ASolo ago


The hacker found child pornography on the Comet Ping Pong hard drive. That site was connected to 9 other international servers! He reported it to the DC Police. The next day Welch went in and shot up the restaurant hard drive. The hacker notified the FBI as well.

The hacker was told by the police that this evidence was actionable and was asked for more information. The hacker offered to show police how to obtain data. He was strung along from November to January then the officer went silent. The hacker’s truck was smashed while parked at his home. Camoflaged and masked man was caught in his bushes near home. Man was from two states away.

Great work VOATERS, thank you TITUS FROST!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hell yeah, original reports have not deviated from what Titus Frost and the hacker claimed. Adding even more validity. I'm guessing that the hacker's willingness to come forth and do this interview is a mixture of frustration due to inaction and the likelihood that Podesta (at least Tony) will be apprehended as per the Russian investigation/Podesta Group involvement.

KingKongisCTR ago

I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more views. I guess it's early in the morning but I see newer threads with more replies. Is it because the video is long? I tried to post this on the_donald as a thread and a reply and they got no views. Not sure if I'm shadow banned or what.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more views.

I would imagine that a lot of it is fear. The people involved, as we all know, are some of the most dangerous people in the world.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

A bit of Pizza fatigue for sure... scary that it's such low traffic. I wouldn't be the least but surprised if YouTube was pushing some algorithmic magic to keep this video from showing up much.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

How can this get to higher-ups/white hats?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

According to the hacker... it has. They are all being stonewalled.

KingKongisCTR ago

I feel like we need to pay someone on Craigslist to stand outside the DC police office with a huge poster showing police chief Peter Newsham's past. He is nowhere fit to be police chief let alone a police officer. It should be live streamed also. How can they allow someone so blatantly corrupt?

SturdyGal ago

Very credible and most important PizzaGate evidence thus far. Very distressing that thr DCPolice, FBI and mainstream media will not do anything about it.

Vindicator ago

I have to agree, this seems very legit. At 52:00 he explains all the false flags they did because the evidence he turned in to the DC police and FBI was so damning. "The third one they tried was that pizza menu". He is urging journalists to contact the DC police and ask about the evidence he gave to them. Nine servers around the world, including Berlin, selling child porn.

He has talked to all the major and minor journalists and "no one will touch it" even though it involves real, actionable evidence.

Please spread this video!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed. Thanks @Vindicator... I was excited when I stumbled upon this the other night... this is massive. The existence of CP on CPP's hard drive/network... plus the new info pertaining to the 9 other locations... the meta data he scraped... then the email that indicated he can still access all of this even though they "tried to hide/delete it"...

It's such BS that he can film himself acquiring the files for evidence only purposes, just to keep the evidence preserved, and come up with a method that would prevent him from ever accessing it once downloaded - unless in the presence of LEO.

Something like that needed to be done. No one WANTS to see the contents of this shit. But we can't just let them get away with it because the evidence is too illegal to own. What kind of insane defensive maneuver is that???

It's akin to committing a murder so heinous, that no one ever wants to see the footage, so you get to walk away from the crime as an innocent civilian.

Vindicator ago

@Millennial_Falcon -- Watch this video

Millennial_Falcon ago

I watched 22 minutes in so far. Seems like the story is essentially covered. Is there more important info in remaining part of video? Don't want to use up data cap if unnecessary. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

There is stuff toward the end, but mainly I wanted you to see that this guy is not making this up.

ESOTERICshade ago

This guy sounds legit so far. I'm only a few minutes into it but he sure doesn't seem like he is lying, not yet anyway.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Once he offered to have a live stream/recorded phone call w/ the DCMPD on Titus' channel... that was what did it for me. They should totally do that! 100%... why not? Fuck the DC Police... Fuck anyone that is stonewalling this... it is clearly being choked out by the Deep State. At least get them to admit this on camera/via phone. Get them to list badge numbers/names/division/rank/everything... This needs to be completely airtight and sent to everyone. Infowars, George Webb, David Seaman, Morphonious, Ben Swann, Zerohedge, Daily Caller, OANN...

Every. Single. Citizen or Website that has had the balls to admit that there is something to Pizzagate, lurking beneath the obvious false flag, needs to push this out on their respective networks ASAP.

derram ago