Pizzalawyer ago

frustrating as hell, I think.the second persons experience. should be included. Obviously it is not as compelling. but it builds on the efforts to bring a crime to the attention of authorities..

There had also been a document, real or not, claiming to be an advertisement of children for sale intimating some discounts for children reaching their expiration date. Is that authentic where are the internet fingerprints for that document? Is it valid enough to be referenced in this post..

Zorrilla ago

To my knowledge, that document first appeared on Reddit in November 2016. It was claimed to have been obtained via a hack of the computer system of a DC pizza place called "We the Pizza". It generated a lot of attention for a few days even though most people thought that the claim of the hack was a LARP, and the document fake. It was eventually agreed upon that the claim was a hoax.

However, the same document appeared a few weeks later, being spread on Twitter by people claiming it had come from Comet. I recognized the document as being the same as the one associated with We the Pizza. In retrospect I think that this was done intentionally to distract from the real hack of Comet, and to generate confusion and distrust regarding the results of the real hack.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is a good video. Highly recommended.

Sackajahweeda ago

That cop is SO OFFPUTTING how dare him. Makes you wonder if he isnt an ally himself of these creeps. That or he blindly protects them that blue wall of silence strikes again. No wonder no one trusts the cops.

MolochHunter ago

Hey man, I recently did an Executive Summary of Chronological Pizzagate evidence as pertaining to Hillary Clinton

maybe you could do one specific to Alefantis & Comet Ping Pong ?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Any follow up with Daniel.Godin?

Blacksmith21 ago

Still listening to the interview. You're right, this is good filler. I'm still looking for the photo (lost bookmarks). What most don't realize is that EMW used an "assault rifle" - AR-style - was chambered for 9mm. Much less powerful of a round. Probably to reduce chance of ricochet. Lock was up high too - very improbably ricochet especially with a 9mm.

Blacksmith21 ago

You saw Besta was closed? Rumor that CPP was. I'm gonna check sometime this week.

Zorrilla ago

See also the account of a second person who claimed to have found CP on CPP's website:

Vindicator ago

This a great post, ben. I'm going to sticky it and give it the Share! flair. :-)

SpeakSoft ago

The false flag shooting just proved how deep the deception runs. Any who watched InfoWars knows how they were part of the lie.

The real reason why they would never investigate or indict James Alefantis is because it is all state sponsored.

This is the same reason why the Awans are being given a free pass, and the same reason why Hillary will never be locked up.

James Alefantis works with the CIA just as Epstein works with the Mossad. They use art as a cover for diplomatic shipments, illegal trade and money laundering.

On a yacht 12 miles out from the coast, they can do anything they want without consequences. They do it in DC, NYC, LA, Miami and elsewhere.

America is a private corporation creating a state of tyranny ran by corrupt criminals, murderers and child rapists. Trump is making deals with child rapists and murderers to keep the game afoot. He is doing a good job at it and the people are none the wiser.

Trump, the Bushes, the Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi, McCain, Ryan, Romney, Jordan, Gowdy, and the rest are all playing roles in the game. It is all FAKE.

Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Kadzik, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, and everyone else in the top tiers of enforcement are corrupt criminals in charge of the cover-up.

All of the tech and industry elites are in on the game. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google and YouTube, PayPal, Tesla, 23andme, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto, Cargill, and everyone else in the top tiers are all involved.

There is no law. There is no enforcement of the law. There is no justice, and you have no rights.

We know this all to be an absolute fact. These people are SICK, but if everyone sits around waiting for Q and Trump to drain the swamp they are part of, it will never happen.

They want you to sit by and do nothing. They want you to post about it so they can identify you and target those who know what is really going on.

What does Jesus Christ think about James Alefantis, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump all working together to trick the world?

Do not be deceived by evildoers and the pretenders who protect them.

Dressage2 ago

Shill much?

truthdemon ago

I wish i could give u a few more upvoats... People are addicted to next freshly baked messiah ...

Those who believe in these messiahs ..are the ones who believe all u need to bring about change and lock up these pedofreaks is an arm chair and an idiot box


paulf ago

The absolute state of this subverse when this bullshit gets upvoated. Trump has:

  • been elected despite being opposed by the entire establishment
  • engineered peace in the Koreas
  • engineered a complete regime change in Saudi Arabia
  • assisted the GCC to clean up Syria
  • halted global trafficking networks from top to bottom
  • appointed two conservative judges to the SC
  • turned the economy completely around
  • saved the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars
  • been fiercely opposed by HRC, LL, JB, JC, JC, EH and just about every other swamp creature from the previous administration
  • constantly shown that he thinks HRC and the others are disgusting animals

You are full of shit.

