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letsdothis3 ago

Speaking of Ernst and Young - coincidentally, Ryan Lanza (brother of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza) worked at EY. Here's daddy with his bottle of Fireball Cinnamon whiskey

William A. Goldring (born 1942/1943) is an American billionaire businessman, chairman of the Sazerac Company, and head of the family that owns Sazerac, the second largest spirits company in the US

Every year, the United Way for Greater New Orleans Area honors one person committed to philanthropy and service to the New Orleans community with the Alexis de Tocqueville Award. The selection committee most recently honored William Goldring with the 2010 award for his work as president of the Goldring Family Foundation and the Woldenberg Foundation.

Tocqueville Society Chairman Kim Sport said, “Bill Goldring’s concern for the individual as well as the community is in the true style of what Tocqueville described as the extraordinary generosity of Americans.”

Goldring Family Foundation

Then there's Mark Goldring CEO of Oxfam. Any relation? Who knows...


The truth is coming out: Four Major Charities Rocked by Epidemic of Sex Abuse...

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

The United Way of Western Connecticut, which established the Sandy Hook School Fund shortly after the shootings.... Officials with the United Way said a Google technical error made it appear that the online form created to accept donations for the Sandy Hook fund was posted three days before the shootings occurred.... The future of philanthropy is here. United Way and have partnered [cough CIA cough]

Cesar Sayok's former employer at New River Pizza attended a private military school where sexual abuse charges were lodged. His connections to military intelligence and the Democrat party are noted.

So, in a previous comment a link was established between the school in Broward county and Habitat for Humanity via Tim Dobbins (

We know there are links between Habitat and Dyncorp. Now the links between Dyncorp and United Way... Polaris uses Chatter to connect workers with files, data and experts. Salesforce, the provider of Chatter, analyzes the data trends...

letsdothis3 ago

Robin Hood Foundation:

Steven Cohen serves on the board of trustees of the New York-based Robin Hood Foundation. He is the founder of Point72 Asset Management

A specialized surveillance unit, composed of ex-CIA, FBI and SEC investigators,[12] was created to emphasize the need for compliance by traders, and in 2014, the firm retained Palantir Technologies, Inc., a Central Intelligence Agency-backed software maker to provide a new tool for compliance and surveillance.

letsdothis3 ago

Oh! What a spectacle to behold. The Ogden Museum of Southern Art hosted a mammoth of a gala to celebrate William “Bill” A. Goldring with its Opus Award, a distinction to honor an activist in art and culture.

Notable attendees included: John Goodman, Helen Miren, Bryan Cranston, C.K. Swett of Heritage Auctions who served as auctioneer, Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Councilmember LaToya Cantrell, artists John Alexander and Bill Dunlap, and Board Members Roger Ogden, Gregory Holt, Dathel Coleman and Fran Villere, and Board Chair Allison Kendrick.

The evening began in the museum’s Patrick F. Taylor Library with a patron party catered by chef Justin Devillier from Le Petite Grocery and a silent auction including more than 50 works by southern artists. Partygoers proceeded into a tent adjacent to the museum for the seated gala dinner prepared by chef Donald Link and chef de cuisine Rebecca Wilcomb. The program, emceed by Bryan Batt, included a live auction featuring a plethora of precious artwork and a 1989 Mazda Miata that was a gift from Steven Spielberg to John Goodman for his performance in the film Always. An impressive total of 35 musicians entertained guests throughout the evening.

letsdothis3 ago

Continuting from

The Portuguese bank sells Banque Espirito Santo and Veneto to a subsidiary of the Cerberus fund.

Just in case it escaped your attention:: [June 2018] The U.S. Fund Cerberus Buys BES Vénétie from Novo Banco

Novo Banco reported that a French subsidiary of the U.S. fund Cerberus would buy its 87.5% stake in Banque Espírito Santo et de la Vénétie.

Novo Banco agreed to sell its 87.5% stake in Banque Espírito Santo et de la Vénétie, SA and directly related assets, to Promontoria MMB SAS, a company incorporated in France and a subsidiary of Cerberus Capital Management, the bank led by António Ramalho said in a statement to the CMVM.

