I think you would need to add your footnote no. 8 (about the costs of buying a vote on Reddit).

It is included in the text, the menu is from upvotes dot club which is hard banned on Voat. As a result, the image is included in the various versions of the texts.

I also had to leave out quite a few other hard banned links, even to my own articles from 2016 that show I have been right since day 1.

4) The Art of the Limited Hang Out Part I:

Same problem as above: Footnotes that would back up your info, and explain where you got the pics from are not visible.

The links from the articles are all scraped and included and the explanation are in the imaged texts. My articles are like 100 pages. I can't imagine they need more explanation relative to every other post in Pizzagate.

I'd suggest to directly link to your website, like you do with the info below.



This would solve the footnote problem.

Those are, indeed, included and I made the text big to draw attention. I might be misunderstanding what you are saying. Do I have it right?

These links would require a short description:

Slime: JPG · 1788 x 1006 Open

Slime: PNG · 1012 x 247 Open



...and if possible, a link to the original site where you got them from.

I explain in the Introduction what they are. They came from me. I made them in "Slime Spells."

If you have a Veterans Today link, the post might get flaired the post 'Possible Disinfo'.

I use other articles to back up what it is saying and the primary purpose was to highlight the arrest of one particular individual. I actually didn't include this specific information to spoon feed people because it rapidly becomes a wild tangent. But take notice about the Executive Order that was just past about EMP. I feel these stories are related. But, again, I only have so many characters to work with. I just didn't want to distract too much, but it is there for people who have been paying attention. All media is limited hangout. They are going to put fake stuff in with real stuff to discredit what they hate the most. It is up to researchers to verify which assertions are which.

My target audience is smart people. I gave up on trying to communicate with stupid people unless I am trying to figure out if they are a shill or not.

I make actual money by spotting what shills are promoting or hating on and it doesn't have to have anything to do with politics. I watch a lot of subjects and attempt to measure their impressions. Politics is a hobby, anti-shilling has made me... not rich... but pretty well off.

Rest looks fine to me.

Thanks for looking it over.



Vindicator ago

The chan links need one sentence summaries. The community made this rule because the folks here have seen too many time wasting BS links. They don't want to click blindly, and they don't want to waste their time with stuff they already know. They made the rule, not me.

Despite what I present here, know that this is a tiny fraction of the evidence. We don't need anymore to justify demanding action from government. Stop falling for the gas lighting. Save some kids. Their lives are in your hands.

Useless self-aggrandizement. Delete to make room for link descriptions.

The shills have focused on minutiae. The entire propaganda machine wants you to focus on unimportant straw men arguments in order to ignore the totality of the evidence. Apparently, it is a good Jedi mind trick, because it has worked for two years.

Detriment to the submission; remove to free up space. This is literally a thread loaded with multiple piles of minutia, with no explanation of what they are, how they connect to each other or why they are relevant. It's what's called a "dump".

If you persistently push this information out, you will force the establishment to react. I've seen plenty of people in mainstream media selectively use my stuff. I am reaching people. You can to. Make it mainstream.

Unsourced claim; needs linked support. Otherwise, delete.

Stop falling for the gas lighting. Save some kids. Their lives are in your hands.

Need evidence of pizzagate researchers "falling for the gaslighting".

Massive list of links, almost all to multiple sites you control:

This is a violation of Voat's anti-Spam rules. See the User Agreement FAQ:

Submitting only links to sites you operate (or are associated with), without submitting other, unrelated links, is considered spamming. If you submit niche content (for example gaming videos from your own YouTube channel), you should create your own subverse and submit the content only to that subverse. If majority of the links you submit are to sites you are associated with, your domains may be globally banned from Voat. To be on the safe side, if you submit 10 links to various subverses on Voat, at most 5 of the 10 submitted links may be to the sites you are associated with.

I only have so many characters to work with.

Yes. Voat does that by design -- so submitters have to work with a focused thesis and not swamp readers with massive, baffle-with-bullshit posts. That's how we do things, here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/realProtectVoat submission by @thewebofslime.

Posted automatically (#31478) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @thewebofslime.

Posted automatically (#31398) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

thewebofslime ago

Useless self-aggrandizing baffle with bullshit. Got it.

If majority of the links you submit are to sites you are associated with, your domains may be globally banned from Voat. To be on the safe side, if you submit 10 links to various subverses on Voat, at most 5 of the 10 submitted links may be to the sites you are associated with.

I'm not sure you're reading that right.

Linkposts aren't allowed in /v/Pizzagate.

Fortunately for me, the number of links I have submitted to my site are a fraction of a percent of the total links I've posted.

Do you see how your reading and citation of that rule in this circumstance might be affected by your bias against me? Take a closer look at it.

You have a place called "Pizzagate." I really hope that this the place to reach people about Pizzagate and that we can talk about Pizzagate and the surrounding circumstances.

I can see that your feelings are hurt. I hope that is because you feel the pressure I am applying to get the word out about Pizzagate and you and I have a great opportunity to work together to create something presentable and readable, professional, academic... but balanced with a way to easily digest information that always causes an emotional response in people.

I legit don't understand why my posts always get treated like Molotov cocktails. And when I try to work it out, I usually just get insulted. 100% of the time.

I would like, at some point, to produce something nice, so there is a neutral ground for people to come to to talk about Pizzagate. Then, I would like as many people as possible to see it. Wouldn't it be great if there was a nice, concise summary posted that didn't pick sides and looked at the matter objectively?

Why not have a spreadsheet of Pizzagate articles and evidence in the side bar? Essentially, you've got off-topic stuff, there.

I really want to believe this subverse isn't manipulated, but I keep running into walls.

I'm literally just looking for the best way to prevent the facts. I try in a lot of different ways because the better it gets, the more censorship I face, to the point where I had to make my own website. There I don't have to worry about post length and I have thousands of sources. So, totally, I will take constructive criticism on the best way to present the facts. Do you feel like that's what you've done. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, right now.

I am a creative problem solver. I want to do good in this world. The problem that I am trying to solve, is to raise awareness of the facts surrounding Pizzagate, which does not exist in a vacuum... it is connected to a lot of other corruption.

I'll attempt to fix the article. I hope you can demonstrate to everyone who is watching, right now, that you have an honest agenda to promote the truth about high level corruption. Are you with me?