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2b1ask1 ago

Maria Bartiromo is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

That means this is a dog and pony show.

Pretend fight.

This is professional wrestling.

Divide and conquer.

xyz_3 ago

We may be approaching the time where they turn on each other and where flipping allegiance becomes a matter of self preservation. Are we there yet? I don't know but I sense that if we're not, then we're very close.

DerivaUK ago

Just because they're all in the same "club" doesn't mean they're cohesive. There will be equal conflicts and power struggles going on within that membership as there are anywhere else. I want to see them fight amongst themselves to the point of implosion, bringing about their own demise.

Votescam ago

True -- two ways to look at it . . . . .

"No honesty among thieves"


Capitalism isn't about competitition, it's about killing the competition."

Remember, Howard Hughes wanted to own the world.

pby1000 ago

Psychopaths will do this in order to survive.

2b1ask1 ago

Wishful thinking.

Freemasons and the like have been promised protection.

Go off script, and you lose your job.

This interview is a scripted breads and circuses.

Again, wishful thinking.

DeathTooMasons ago

Exactly. Never lose focus how it works.

Votescam ago

Weren't the Freemasons taken over by Illuminiti?

xyz_3 ago

We'll see. Having watched "Conspiracy of Silence" years ago and not having known anyone else I could discuss it with then, compared to currently where the fact of the systemic nature and global prevalence of pedophilia is now being revealed and widely discussed on social media and alternative media is very encouraging and I think that the cesspool and its stench can't be ignored much longer. At some point the MSM will have no choice but to cover it and will have to decide which side of the fence they're on. The MSM will be forced to choose to either drown in the cesspool or stand on solid earth. Look at CNN's credibility after having to retract multiple stories related to "the Russians". The wishful thinking, IMO, is on the part of the cabal to think that they can continue to keep this under control. We Truth Seekers just need to persevere.

DeathTooMasons ago

The media will continue to lie and talk about other things. They are never forced to do anything. They work for the cabal. The cabal will not relinquish their complete control they have, or junk their plans, or halt their plans. Remove them buy force or they continue. All your typing and upvoats will make others aware, and then they will start typing. And the cabal will continue.