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think- ago

I don't agree with you that the investigation is over. I think we only just started. It is important to point out who is a pedo. It might be not so much necessary for those 'in the know', but it is important for the sake of justice, and also for redpilling normies.

I am referring to the UK, and the investigations into historic sexual abuse. Boris Johnson, who would like to become May's successor as a PM, said two weeks a go these were a waste of money. And only three weeks ago, it turned out he himself had a skeleton in his closet - the former GCHQ head, who was busted supporting a pedophile priest in court. And you can bet there are many, many more skeletons in his closet. That he would like to suppress these investigations (which are flawed of course, but still....) is a dead giveaway that these hit a nerve.

The recent revelations in the UK vindicated victims who have accused perps for ages. It enables their healing.

I can see where you're coming from though, and agree that it might be good to approach more journalists and potential political white hats.

thewebofslime ago

I consider Pizzagate to be proven; the nexus around Comet Ping Pong. Sure, there is a lot more to uncover, but there is no need to wait to start pushing for truth because it will expose a lot of other corruption way beyond just pedophilia.

think- ago

I consider Pizzagate to be proven; the nexus around Comet Ping Pong.

Yes, it is proven. I agree. But to me, 'pizzagate' has always meant much more than the network around JA and CPP.

And even of this network we only got a glimpse so far.

thewebofslime ago

True. Ultimately, my point is that we shouldn't have to investigate any further to justify pressuring the authorities to do their job. I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone stop researching; mainly stating that there is no reason people shouldn't feel comfortable confronting this issue because the facts are plenty to feel confident.

think- ago

I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone stop researching; mainly stating that there is no reason people shouldn't feel comfortable confronting this issue because the facts are plenty to feel confident.

Ok, thanks for clariying, @thewebofslime.

Ultimately, my point is that we shouldn't have to investigate any further to justify pressuring the authorities to do their job.

It's true that we shouldn't have to investigate further. But let's be realistic: we will have to do it, because otherwise no one else will do it. I'm very sceptical when it comes to rely on authorities doing their job.