NoRoyalty ago

Very full of shit I might add. The task for The Evil Ones is to separate Trump supporters from Trump. It won't work.

SpeakSoft ago

Your false claims of Trump's accomplishments show how the Game works. Can you think for yourself or do you just believe what they tell you?

been elected despite being opposed by the entire establishment = No one is elected without being part of the Club and they could not allow Hillary to win or the People may revolt. engineered peace in the Koreas = Do you believe Kim is a "good guy"? engineered a complete regime change in Saudi Arabia = Making deals with pedos and murderers? assisted the GCC to clean up Syria = For Israel and the NWO halted global trafficking networks from top to bottom = Clintons and Podestas remain at large appointed two conservative judges to the SC = Swamp creatures, particularly the latest turned the economy completely around = Propped up by lies, oligopolies and a huge bubble saved the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars = You do not understand economics been fiercely opposed by HRC, LL, JB, JC, JC, EH and just about every other swamp creature from the previous administration = Watch pro wrestling and remember who Trump has appointed. Trust Sessions? Trust Wray? Do you know who they are? Do you think his VP Pence a good guy too? constantly shown that he thinks HRC and the others are disgusting animals = He has been friends with them for decades You are full of shit. = We are the Witness. We do not lie. We have direct experience that proves everything.

You will find out soon enough.Trump and Q are running out of time to Repent.

Are you ready?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

YES! "12 miles of coast" means they cant be prosecuted. Gangs Of New York style (boxing ring). Now apply that logic to the "lolita express" jet, the one with beds and underage girls that we know Bill Clinton has been on 20+ times (26?) . Thats the fastest way to get offshore from the inland, I bet thats why.

Zorrilla ago

Can you provide any supporting information or proof that Trump is just as corrupt as all the others? How can you know so confidently that he has not been painted into a corner with threats to himself or his family, and is unable to do much against the dark forces controlling America, even if he wants to? Perhaps you are right, but you are not presenting much of an argument here.

You write "but if everyone sits around waiting", and "they want you to sit by and do nothing" - what are you suggesting that people do?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What a complete moron you are. Proof that Trump is one of them? Seriously? He is POTUS numb nuts. Many threads have been posted about Trump's endless connections to the cabal. And he is POTUS numb nuts. Leave this forum are stop posting, you are a child.

truthdemon ago

Reduce the debt at the US treasury and turn the US into ur debtor.. Then u as surety over the US can place charges over the civil.administratiin including DC police..with charges payable to the US treasury... The structure is set in place ..but is run in reverese. Since we loan our energy and money to the civil side..the civil administratiin is just running martial law.. We r running under martial law code...and once u make US ur debtor ..u can place charges and force the structure to enforce the charges ...

All it takes is one dollar to start with ... To undrstand that we r undrr roman martial law. Tkes some time to undrrstand ... It goes back to papal bulls of doctrine of discovery and partuclarly dum diversas of 1452.. It is agreed by international law experts ...the basis of international law..whic includes trust law Ur bame is a trust used. as a battery run the battle we r ignorant of this ..the pedo freaks can get away with their crimes by hiding behind civil law...which is just administrative code running a war game code Utube : leiber code martial law When we reduce debt the US become our debtor ...and we run the martial code directly ass trustees with the US our debtor.. At the moment the administratiin is delegated to these pedo freaks by us

SpeakSoft ago

If you are going to be so easily compromised, blackmailed and backed into a corner, you should not run for President and claim that you will drain the swamp. Trump has ran with the swamp for decades. He clearly knows how deep it is.

That is not what happened however. Trump is part of the divide and conquer strategy. He is a great deceiver.

They could not allow Hillary to be President as her corruption was too obvious to the people, so they fooled everyone into believing that Trump was not the same as the Clintons and Bushes before him despite their long-term friendships.

We witnessed a deal that Trump made with known corrupt criminals. We also witnessed Trump make a deal with the devil to push the mark of the beast onto the people. He has appointed only more swamp creatures and is close friends with child rapists and murderers. He married his only real daughter to the Kushners, and he is forever indebted to the Rothschilds.

We provided Trump and all levels of law enforcement with actionable information involving the most heinous crimes imaginable.

Instead of investigating and indicting those involved, they targeted the witnesses and whistleblowers. Some were murdered.

Trump is a Freemason. Trump is a pedophile. Trump is the false prophet.

Direct experience is the proof. Every level of law enforcement has been corrupted and is working for the private corporation of America, not for the people.

