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2b1ask1 ago

Maria Bartiromo is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

That means this is a dog and pony show.

Pretend fight.

This is professional wrestling.

Divide and conquer.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Maria always seemed more based than that though. Maybe she'll join the good side at least I hope. I like her.

DarkMath ago

"Maria Bartiromo is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."

Yes but at what point do members start to save themselves? I'd argue right about now. Also Maria Bartiromo is a very public figure who needs to get on the right side of History if she wants to keep her job.

Matt Lauer did something very similar and held a giant "Fuck You" sign in front of Hillary Clinton for almost 30 minutes.


2b1ask1 ago


You do not "save yourself" from Freemasonry.

You swear to death that you will never abandon it.

While #pizzagate is revolting for (most) of us, this drama is standard operating procedure for THEM.

THEY have been at this all our lives.

Remember, wikileaks is allowed to been seen by the masses. THEY let us see it. If it really mattered, it would NEVER EVER see the light of day.

Try this - start posting about weather manipulation. That will get shut down faster than flies on shit.

What we are seeing here is low level stuff.

THEY use think tanks to script this stuff.

Quite frankly, pizzagate is a distraction. I know that is hard to swallow, but it is the truth.

If you want to see real shit happen, start silently protesting the Council of Foreign Affairs, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, etc. Just walk around those buildings with a camera pointing to it. That would scare the crap out of the people who control our lives behind the scenes.

Instead, they get us to protest Washington, D.C. That is the steam valve.

This Hillary/Podesta stuff is fantastic theater - just like THEY like it.

"The world is a stage."

I never forget that when the magician says, "Look at my left hand"... I always do the opposite.

DarkMath ago

"weather manipulation."

I'm 100% convinced they're using HAARP to manipulate weather and even aid in prospecting for oil.

"Quite frankly, pizzagate is a distraction. "

I kind of agree. Comet Ping Pong is a distraction. But the Pegasus Museum isn't. That's where the really sketchy shit is going on.

"I never forget that when the magician says"

I'm not a fan of magic. But boy could I talk your ear off when it comes to European History. And let me tell you there are many historical precedents for what's about to happen the most recent one is the Reign of Terror.

Shit flows downhill mostly but every once in a while it turns to the blood of regretful aristocrats.

Oh ye of little faith 2b1ask1, the King of Kings is no fool. He always wins in the end.


Fahrvergnaked ago

Oh the irony! DeathTooMasons talking to 2b1ask1, lol.

DeathTooMasons ago

CPP is not a distraction, nor is Alefantis, but there is an element that religously reminds us we should forget all about them. I include it as a starting point, and a connection to all the other players in the crime. Interesting you think we need to know, yet again, that CPP is not important. We heard that enough. No need to continue trying to convince us of that. I agree with the rest about the CFR and weather control. I almost made a thread about that and I am still considering, because it ties in to missing persons. How? Take a guess.

DarkMath ago

"Interesting you think we need to know, yet again, that CPP is not important."

It's not. The Pegasus Museum is where the action's at. I'm sorry we disagree on this. The fact the MSM Media always try to steer the conversation toward CPP and no Pegasus tells me CPP isn't where the action is. I've learned to use the MSM as a bellwether, head in the opposite direction to find the truth.

2b1ask1 ago

I have TOTAL faith that the globalists will not prevail.

But with that said...

People need to go into full critical thinking mode on this stuff.

Think hard about how information comes to us.

Back to Wikileaks - why would the people who rule over us allow Wikileaks to give us damaging information?

Our rulers have decades long business plans with thinktanks working night and day on our reactions.

The good news is I saw a change a few years ago.

I have been screaming about this stuff all my adult life. And just a few years ago I was laughed at.

Now - not so much.

My FAVORITE strategy are truth bombs. A YouTuber named Peekay Truth started this... here is an example on Amazon:

xyz_3 ago

Thanks for that. Every deluge begins with a few raindrops and I'm getting the feeling that they can't hold back the flood of truth much longer. I just keep talking to people and keep trying to redpill them not caring if they think I'm crazy. Some are actually awakening.

artfullyours ago

You know I wondered because I think she actually let Podesta say a lot about Trump. Makes you wonder...who is right? Are we being fed facts or not? Who actually knows? I think he came out sounding like he is right... Why doesn't anyone push the fact that they can not prove collusion? Is this going to go on until the next very sick of this!!!

jabba ago

why does no one ever ask WTF all that code was in his emails

equineluvr ago

Spot on. ^

That's why she was invited to the annual Smith Dinner post election.

EVERYTHING in media is controlled.

CIA has controlled all major media since the 1950s. See Operation Mockingbird.

2b1ask1 ago

Professional wrestling is the perfect metaphor for these dog and pony shows...

You gotta have a villian (Podesta) vs. the good guy (Bartiroma).

Divide and conquer.

Throw in cleavage and you have the globalists formula for absolute domination on us.

They have been at this shit show for a long, long time.

carmencita ago

Oh No.

xyz_3 ago

We may be approaching the time where they turn on each other and where flipping allegiance becomes a matter of self preservation. Are we there yet? I don't know but I sense that if we're not, then we're very close.

DerivaUK ago

Just because they're all in the same "club" doesn't mean they're cohesive. There will be equal conflicts and power struggles going on within that membership as there are anywhere else. I want to see them fight amongst themselves to the point of implosion, bringing about their own demise.

Votescam ago

True -- two ways to look at it . . . . .

"No honesty among thieves"


Capitalism isn't about competitition, it's about killing the competition."

Remember, Howard Hughes wanted to own the world.

pby1000 ago

Psychopaths will do this in order to survive.

2b1ask1 ago

Wishful thinking.

Freemasons and the like have been promised protection.

Go off script, and you lose your job.

This interview is a scripted breads and circuses.

Again, wishful thinking.

DeathTooMasons ago

Exactly. Never lose focus how it works.

Votescam ago

Weren't the Freemasons taken over by Illuminiti?

xyz_3 ago

We'll see. Having watched "Conspiracy of Silence" years ago and not having known anyone else I could discuss it with then, compared to currently where the fact of the systemic nature and global prevalence of pedophilia is now being revealed and widely discussed on social media and alternative media is very encouraging and I think that the cesspool and its stench can't be ignored much longer. At some point the MSM will have no choice but to cover it and will have to decide which side of the fence they're on. The MSM will be forced to choose to either drown in the cesspool or stand on solid earth. Look at CNN's credibility after having to retract multiple stories related to "the Russians". The wishful thinking, IMO, is on the part of the cabal to think that they can continue to keep this under control. We Truth Seekers just need to persevere.

DeathTooMasons ago

The media will continue to lie and talk about other things. They are never forced to do anything. They work for the cabal. The cabal will not relinquish their complete control they have, or junk their plans, or halt their plans. Remove them buy force or they continue. All your typing and upvoats will make others aware, and then they will start typing. And the cabal will continue.

Shillaxe ago

Unless he'd been pilfering from his bosses.