PaidBySorosToShill ago

I believe it was reported to the police department, but they just ignored it. I could be wrong, but I think I thats what I read a while ago.

donkeyhide ago

This is Gnosis. Knowledge of the Light and the Dark. This is Light Work.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Why didn't he think to record any of the calls with detective Marcus Stephens in the first place? 😔

awerjawjrijawer ago

shachalnur ago

Brownstoned Ttitus Frost/Dean Fougere and his lovely talentless hollywood actress wife are bad news.

the fact he shows up with this video .and you giving attention to it .is regrettable and sad.

i didn't know so many peeps on this site still can't see and think clearly.

never mind,in a while also Titus will be outed for what he is,once his cover falls,or the paychecks stop..

believe what you want to believe,but Frost is rubbish,and anybody pushing his garbage is suspicious.

there's so much material out there that can proven ,but some think it's better to follow a fake ,brownstoned blabla. .


TrishaUK ago

'tumbleweed, yawn' you are a bit late joining the party lol

shachalnur ago

Have you ever heard about the difference between quality and quantity?

Voat is a datamining operation,infested with NWO shills.

Whenever you write something really substantial here,you get attacked by them.

That's why there are many peeps in the know for a lot longer than 90% of posters here, that stopped contributing important info on this site.

There are people awake and in the know for decades,while most here just woke up ,and actually think they understand the depth and scope of this ugliness.

Titus Frost has been attacking anybody getting traction in waking up people in large amounts,clearly under orders..

A simple study of his background and history will show he's Brownstoned ,compromised ,and most of his 'scoops' are transparent and can't be proven.

Limited hangout .

45 upvotes and only 8 downvotes is not bad,by the way.

And through personal messaging on this site I've been able to exchange very valuable info with certain peeps that understand a bit more about what's going on for real..

I was just pointing out Titus is a shaky source ,and following the pied piper on things as serious as pizzagate and SRA in general ,is not a clever thing to do.

No offence ,but those who take psy-ops like Titus seriously ,didn't get how this game is played.

I'm sure you mean well,but you're falling into the trap here.

TrishaUK ago

oh well I don't like anything hidden so pm is not the way for me to go, there is more safety in numbers than being manipulated privately one on one. That imo, isolated people can be deceived more. If it is out in the open at least your not hiding or lurking, and people can make up their own minds. At the end of the day I am not trying to prove I am right, I am putting things out there that I find of interest.

shachalnur ago

when people have questions ,they ask me in private messaging.

my handle is known on several sites and goes back years.

You have to understand that most sites allow certain info to be posted and seen ,and other stuff not..

as i said ,many good people left the site ,because there is too much rubbish being posted and supported .

they are still around and cherrypick the good stuff,and when they want answers from peeps that know a but more ,you ask through private message ,DM twitter or ,if it's really difficult stuff,protonmail.

just saying,titus is not good,take it or leave it,,many understand what I'm saying .

quality ,not quantity ,will bring the monster down.

good luck.

TrishaUK ago

I cede to your knowledge of how things work. I am a simple granny and all fairly new to me, and my motto in life has always been: Always tell the truth, that way you don't have to try and remember what you said and don't do things in secret that you would not like people to see in the open. (referring to your deeds in life, not with your wife!) lol All the best to you too and thanks for chatting, I will watch this space re Titus.

shachalnur ago

I know you mean well.

It's the kids that are suffering(I've got plenty myself) ,and that;s why we fight.

just understand there are very powerfull and sick people that run the show,and their lives and powerstructure is on the line,they don't play fair ,they never did.

most that are allowed to write and attack TPTB are either protected ,or work for them.

and then there is saying that goes:

the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

keep an open mind,check and distrust everything on the web.