  1. Stop believing lies and tell others what is really going on.

  2. Start organizing and taking back control of our resources.

  3. Make a stand against evil and do not take the mark of the beast.

There is One Word that will Save the World. Trump and Q still have time to repent and ask for forgiveness. They know what The Word is.

LexTalionis ago

"He married his only real daughter..." So what does that make Tiffany?

SpeakSoft ago

His "other" daughter.

Blacksmith21 ago

You lost me at Jordan, Gowdy, Trump...

Name one thing that Trump has done which would benefit the Deep State or show any sign of weakness?

What about the 40,000+ sealed indictments? ONE indictment was NXIVM. WTF do you think the extra 10,000 beds built in GTMO are for.

It's coming buddy. I appreciate your impassioned argument, but God is giving us the tools to save the world. It's up to us to take it back. It's up to us to stomp out evil. Jesus isn't going to come down on a silvery light, wave his hands and restore peace.

God gave us the opportunity to elect Trump. As well as the predecessors leading to Trump. Trump isn't a savior, or a messiah. He's a man with a specific talent. The right set of life experience to do a job only he could do - business, intelligence, showmanship, media control, rhetoric, speaking to the common man and woman of this country.

And most of all, he upholds the US Constitution. Written by men of similar talent upon the founding of this country.

But it is up to Americans to wrest control from these vile, evil creatures. Yes, they control a vast amount of the worlds wealth. They control us. But awareness is the first step. And that will come with the arrests.

Custodes vero.

fogdryer ago

Up to us, absolutely. Now what

Btw. This don’t acquire that kind of wealth keeping your hands clean

Blacksmith21 ago

That's not necessarily true. There is a very large divide between shrewd businessmen and corrupt businessmen. There are plenty of billionaires out there who got there with hard work and perseverance.

Now, if you wanna take the Bernie Bro angle, that all rich people are corrupt, that's a different discussion ; )

Are_we__sure ago

What about the 40,000+ sealed indictments? ONE indictment was NXIVM

No it was not. NXVIM got indicted after the NY times ran a story on them that the DA and US attorney noticed. The Times was able to run their report because the branding, which was new, upset so many folks in NXVIM, the folks came forward. The indictment came down from the grand jury and the arrest was executed within 48 hours. They did put that indictment on a shelf. Raniere was indicted one day, Mack indicted the next and the day after both were arrested. This had nothing do with the claims of Q.

SpeakSoft ago

Besides pretending to be mad and never doing or saying anything of real value, what have Gowdy or Jordan actually done to expose and remove criminal corruption at the highest levels? Nothing. Gowdy laments about his old FBI's integrity, yet anyone who knows their history knows how absurd that statement is.

Remember when Chaffetz acted tough and then resigned to take a TV job? These guys are not tough. They pretend to be. They don't even ask the right questions. They have more power than they claim. If they had any integrity they would have issued Contempt of Congress arrests of Hillary, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Brian Pagliano, Justin Cooper, Paul Combetta, Peter Strzok and everyone else who lied to their faces or obstructed justice. That hasn't happened since 1935. They would also dismantle the corrupt FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, IRS, DHS and other agencies involved.

They accept lies and stomp their feet. They have zero backbone because they are compromised. They were hacked by the Awans on both sides of the aisle and are playing along.

Keep holding your breath until the Military Tribunals happen. They never will.

You must not read the Bible. God did not give us Trump. Jesus Christ is the exact opposite of Donald Trump. Look at his mentors included Roy Cohn who represented the mafia. Trump's experiences are that of a privileged spoiled brat with an obsession for power and gold. He hasn't read the Bible either.

The election was a farce. The fact that only two parties are included in the debate and that the average man has exactly zero chance of being elected should tell you enough. Or look at the electoral college. Or look at the vote rigging. Congress can decide whether a President is fit to be elected or not.

You are correct that it is up to the will of the People, however you are forgetting about what Jesus stands for and what He said about His return.

You also don't understand how the Constitution is useless in a global economy and among global corporations. The attorneys for the corporations are so far beyond the reach and scope of the unlawful government that no one above the line will ever be held accountable unless they turn against those more powerful than they.

Everything Donald Trump has done has benefited the Deep State. The Deep State isn't even important. This goes so far beyond the Deep State to the elite secret societies that run the world, which Donald is a part of.

There are much more than 40,000 corrupt criminals at large. When will the Bronfmans be indicted as part of the NXIVM case? What happened to Seth Rich and that investigation? Why haven't the Podestas been indicted?

