11-11 ago

Thank you from bringing this up and posting

wgvdl ago

Thank you for the links, esp. Lloyd deMause's report. DeMause is one of the world's most renowned socio- and psychohistorians, his book 'The history of childhood' was groundbreaking and eye-opening. He therein gives evidence that infanticide has a loong, long tradition.

equineluvr ago

Unless you have PERSONALLY CONFIRMED this story, then you do not know whether it is true or not.

janet58 ago

I believe because several friends have experienced this, people I have known for years. One spoke before the UN about ritual abuse.

VieBleu ago

this is not a true argument. There are many things that are true and real without my personal investigation. Is algebra a coherent system of mathematics? In my opinion actually no. But I believe it is because a number of trusted people say it is without personally investigating it further. Does the earth look like a beautiful blue marble spinning in space? I can't personally confirm that. Did a friend of mine go to work yesterday? I can't personally confirm it, but i trust their word they did. etc...

We would all be locked into a world of Cartesian "Evil Geniuses" if we had to personally confirm everything in our environment to be true on a constant basis, so we develop systems in order to navigate the truths and falsehoods in our world. These are not infallible, but a reasonable person develops reasonable checks and balances to determine what is feasible to accept or reject as true.

Gbuggers ago

Thanks for sharing. So disgusting and very sad her own father. How can fathers do this to their own daughters. Fathers are suppose to protect their daughters from evil not introduce them to the evil. WTF