We'll beat them ,we have no choice ,they are killing our children

Truthseeker3000 ago

For people asking, no u cannot take screen shots for evidence because it is illegal. BigFish said there was video and photos and they were for purchase using the currency bitcoin. He further stated at one point that his opinion was that since the police, FBI, etc did absolutely nothing to shut it down or investigate it, and since it was not on the Tor dark web to access it, that it was likely for people who weren’t very savvy with computers and the dark web and because all u needed to access the vile shit they had was a login and password that it was likely for dignitaries, gov offficials, people in other countries to use and access and Comet had all the info on who accessed what and bought what for blackmail. There were 8 countries where the servers were, Germany being one. There was also some kind of chat room and a web cam where he thought live feeds could take place. Alefantis has a place in Virginia by the pig farm and the CIA and it’s actually likely he is working for them and protected. BigFish had a number of things happen to him after reporting the evidence to his home and vehicle that are very much linked to him exposing this to various departments. He has done an amazing thing and is truly heroic for everything he’s done on this.

Narcissism ago

Any real hacker would have done a source code grab or screen shot of at least a section of the code - no CP there. Total BSer/ Larper.... IMHO.

TrishaUK ago

Good your explaining again about no screenshots/videos etc. On his actual youtube videos I commented this:- "Trisha Webster 6 hours ago I remember The Honeybee being asked by the authorities to send the proof over the phone, trying to trick her maybe, thank goodness she knows the law and refused to send it, even though your natural instincts is to send it to them because they have the authority to do something about it!ï»ż" Maybe I should have mentioned it here too.

Narcissism ago

The source code/ wouldn't contain any CP and its the first thing any hackker would grab so they could analyse it latter. So your attempt to cover for him is a FAIL I am afraid.

TrishaUK ago

FOR THE RECORD. I am not 'covering' for anyone, I have no vested interest in any of this pizzagate stuff besides being a concerned granny who wants a decent world for my grandchildren to live in! IF there is even a smidgen of hope that I could contribute to making their future safer, then thats ONLY reason I am here. So for you to sit on your judgement throne and suggest anything different, without even knowing me, is an insult and very closed minded.

Truthseeker3000 ago

YES!! You’re right I remember that about Honeybee I think it was something on Vidme she found and yes she got a call back and the guy on the phone actually wanted her to send it but he turned out to be some random person not connected to any investigation he was looking to get her in trouble by downloading it. So evil these people are. U cannot trust any of these people so everyone please, do not take any pics or download anything u find with CP, u can be charged.

TrishaUK ago

You have all been warned! lol I re-posted a link that looked comprehensive of all the CP pics someone had compiled here on voat. Then I went through them, to make sure what I had posted was okay. I almost died when the photo of the one in the art gallery with the black guy propped up in the corner, it was the really rude one where it looked like sex with a child. I had only ever seen it with a massive black blocker on, but someone had included it without the blockout. OMGoodness, I almost died. I took the post off deleted everything from my laptop, I was so worried that someone thought I had down loaded it! That taught me to thoroughly check before**** I re-post anyone elses work. - Oh and I WARNED everyone on voat about having 'autoplay' on their laptop. I fell asleep one night while watch a documentary to do with child abuse at a childrens home, I woke up to a sort of porn-like program playing on my laptop! I was horrified, I thought who would believe I didn't choose to watch it. Well obviously people who know me but if it were anything to do police wise, would they believe it was not my choice, especially when it is on my personal laptop?

Narcissism ago

If you investigate CP then video and keep a dairy of every step. And backup off site.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Titus Frost has no problem whatsoever sharing his videos and info he mentions copyright only because his videos keep getting removed for copyright or “bullying” or some other ridiculous reason. He is also now using his real name and has both his Titus Frost channel but has been banned from posting with strikes on his account and his real name, Dean Fougere. He is, by far, one of THE BEST researchers/truthers out there. I highly recommend him.

Dean, thank you for all the incredible work you put out. Keep doing what you are doing.

11-mikila ago

He is real deal, hunny bee too....GOD BLESS.

