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think- ago

I don't agree with you that the investigation is over. I think we only just started. It is important to point out who is a pedo. It might be not so much necessary for those 'in the know', but it is important for the sake of justice, and also for redpilling normies.

I am referring to the UK, and the investigations into historic sexual abuse. Boris Johnson, who would like to become May's successor as a PM, said two weeks a go these were a waste of money. And only three weeks ago, it turned out he himself had a skeleton in his closet - the former GCHQ head, who was busted supporting a pedophile priest in court. And you can bet there are many, many more skeletons in his closet. That he would like to suppress these investigations (which are flawed of course, but still....) is a dead giveaway that these hit a nerve.

The recent revelations in the UK vindicated victims who have accused perps for ages. It enables their healing.

I can see where you're coming from though, and agree that it might be good to approach more journalists and potential political white hats.

thewebofslime ago

I consider Pizzagate to be proven; the nexus around Comet Ping Pong. Sure, there is a lot more to uncover, but there is no need to wait to start pushing for truth because it will expose a lot of other corruption way beyond just pedophilia.

c1Anon ago

Do you happen to know of a way to prove they found CPP server nastiness, for someone who isn't buying the CPP story but is a coder & may be more swayable if there were a video or something from the people who hacked the server discussing that aspect? So far that may my best way in with this person.

Are_we_sure ago

I have no idea why people believe the first hacker's story.

It's several levels of fucking ridiculous.

thewebofslime ago

The shot computer was a sleight of hand operation. If I recall, CPP wasn't even hosted at the store. At least a few hundred people got it after someone posted XHydra instructions on how to get on the server on endchan. I think they buried it with a fake leak of like 32 GB that got memory holed. I had a lot more pictures, but I foolishly took the advice to "stop using imgur" and used, instead. You can see how that worked out.

Point being, I doubt there was anything on the computer. It was a magic trick.

c1Anon ago

Oh how frustrating!!

So at some point they really did get into the offsite server to find the weird shit about month old pizzas, etc that I've seen screenshots of? That was real?

think- ago

The stuff about the months old pizzas wasn't real IIRC. Allegedly, there were two hacks into this computer: One by a guy called Bigfish, who seems to have been legit, then another (fake) hack by somebody else.

They did the second (allged) hack to distract from the legit Bigfish hack.

c1Anon ago

Very helpful, TY. There's still a ton of stuff from early on that I missed, and i'm pretty sure this is the interview I kept trying to hear but it was always getting taken down.

think- ago

Have you seen the Executive Summary of Pizzagate in the sidebar? It was written by former mod Millennial_Falcon, and has very detailed info about some of the early findings.

c1Anon ago

Yes, TY! I just saved that the other day offline via the source method described. Then I went through & made aaall the links hot and fixed spacing for easy printing & electronic sharing with loved ones & anyone else. I've been doing that (source) trick for other threads as well. I want it all archived to a few offline devices and some even printed. Same goes for the video you shared, which i just watched. I want an easy way to share info if things start going sideways. It's a superb compilation, and ideally I'll even embed the pics into the document. That way I have an almost 100% sharable document no matter what goes down. Hell, i could screenprint/screenshot the archive pages in case THAT goes down.

thewebofslime ago

Unless someone played a really good trick, it was real. I followed the instructions.

c1Anon ago

Wow. Omg. Horrible.

Thanks. Stay safe, and take care. I'll save that stuff you posted on an external tomorrow.