What happened with Benghazi? What happened with Hillary's server? What happened with Weiner's laptop? What about Hastert? Blagojevich? Was justice served? Who has Trump appointed along the way? Why did he pardon Blago?

Have you ever watched pro wrestling? Do you believe that is real too? Do you believe the FBI and DOJ are here to protect the common person? Do you believe that corporations should control Congress?

When you experience how deep the corruption and EVIL are first-hand, you will then know how the game works.

Awareness is the first step. Someday you may make it there.

Why is the term Blacksmith so closely associated with Freemasons, and what is the significance of the number 21?

Deception abound.

bbq6feetunder ago

Every time I read your posts, two words come to mind:

Leeroy Jenkins

Blacksmith21 ago

Religion is what got us into this fucking mess in the first place.

LexTalionis ago

Thank you!!!

Zorrilla ago

I appreciate your reply. Can you provide proof that Trump is a Freemason and a pedophile? What are the details of this deal with the Devil that Trump made, and how does he intend to push the Mark of the Beast onto the people?

SpeakSoft ago

Trump has personally told others in meetings that he is a Mason, and it has been widely known that he is a Freemason for quite some time. The common claim is that he is one of the "good freemasons" yet there is no such thing. The artist that created the Trump sculptures also knew this as the only thing the sculptures were wearing was a Freemason ring. He accepted a bailout from the Rothschilds and regularly makes deals with the mafia, child rapists and murderers.

Trump was named in lawsuits along with Epstein who took the 5th when asked about Bill Clinton and Donald Trump being on the Lolita Express plane with underage girls. Trump is a long-time friend of both Epstein and Clinton and has celebrated their love of underage women. The only reason why Trump finally made Epstein leave his resort in Florida was because of one victim's father who would not stand down.

Trump is also accused of raping a 13-year old using the name Katie Johnson which is rumored to be on video. Trump's past marriages were failures, and he eventually married a prostitute when introduced by pimp Paolo Zampolli. When they were married, attendees at Mar-a-Lago included Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Rudy Giuliani, Heidi Klum, Star Jones, P. Diddy, Shaquille O’Neal, Barbara Walters, Conrad Black, Regis Philbin, Simon Cowell, Kelly Ripa, then-Senator Hillary Clinton, and former president Bill Clinton.

Trump's deals with the devil were made along with Israel and the Mossad to move the embassy to Jerusalem, rebuild the Temple Mount, and implement the new 5G artificial intelligence and mass surveillance network among a group of corrupt luciferian businessmen and politicians including the tech elite. This will be the mark of the beast.

Trump is the false prophet who will bring peace to the middle East and declare himself a God just as his friend Kanye has done as he and Kim sell out the black community along with Jay-Z, Beyonce, Shaq, Jesse Jackson, George Soros and many others.

Who are the real Jews, and what race is the real Jesus Christ?

bbq6feetunder ago

Your comments are full of assumptions, broad generalizations and speculation - all with a healthy dose of conspiracy. You are way off on a lot of things - so many that I doubt you will even listen to the voice of reason. All I can say is - the day will come - when it's time - that you will know you were wrong. And very wrong. Hopefully when that day comes, you can accept it and your pure hatred of Trump will not blind you to your errors. Good luck, my friend.

SpeakSoft ago

We are not wrong about anything. We do not lie. We have direct experience with those involved - we are the Witness.

You are being deceived by others with a motive and agenda. None of this is speculation or assumption.

When you realize that Trump is a Freemason you will begin to understand what is going on. That is not speculation. He has admitted it himself.

We do not hate Trump. We do not trust Trump and we hope that he will repent along with Q and help to save the world with a One Word Tweet.

They both know what the Word is.

fogdryer ago

I don’t hear hatred I hear to not follow blindly...... use your brain He is not an innocent. What I would ask , if true, where do we go from here? People are really loving him meaning they won’t believe etc. awareness is coming too slow and besides people won’t get up and they know this.

letsdothis2 ago

It was obvious that Trump was a freemason during the election campaigning and also, during the Al Smith dinner with all the symbology regarding Maria Bartiromo.

fogdryer ago

How so please

letsdothis2 ago

Re: the election campaign: His hand symbols and gestures. Also, there were a couple of live stream broadcasts on the internet when he was going round the country where they left up 'one eye' images of him at the end. I remember being particularly struck by that but did not have the presence of mind to screenshot it.

Re: Al Smith dinner - look at the televised images of Maria Bartiromo within the frame during the Clinton and Trump speeches:

The woman in the low cut red dress and the WHITE GLOVES who garnered so much attention. Her placement there was no accident as televised events like this are carefully stage managed.