For Novo Banco and Banque Espírito Santo et de la Vénétie see the Hampstead case: Cambridge Analytica, Atlantic Bridge, Thatcher's govt, Michael Hintze, Espirito Banco and the financier of the Hampstead cult.

For Cerberus connection re Dyncorp, Sandy Hook, the UN, etc. : see Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...


Trump hires Stephen Feinberg of Cerberus Capital and DynCorp chain to lead intelligence advisory board. Apart from everything else, what's that about the sell off of blood plasma from the UK to US?

Time to do some deep diving.

think- ago

Thank you!

kestrel9 ago

Article about the case and info regarding the 'kuman thong' (กุมารทอง, Thai for “golden boy”)

28-year-old Chow Hok Kuen soon admitted to buying the small bodies for a touch more than $6,000, intending to resell them in Taiwan as good luck charms for at least six times the purchase price. There was only a brief media buzz about this grisly find, but these kuman thong (กุมารทอง, Thai for “golden boy”) have a strange and persistent history in Thailand.

Nice shoutout the author made there for the maggot Satanists, '6 fetuses, $6,000, sold for min 6x as much! /s

The folklore story is grisly. Here's a recap version: Kuman Thong were famously mentioned in The Tale of Khun Chang Khun Phaen folklore, set in the late 1500s. In the story, Khun Phaen made an amulet out of his child’s foetus by performing a black magic ritual. The unborn child then became a ghost called Kuman Thong, or “golden boy”. The folklore said Khun Phaen used the Kuman Thong for his protection on the battlefield. link

But now it's a profitable occult practice.

Despite the fictional origins, belief in kuman thong took root in southern Thailand, with widespread belief that these protective ghost children could warn against any dangers that threatened a household. Ancient manuscripts detailed additional steps on how to make kuman thong, such as requiring the ritual to be completed before dawn in a cemetery and painting the dry-roasted baby with lacquer before applying gold leaf.

While there are Thai laws against using human-derived products for consecrating kuman thong, occasional stories of more “authentic” charms (like the 2012 discovery) still arise, giving glimpses into the extent of the underground markets for these disturbing artifacts. In another high-profile case in 1995, a Buddhist novice named Samanen Han Raksachit was arrested after a video surfaced of him piercing, bleeding, roasting, chanting, and collecting the meaty drippings of a baby at Wat Nong Rakam in Saraburi province. He had been selling the fatty liquid as ya sane (“lust medicine”) to monastery visitors.

Other reported cases of kuman thong:

  • People buying fetal corpses from illegal abortion clinics.

In June 2010, 14 dead babies were uncovered in an abandoned rural home in Ubon Ratchathani province, and a former nurse was charged with illicitly selling the corpses for $30. Later that year in November, 348 aborted fetuses were found wrapped in putrid plastic bags at a Buddhist monastery at Wat Phai Ngoen, in the heart of Bangkok. They had been bought from five different illegal abortion clinics with the goal of sale to magicians and amulet dealers. Once the news broke, hundreds of people swarmed the monastery to chant for the deceased fetuses, and some even asked whether the corpses would be made available for ritual use.

think- ago

Thank you so much! :-)

@letsothis3: please see info above.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome!

letsdothis3 ago

So, to continue with this thread which is buried within another comment and started here:

From the post the Paris -based EY (Ernst and Young) seems to be of interest. Just a couple of days ago, the CEO Mark Weinberger announced that he is stepping down

Ernst & Young has named Carmine Di Sibio as its next CEO and global chairman.

Apparently Mark Weinberger holds dual US and Israeli citizenship

Mark A. Weinberger is an American businessman. He is the global Chairman and CEO of EY, formerly known as Ernst & Young.[1][2] Weinberger has also held several posts in the public sector in Washington, D.C., including time as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy. On December 3rd, 2018, it was announced that Weinberger will step down as EY Global Chairman and CEO effective July 1st, 2019.

