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2b1ask1 ago

Maria Bartiromo is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

That means this is a dog and pony show.

Pretend fight.

This is professional wrestling.

Divide and conquer.

equineluvr ago

Spot on. ^

That's why she was invited to the annual Smith Dinner post election.

EVERYTHING in media is controlled.

CIA has controlled all major media since the 1950s. See Operation Mockingbird.

2b1ask1 ago

Professional wrestling is the perfect metaphor for these dog and pony shows...

You gotta have a villian (Podesta) vs. the good guy (Bartiroma).

Divide and conquer.

Throw in cleavage and you have the globalists formula for absolute domination on us.

They have been at this shit show for a long, long time.