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truthdemon ago

Here is another fact... No one wants a solution....even if it explained to u as a two step solution..instead u buy into the fear porn...

The two step solution can only be understood when u own the fact that authorites are merely ur book keepers..they r URE book keepers..let that sink in..and sink in even more..

Being the book keeeprs..we r giving them the wrong instruction and funding that wrong instructiin...

All ine has to do to defeat the deep state is to 1. Email the US treasury and i struct them to take ur credits ..even for a few dollars they r as book keepers obliged to reduce debt qt the treasury.. Its UR treasury...

  1. Before u instruct them tonaccept ur credit ..u have to confirm with them that u have surety rights over the US treasury when u do that Google : surety rights

  2. When they agree..that meqns they u have set them up as ur trustee..and they will have to cover all ur public and private bills..

  3. U also confirm that u can place charges on any corrupt individuals..and u as surety over the US ..can instruct them to have NSA investigate ..and US marshalls take action under universal jurisdiction..

  4. Its only a two email conversation with the US trewsury confirm this..

Instead we decide to loan our credit and set up banks as trustees

thewebofslime ago

The machine is a protection racket. It can be used against it own when you point out they are missing out on a piece of the pie.

truthdemon ago

Seriously i give up..

People.dont want solutions ..

This solution is only for those who have patience and humility... U cant even pay a dollar into ur own treasury...

..u waste acres of verbage..but cant even use one dollar note and reduce the debt of thebUS tressury byh one dollar...thus placing the US as ur debtor..

Seriously ..i give up on this cowardly forum..

Utube : birth certficate stock market


thewebofslime ago

Go to sleep, then.

truthdemon ago

Lol , better than calling the Drug import agency and federal bacstabbing inbeciles...

What was the premise of u sending me those numbers ?

When one reduces the debt at the US treasury can activate and charge anyone under universal juridiction.....that trumps national juridiction.. Wiki universal jurisdiction.. Even kissinger is shit scared of it..

Fbi and dea officials will be charged under universal jurisdiction, only creditors of the US can instruct the US via the treasury to enforce universal jurisdiction Ie ..the hammer of Christ..

Looks like ur the one asleep...

truthdemon ago

The office of the US president ,IN FOREIGN POLICY MATTER, is War.. He wishes it wasnt true ...but it is... Because we lend our energy to the papal pirate war...and the US privides the war scrip dollar for this show.. Whennu reduce debt with any currency u individually proclaim u dont want to fund the war.. U declare peace... The US becomes ur debtor.. Google: surety rights