TrishaUK ago

I agree, Dean Fougere is a fantastic researcher/truther! It was quite a while ago that I saw him saying about the copyright thing, and the reason I mentioned it was to let people know he DOES WANT IT SHARED. Maybe it came across wrong, it certainly was not meant, nice to know you have his back though Truthseeker3000.

KillAllPedos ago


Narcissism ago

Exactly! Where is the source code grab, or a video of him at least gaining access. Notice how evasive he gets when asked about the source code. This guy hasn't the smarts to be a hacker or else just another Larper or a plant on Titus Frost who after all isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

KillAllPedos ago

@Narcissism YESSS!!!! 100% CORRECT!!!!!! titus was a proven to be a fraud long ago...anyone pushin his shit, is a shill!!!!

tech-adm ago

Good point, I remember the original video included some screenshots and footage that purportedly showed the hacker accessing the site but this could have been faked - in the recent video they make a valid point about posting screenshots of the actual content would be an illegal act. I personally wouldn't want to see it in any case as I think it harms your psyche. Assuming this is true, then they took the correct steps to contact the authorities but again this content could be faked as well. The one step that could authenticate this would be to contact the law enforcement personnel identified to confirm it's receipt. Even then they may not confirm if there is an ongoing investigation as this would violate privacy laws. On it's face if this was authentic - someone would be in jail by now or at least face charges. If someone calls them to confirm this would be the first step.

think- ago

if this was authentic - someone would be in jail by now or at least face charges.I

I agree that the guy maybe isn't legit, but when a computer has been hacked, the LE people won't investigate the CP stuff, as the evidence might have been planted - that's what I remember from the discussion of a similar case. Might be wrong, though.

KillAllPedos ago

let's be clear about this : Titus frost is a fake scum! he does this BS for clicks and likes! He wants web traffic to add $$$$$$$$ to his wallet! anyone pushing his shit is a SHILL!!!!

TrishaUK ago

I suggest KillAllPedos if you have any questions you want to ask directly to BigFish, he said he is willing to answer you if you dm him on his twitter (there are many more links below the video if you are interested. :)

See_Millie731 ago

I have no idea if this is related but the email on the video shows [email protected]. When I searched this name, I found a link where this guy was killed.

TrishaUK ago

I just checked out that post, while it does list Marcus Stephens, if you click on it it actually says Mr Stephen Marcus looks like they made a mistake on the 's' at the end of Stephen, not a good mistake it could potentially be a totally different person. Though this could be to throw you off, if there was more inforation about this mans work etc., we could then rule him out as the policeman BigFish was speaking too ------------- Homicide Victim: Marcus Stephens

Friday, July 21, 2017 On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at approximately 10:54 pm, Mr. Stephen Marcus was shot and killed in the 1000 block of 17th Street, NE. The Metropolitan Police Department seeks the public’s assistance in gathering information regarding this homicide.

Attachment(s): PDF icon Homicide reward fier for Marcus Stephens - 1.9 MB (pdf)

See_Millie731 ago

Never mind, just realized the spelling is different... Stephens/Stevens

TrishaUK ago

Would have been a good find though if it had been. :)

Sackajahweeda ago

But pizzagate is not real right?!

TrishaUK ago


webrustler ago

Started a transcript. Check it here

TrishaUK ago

Brilliant work, yes that is going to take along time webrustler! @SturdyGal suggested I download the video but like I said to her, I am not sure how to do that plus my son told me not to download, he 'cleaned' (not bleach-bit) my laptop the other day because it was going slow all the time, and to he honest I have not clue how or why it had so much stuff I did not know about. Hes like mom why have you installed this or why have you downloaded that? lol Then he proceeded to say it is because I go on all these websites and I have to be careful. As you can tell, I don't have lot of knowledge regarding technology, I even have to look up the urban dictionary to find out what a lot of you are on talking about lol. So if anyone can download, sure that would be helpful, but to be honest I am guessing there are multiple copies of it already with people who know exactly how to preserve it.

