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Pizzalawyer ago

frustrating as hell, I think.the second persons experience. should be included. Obviously it is not as compelling. but it builds on the efforts to bring a crime to the attention of authorities..

There had also been a document, real or not, claiming to be an advertisement of children for sale intimating some discounts for children reaching their expiration date. Is that authentic where are the internet fingerprints for that document? Is it valid enough to be referenced in this post..

Zorrilla ago

To my knowledge, that document first appeared on Reddit in November 2016. It was claimed to have been obtained via a hack of the computer system of a DC pizza place called "We the Pizza". It generated a lot of attention for a few days even though most people thought that the claim of the hack was a LARP, and the document fake. It was eventually agreed upon that the claim was a hoax.

However, the same document appeared a few weeks later, being spread on Twitter by people claiming it had come from Comet. I recognized the document as being the same as the one associated with We the Pizza. In retrospect I think that this was done intentionally to distract from the real hack of Comet, and to generate confusion and distrust regarding the results of the real hack.