In late 2000 and early 2001, two U.S. presidents tapped Weinberger to return to the public sector. In 2000, President Bill Clinton appointed Weinberger to the Social Security Advisory Board.[9] Weinberger left EY's national tax department in February 2001 to serve as President George W. Bush's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy.[9][10] Weinberger returned to EY from the United States Treasury Department in April 2002

In June 2017, Mark Weinberger and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, announced that they were bringing together CEOs from global companies, including Indra Nooyi, Paul Polman and Jamie Dimon, to work on a proof of concept to encourage and measure companies long-term value creation through human, physical, financial and intellectual capital deployment.

think- ago


Warmoose76 ago


IShallNotFear ago

English version of Paris Match -

French version of Le Parisien article mentioned in the Paris Match -

English version of Le Parisien article mentioned in the Paris Match -

English version of e1 -

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are my hero, thank you.

think- ago

Thank you, @IShallNotFear!

think- ago

Thank you for your help! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not much help atm, on road, home midnight or later, my inbox is blown up. Such fun. ;)

assistance1010 ago

The Vincennes Woods are in the XII District which looks like an area where a body can be disposed of during the night.

think- ago

Any idea who the art gallery owner and tattoo artist might have been?

letsdothis3 ago

A bit more information in this article:

34-year-old Sebastien B. could be an IT personnel, but he has a history of skills in chemistry and a great liking for drugs. He probably supplied the precursor required for the initial processing of the fentanyl drug from China on dark web, according to the preliminary investigation.

Investigation shows that Gabriel M., a friend of Sebastian who deals with the drug, survived a fentanyl overdose. Gabriel stocks and promotes an art gallery. He is a long time resident of the 12th arrondissement. But he was arrested on Monday when he was already set to start selling, and fetuses of unborn babies were discovered at his home. His habit is associated with satanic piety.


think- ago

Great find, @letsdothis3!! Thank you! :-)

His habit is associated with satanic piety

'Piety'.... /s

letsdothis3 ago

Maybe someone can take this further...

If he works in computer science, Sébastien B., 34, has a background in chemistry and a penchant for drugs. He had already fallen for similar facts in 2012. According to the first investigations, he would have supplied himself in China, via the Darknet , for the delivery of the precursor product for the modest sum of 1,000 euros per kg. It was then sufficient to mix it with Proprianyl chloride in liquid form (very easy to find) to perfect the product which will then be purified with acetone and chloridric acid. To consume, the chemist on Avenue Simon-Bolivar (19th) finally added a good dose of lactose so as to limit the risk of overdose.

Found the address: his name is Sébastien Becot

The police are familiar with this thirty-year-old computer scientist and chemistry graduate. He has already been sentenced in 2012 for drug trafficking. Nailed, then released from prison. At the time he had tried to make fentanyl himself. In very small quantities. But this time, the merchandise is of a different nature. Several thousand doses would have been made. Mistrust is therefore appropriate when the bloodhounds of the narcotics brigade intervene on November 20 at his home. They wear protective suits, masks, glasses, gloves ... Above all, they are accompanied by a doctor who holds in his briefcase a valuable antidote to administer to agents in case of contamination. Because the product is extremely volatile, powerful, and dangerous.

Also at his address is a Chinese restaurant La Couronne D'asie Xu Yisheng

Becot is a consultant BI for Bluestone Data Science

Website does not seem to work but wayback but group owner is Arnaud Laroche who runs the French AI company EY

EY Advisory buys analytics expert Bluestone Consulting

I found another profile under the name Sebastien Becot for a different Bluestone. Just check out the logo:

I don't know if it's a coincidence or the same people involved. Tracking French intel is a nightmare but here's the website:

This is where it gets really confusing.. and that may be the idea.. There's an American company called Bluestone Consulting Group which is a cloud computing company working with Salesforce, therefore in the CIA network:

And then there's another big French company also with the name Bluestone that is in the real estate, hotels and hospitality sector.. They are intriguing because they partner with banks like HSBC and Banque Esperito Santo et Vénétie

Banque Esperito Santo et Vénétie you say? That's Will Draper's bank..

The Portuguese bank sells Banque Espirito Santo and Veneto to a subsidiary of the Cerberus fund.

think- ago

Ernst and Young in the US works for Disney and Amazon. They were very much in involved in the 2008 financial crisis.

think- ago

Very interesting, thank you!

letsdothis3 ago

I was hoping finding Sebastien would lead to Gabriel but I'm burned out now on this French stuff :-)

think- ago

I understand! Thank you for your kind help! :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Just a thought...