ESOTERICshade ago

All you have to do to download youtube vids is replace "" with "" in the video link. At hooktube site right click the video screen and select "save video as" and save it. Real simple. You can select the .webm format too to get a smaller file size to make the download smaller.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for that, I have copied it to save how to :)

PedoStomper ago

Someone needs to mass produce a bunch of PizzaGate DVDs that contain all of the best YouTube content out there. That'd be a great weapon for us to use. The problem with YouTube is sifting through the tin foil hat people, and that's a big part of why people don't want to research this topic, because they end up on videos featuring fat, ugly neckbeards screaming about Soros and such.

TrishaUK ago

I just posted this on another comment reply to you. lol Is this the Mr.Gunk video you are talking about? I did this submission about it here on voat 4 months ago. It is an EXCELLENT video for people who don't believe pizzagate, and a great tool for redpilling! - I Archived True Pizzagate Story - THIS is why I believe PizzaGate is real! TRUE STORY! (pizzagate) submitted 4 months ago by TrishaUK

webrustler ago

Thanks a lot. Although I did download the video because I don't trust Google, the transcript was made from the YT video. There's a way to capture the automatically created subtitles so I could use that as a template.

TrishaUK ago

God job :)

Dressage2 ago

I listened to that last night. Said the server was connected to 9 other servers all over the world. Pushing info back and forth. Did mention Berlin was one location. Remember, Oliver and the Ping Pong location over there. Supposedly, Alefantis was partners with the guy over in Berlin.

PedoStomper ago

Wasn't there something about a "Dr. Pong" overseas?

Dressage2 ago

Yes. He and Alefantis were partners. He has a place similar to Comet Ping Pong over in Berlin. I think his name is Oliver.

TrishaUK ago

I remember that. I think a link in London England was mentioned too. Will try find the link. Maybe we will see other links now we know more.

stillinit ago

And to this day, Alex Jones defends Comet Ping Pong. Really makes you question his integrity and motives and who he works for.

LightlyToasted ago


PedoStomper ago

Anybody still trusting Alex Jones should be slapped at this point. The dude intentionally is paid to act like a fool and bring shame upon the truth community. That's it. He may have been legit at one point, I mean I do give him credit for infiltrating Bohemian Grove, but these days he's an old, fat sell-out who has to suck the dicks of the elite to keep his family fed and safe, just like all the rest of their lapdogs.

If AJ was truly against (((them))), he wouldn't be a successful businessman. He'd be screaming on a street corner with clothes made of trash bags.

haggl ago

He probably got threatened just like Ben Swann.

TrishaUK ago

Look, this might annoy you all, but I don't see Alex Jones 'defending' CPP I see it as he's keeping his narrative from ACCUSING them, for the sake of being sued/taken off the air. Implying hes DEFENDING is a totally different thing than not accusing. He WAS sued remember and had to retract - the MSM and Killary are twisting it, so it sounds like he said that Killary (personally) is in the basement running child trafficking ring. With legal things WORDS matter and he is just making sure that INFOWARS remains on air..........I don't get all you people. WHY can't you concentrate on the 90% of the EXPOSURE of paedophilia and corruption activities he and his company have and are revealing, instead of the 10% (or less) that he is 'not doing right in your eyes'. How much coverage have you exposed and how many people have heard your voice??...millions?? He has enough people already attacking and trying to shut him down without the genuine people we are trying to expose this SICKNESS in society - I am tired of people attacking people who are on our side just because you have a problem with personalities and always thinking that we are the only ones right in this!! I don't 'LOVE' Alex Jones (before you all start attacking me for saying this), but I am still grateful that SO MANY PEOPLE have become aware of these elite corruption crime enterprises because of him and his staff and his network. Can we just focus on the real enemy. P.S. At least Alex Jones is not secretly selling, abusing and murdering children! And before you say we don't know that, the proof is that he is on his programme almost 24/7 to much of your disgust, but he there in the open and accounted for! hahaha

BlowjaySimpson ago

He is a useful idiot. Controlled opposition.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jones is a TwatWaffle! Another attention whore!