She played around with those white gloves during the dinner. You'll see if you look back at it. So, I google white gloves and freemasonry. I get the impression when reading about it that what is on the internet is really surface level stuff but..


The White Glove Treatment is masonic slang

Maria Bartiromo is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

That means this is a dog and pony show.

Pretend fight.

This is professional wrestling.

Divide and conquer.

So, while I was gathering this stuff in answer to your question I did a search for Maria Bartiromo in voat and came across this: OCTAGON LHOHQ "Info/exploit-nomophobia" Part 1 . Her email address is listed in that maze. I never paid much attention to that story so I don't know if we ever got anywhere with it. I did a further search for that Octagon thing and got this: The following caught my eye:

I'm not saying that anyone stole an election because I don't believe that but interesting that link is in there. As I say, I have no idea what that whole Octagon thing was all about.

carmencita ago

OH Yes. They tried to steal an election in many states. They did it to Bernie. THAT part we know. Craig Murray knows. In the link for lhohq the election. I propose a lot of it was with money. Pay offs to the poor. Other ways are through software in the electronic early voting machines. If Trump is one of THEM then he could use the Same Recipe. Don't tell me Republican Deep State didn't know about it. ROMFL. By the way where did I read that piece about Murray talking about Farrow and Princess Diana? Seem to have lost it.

commonsenseisded ago

What's the necklace the guy is wearing to Trump's right, in the bowtie? Any info of who that is?

letsdothis2 ago

John Joseph Paul Studzinski

John Joseph Paul Studzinski, CBE (born March 19, 1956)[1] is an American-born British investment banker and philanthropist.[2] He is Vice Chairman of Investor Relations and Business Development at The Blackstone Group.[3][4] He is also a Senior Managing Director of Blackstone.[4] He joined Blackstone in 2006 as global head of Blackstone Advisory Partners, the company's mergers and acquisitions advisory arm, and he ran that division for nearly a decade.[4]

Prior to joining Blackstone, Studzinski was at Morgan Stanley from 1980–2003, and at HSBC from 2003–2006, building mergers-and-acquisitions divisions in both of those institutions.

Studzinski is heavily involved in hands-on philanthropy, patronage, and charity work. His numerous charitable activities revolve mainly around the arts, the homeless, and human rights. His own charity, the Genesis Foundation, supports and nurtures people in the creative fields in the early stages of their careers. He co-founded and chairs the Arise Foundation, which combats human trafficking and modern slavery worldwide.

Related voat post: Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead

Blackstone Group's John Studzinski is the guy we've read about before, who sends out 1,100 nuns posing as prostitutes to purchase children from brothels!

That's part of the Talitha Kum project of his Arise Foundation.

Thanks for the heads up @carmencita. Going to re-read that Craig Murray article.

carmencita ago

OMG Read This! This is what they are planning for Our Children. I am crying.

Techno Soldiers. They are training them now. I can't even.

carmencita ago

Varkey Foundation. BINGO! That reminded me of this article. I have meant to do a post on them, but never got around to it.

In a statement to Daily Mail Online Thursday, a spokesperson for the Varkey Foundation - a non-profit dedicated to improving education for underprivileged children - said that the organization has been in discussions with the Vatican about a possible meeting examining the influence of media on the values of youths.

SUNNY VARKEY - Head of Varkey Found.

Sunny Varkey (born 1957) is a non-resident Indian, Dubai-based education entrepreneur and education philanthropist from Kerala. He is the founder and chairman of the global advisory and educational management firm GEMS Education, which is the largest operator of private kindergarten-to-grade-12 schools in the world, with a network of over 130 schools in over a dozen countries.[1][2] He is also the chairman of the umbrella business organisation the Varkey Group, and the founder and trustee of the philanthropic Varkey Foundation. As of 2012, Varkey is also a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.[3] And in June 2015, Varkey committed to The Giving Pledge, vowing to donate at least half of his money to philanthropic causes over his lifetime. He is the first education entrepreneur to join the pledge.[4]

Knowing what we know this is FRIGHTENING. He and his Schools are all over the Globe.

3141592653 ago

I agree with a lot of this, except i do Not think Trump is bringing peace to the middle east. Not at all.

What race is Jesus you ask? If i had to pick, I would say Middle Eastern

derram ago :

Mirror: Anonymous Ṫḧḕ Ḧḭṽḕ Titus Frost Talks with Comet Ping Pong Hacker BigFish - YouTube

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