I was looking at the executives on this link about Bluestone Consulting and EY France :

Xavier de Boissieu is Partner at EY, in charge of the Blockchain EMEIA Advisory Center & Lead of the Wavespace Paris. 20 years of consulting experience in Datascience, Technology and Innovation. Former co-founder and Managing Director of Bluestone.

Blockchain and the Dark Web go hand-in-hand.

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

UAE you say.. Will Draper... blockchain... dark web... hmm..

voat posts:

Hampstead Cult Financier Data Dump

Vincent Sagua, who is British and currently living in the United Arab Emirates, working for a satellite broadcast company, (Chief financial officer),

Vincent Sagua works for the UAE satellite company YahLive which I wrote about here: Remember that UAE embassy mansion fire ? A look at UAE influence in Washington, broadcasting systems and their connection to the world of child abuse. I need some tech savvy eyes.

Mr. Draper is a telecoms expert and is currently working for BT. [Now back at Mirabaud Securities].

letsdothis3 ago

Well, this is interesting:

EY has announced that it will launch EY wavespace at ‘Area 2071’, within Emirates Towers in Dubai. Opened by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Area 2071 is aimed at becoming a headquarter for futuristic technology companies and start-ups.

Here's there creepy website:

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum voat posts:

Dubai Princess Latifa Al Maktoum EXPOSES the TRUTH father Mohammed RashidAl Maktoum (2018) - the UAE but gets caught, tortured, drugged, imprisoned for years. made a frantic distress over WhatsApp.

Wikileaks email chain FARA discussion, Tony Podesta (Iraq, Azerbaijan, Egypt), Ben Barnes (Libya), John Merrigan (UAE), Wyeth Weidman (Libya), and Mike Driver (UAE connections)

Clinton activity in the GULF -- follow the money/post here

Bill's biggest source of income between 2000-2010 was thanks to Epstein-clone Ron Burkle, who formed the Yucaipa investment fund with the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum (whose family was linked to trafficking children, just as the widow of the emir of Abu Dhabi was found keeping 20 domestic slaves in a Brussels hotel, another Maktoum with 16 sex slaves in a Prague hotel, sensing a theme), for whom Bill and Hillary had been shilling for years (Dubai ports deal).

IShallNotFear ago

Not sure but this article says it was in the 6th Arrondissement of Paris. I guess that narrows it down a little.

EDIT: To clarify, the apartment was in the VI Arrondissement

assistance1010 ago

No clue right now sorry.

think- ago

K, thank you. I spent an hour or so trying to find out who this might be, but unfortunately in vain.

assistance1010 ago

The Hampstead children also mentioned TNT which is the same company that acquired Fedex in 2016. The shipping company rabbit hole goes deep into hell.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. TNT had a warehouse in Essex which was involved in a huge fire about a year ago : Huge fire at UK warehouse park last night, Ferndearle Child Care Services fraud case and possible MI5/6 connections. Let's take a look.

I'm now wondering if there is any connection with this : UK: Two Officers Of The Essex Police Child Abuse Team On Trial For Destroying Evidence @think-

Quinceberry ago

I was aware of international transport /shippers but until this hadn't thought of the local shipping companies transporting vileness right in plain sight of us every day. Wow. Lightbulb moment # 2341,. Thanks.

think- ago

Actually, one of the founders of DHL, Larry Hillblom, was a pedophile, who used the transport facilities for shipping children it seems. (See also the post I linked at the bottom of my OP.)

think- ago


assistance1010 ago

We need to look more into DHL.

think- ago


think- ago

Thank you very much for your help. :-) I added the link to my OP.

assistance1010 ago

So major cities around the world have underground tunnels where they do this stuff. Paris, London, D.C., and LA are confirmed.

assistance1010 ago

Portland, Oregon too

assistance1010 ago

NYC, Toronto, San Francisco are likely as well.

Joe10jo ago

Thanks for posting!

think- ago

You're welcome, @Joe10jo.

carmencita ago

I had to stop reading. This Is VIle Just VIle. Prayers for all the murdered little Babies that have been sacrificed. May they RIP +++

SeeHear ago

Same. It’s happening