BlueDrache ago

Alex would be a comedian if he didn't take his bullshit so seriously.

Nobody27 ago

Bill Hicks...

BlueDrache ago

And he was murdered because his comedy was too close to the truth.

Nobody27 ago

Lol some believe jones is hicks. And that would be comedy to the world. If true i mean...

BlueDrache ago

I could see that ... similar facial structure.

Nobody27 ago

They actually talk the same but i dont know. Just the voice lol.

millennial_vulcan ago

interesting! by who?

BlueDrache ago

Official COD is listed as cancer ... But I could swear he died of a drug overdose under suspicious circumstances.

ThisisThat_2 ago

he's a performance artist, he said so. he's a chump.

1764_sugar_act ago

Really makes you question his integrity and motives and who he works for.

It would if we weren't doing that already. That guy is a zionist shill, controlled opposition. He mixes truth with bullshit and unhinged antics to make us all look bad.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Anyone who knows the real Truth knows that Jones is here to distort it. He is the king of controlled opposition. He would never report on Racine, Wisconsin in a million years and sticks to extremely vague and broad accusations against "the elite".

PedoStomper ago

Don't forget how they trot him out on hipster trash like The Joe Rogan Experience, where he smokes weed and rants about intergalactic vampires. Don't get me wrong, I smoke weed myself, but if I had the kind of opportunity to reach MILLIONS with my ideas and views, I wouldn't be ranting and raving about metaphysical stuff and "vampiric entities sucking the life force of our children." That kind of stuff turns people's brains right the fuck off.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Neither Alex Jones nor Joe Rogan can be trusted. They mix many levels of Truth and partial or overly broad Truth with complete lies, disinformation and distractions. Alex surrounds himself with inexperienced kid reporters who get cut off when the reach the lines of Truth.

How Alex reacted to the false flag DC shooting and the "witness" was incredible. Anyone who did not already know the Truth about Alex by then knew it instantly. Once you know his game and limitations, it becomes easy to identify. It is entertainment, nothing more.

ESOTERICshade ago

34 of Alex Jones top advertisers are zionists. There is a list somewhere.

sensitive2 ago

We will be all ears, @TrishaUK! BTW, to everyone here: sensitive2 is my alt of mod sensitive - I lost my pw and had to re-register. Would be awfully nice if you could help me out with some comment contribution points! I will later explain in detail and re-introduce myself in v/pizzagatemods. Thanks.

fuspezza ago

Punk spammer motherfucker earn your point bitch

sensitive2 ago

Hold your horses, @fuspezza, I'm real. Ask the other mods and they will confirm. @Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon @Honeybee_

Vindicator ago

Yep. She's real. And we can sure use the help!

Millennial_Falcon ago

@sensitive2 is indeed legit. 2legit2quit just because of a lost password. xD

sensitive2 ago

:-D :-D

Womb_Raider ago

We barely trust you mods, especially because of the history of questionable censorship in this subverse. Why should we trust you to vouch?

Millennial_Falcon ago

We have never done anything but enforce the rules to keep shills from shitting up the place too badly.

Womb_Raider ago

Voat doesn't have that short a memory comrade

dundundunnnnn ago

solid work, man. Keep it up.

Adminstrater ago

Very interesting to hear. I really hope the hacker gets answers.

derram ago | :

Interview with the Hacker who Broke into Comet Ping Pong and Found CP - #PizzaGate - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

4_InquiringMinds ago

hooktube links do not appear to be working/from my end at least.

Zinnsee ago

Delete the "YouTube" at the end of the hooktube link and it works.


4_InquiringMinds ago
