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zyklon_b ago

q and trump are pedos

thewebofslime ago

Let's see the evidence. What have you put together?

zyklon_b ago

acosta and epstein. stormy daniels plus a playboy model. 19 women have accused him of rape.

sued by 13 year olf for rape....

thewebofslime ago

The 13 year old was able to describe Epstein's penis ("egg-shaped') but not Trump's. I read the court documents and even watched the depositions.

Stormy Daniels is not credible, also, a self-proclaimed cultist. Also, not underaged. Why would an elite pedo pay a grown woman for sex? Seems like a contradictory premise.

Many women accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape. That is not a good standard of evidence.

I'm not saying you are 100% wrong, but the information you are using does not come close to meeting the standard of evidence of my post.

However, I am totally open to having that discussion. I know it isn't a popular idea. But, if you have a theory that Trump is somehow controlled opposition, I would read it. I would prefer something a little more comprehensive. But I'm an open-minded person who won't get triggered by contrary ideas to what I present.

zyklon_b ago

If you cannot admit that Trump is a kike and was just a distraction to try and stop revolution then cannot help

thewebofslime ago

Again, I would just like to see a reasoned argument.

I can make all kinds of claims. The current situation is a faction war between Kissinger and his old rival George Tenet. Kissinger backs Trump. Tenet backed Clinton. the US has always been a psyop, when the Crown decided all colonies would be better tax farms if they believed they were autonomous and western intelligence carries on this tradition today.

But, if I said that, wouldn't you want to see how I came to those conclusions?

zyklon_b ago

No person has that many claims made against him is all i am saying.

RussKurtell ago

I mean he just gave you an example.

Also, you don't know who Q is but you are claiming he is a Pedo.

Fuck off. Your logic and arguments are a waste of all of our time.