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think- ago

I don't agree with you that the investigation is over. I think we only just started. It is important to point out who is a pedo. It might be not so much necessary for those 'in the know', but it is important for the sake of justice, and also for redpilling normies.

I am referring to the UK, and the investigations into historic sexual abuse. Boris Johnson, who would like to become May's successor as a PM, said two weeks a go these were a waste of money. And only three weeks ago, it turned out he himself had a skeleton in his closet - the former GCHQ head, who was busted supporting a pedophile priest in court. And you can bet there are many, many more skeletons in his closet. That he would like to suppress these investigations (which are flawed of course, but still....) is a dead giveaway that these hit a nerve.

The recent revelations in the UK vindicated victims who have accused perps for ages. It enables their healing.

I can see where you're coming from though, and agree that it might be good to approach more journalists and potential political white hats.

thewebofslime ago

I consider Pizzagate to be proven; the nexus around Comet Ping Pong. Sure, there is a lot more to uncover, but there is no need to wait to start pushing for truth because it will expose a lot of other corruption way beyond just pedophilia.

Are_we_sure ago

Proven? You haven't identified a single crime. How can this giant sprawling conspiracy be proven?

No one can even articulate probable cause for a crime involving Comet Ping Pong.

Yes, it is proven. I agree. But to me, 'pizzagate' has always meant much more than the network around JA and CPP.

thewebofslime ago

I even included a link to some of the laws broken, a lot of the crimes are listed in older posts also listed. Would you like me to be specific? Or would you like another chance to review the citations and evidence?

Are_we_sure ago

Specific would be helpful. I'm not going through the whole gish gallop again.

thewebofslime ago

There have already been convictions. Are you not aware? The very first part includes the known pedophiles.

Are_we__sure ago

Do inform me. I think you are probably expanding "pizzagate beyond recognition, but do inform me.

thewebofslime ago

I consider PGate to be the social circle around 4 people: Brock Alefantis Podestas. We have known pedophiles in their circle end of story. Crimes. Victims. COnvictions.

I do not eschew other people's definitions, but I do consider a lot of the rest to be "Pedogate."

However, these rings are allowed to operate in a greater ecosystem of corruption, which is managed like a reality TV show using the Art of the Limited Hangout.

That's how I see it.

Are_we_sure ago

I consider PGate to be the social circle around 4 people: Brock Alefantis Podestas. We have known pedophiles in their circle end of story.

That's a reasonable scope of PGate, but who exactly are you talking about. Specifics.

thewebofslime ago

Asking the right questions. I have always contested that the list should be stickied or sidebarred on /v/pizzagate

Dennis Hastert.

Anthony Weiner.

Jeffrey Epstein

Christopher Kloman.

Richard Harding.

Laura Silsby (human trafficking)

Terry Bean.

There are more, that's just off the top of my head.

Are_we_sure ago

dammit, my long reply was lost

You basically engaging in lengthy guilt by association exercise and a retroactive fallacy. In most cases, you are talking about association before crimes were known and the retroactively portraying that knowledge backwards to make it look like the crime was openly known for the entire relationship. There's no evidence for this.


Dennis Hastert obviously has many more connections to Republicans than Democrats. He was one of the leaders of the impeachment of President Clinton. The current Vice President said "Hastert is a man of integrity who has led our conference honorably" and that Pence should not resign over the Mark Foley scandal.

Hastert's crimes occurred when he taught and coached High School in Yorkville, Illinois. How do you expect the Podestas or Mike Pence to know that Hastert was a Pedophile? How would they have known his secrets from decades before he got to Washington DC?


Jeffrey Epstein


We know that Weiner previously was caught messing with Women. The previous scandal involved a 40 year old divorcee. We also known he was massively insecure. In this case he didn't go out looking for a teenager, she got in touch with him. She told him she was a big fan and wanted to write a book on him.......think about that for a moment......She was a big fan of a guy who was best known for being disgraced and forced out of politics? Make no mistake he is guilty, but she later went on Inside Edition and admitted she was glad she disrupted Clinton's presidency. Just like she reached out to him first, she later reached out Sydney Leathers, the woman who first exposed Weiner, not the cops. She asked Leathers how she could make money off this.

still editing.....