mollysbrownpizza ago

Excellent find! Never saw a connection to any of this before..WOW

SoldierofLight ago

Apologies if someone already posted it in the thread and I missed it, but I'm trying to find that pic we've seen here several times of suspected pedogate higher ups standing around in a semi-circle showing off their red shoes. Does anyone else remember that? Clearly, the red shoes were symbolic but I couldn't figure out their significance. I think your theory is the answer to my question. Nice work. And did you know there's a "Red Shoe Movement" now. Is it a cover?

2b1ask1 ago

Do not forget about Elton John's song Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes:

(Almost) everything in life is a secret code.

WildCatScot ago

How on earth did i miss that?!! Will add to blog - with full credit to you of course! - Thank you xx

2b1ask1 ago

You might search Google for this:

songs with red shoes in it

You will be updating your list with lots of stuff you "missed."

Keep up the "great" work <- (the word "great" is quite important to those Masons who rule over us from behind the scenes).

WildCatScot ago

I know i'm nowhere near even scratching the surface yet, but i fully intend to do more than scratch it by the time i am done! You could say i will leave no stone unturned Every day i learn so much & every day i am humbled by how little i know. I didn't know the word great was of any significance! how intriguing!

Thank you

Laskar ago

Great link; thanks for posting it.

G-ma ago

Waiting for the other shoe to drop? Foreshadowing.

notdivided ago

check out hans christian andersen's the red shoes

kestrel9 ago

Such a grisly story for kids? Yuck...funny I just read the post about the kids missing in National Parks, where the article reported that people had been finding shoes with feet still in them. (Ironically that may have happened to me like 35? years ago, while in a boat I spotted what appeared to be a foot in a shoe floating in the lake...we left quickly and I was not able to confirm whether it was indeed a foot.)

In the fairytale the little girl is freed from the slavery of the red shoes (vanity) by having her feet chopped off...the feet and shoes continue dancing but she goes to heaven. Most depressing fairytale and when you read what inspired it, one really questions the sanity of Hans Christian Anderson.

"Andersen explained the origins of the story in an incident he witnessed as a small child. By his report, his father was sent a piece of red silk by a rich lady customer, to make a pair of dancing slippers for her daughter. Using red leather along with the silk, he worked very carefully on the shoes, only to have the rich lady tell him they were trash. She said he had done nothing but spoil her silk. "In that case," he said, "I may as well spoil my leather too," and he cut up the shoes in front of her."

notdivided ago

I was read this story as a small child (by an oblivious childless relative, much to my dismay) one of those things that stuck with me in great detail LOL

kestrel9 ago

I can't think of any good reason to read that one to kids lol.

3141592653 ago

Yes, and there is a brilliant film adaptation from the 40's! Black Swan is heavily inspired by the film The Red Shoes

notdivided ago

Never thought of that! You totally just gave me the chills.

3141592653 ago

I'm honored?

13Buddha ago

Now, I am truly at a loss for words. My most favorite childhood movie blown away. Poof! I'm turning into a paranoid schizo.

notdivided ago

just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!

MyNameIsLuka ago

Hardly anything looks like it did before Pizzagate. Food, music, books, movies. I can't even watch The Voice anymore without wanting to throw up every time Gwen Stephani fawns over a fourteen year old.

WildCatScot ago

I don't watch The Voice UK since i found out Tom Jones is a child rapist... Yet another SIR Paedo

PART 2 - has all the latest updates

You wouldn’t just so happen to be a CHILD RAPING NONCE now would you? SIR (last updated 6th April ’17)

PART 1 Tom Jones & the CHILD RAPE allegations that just won’t go away

Oh, & Gwen Stephani's ex is on The Voice UK

MyNameIsLuka ago

I'll try to find it, but in the US elimination round, Gwen chose Aliya Rose, 14 year old morman girl. Gwen went on and on about "finally getting a young one." It was truly disturbing, nothing about the girl's talent, only about her age.

strix-varia ago

TV/cable is a useless thing now. So glad I am not tempted to watch shows like that since I fired them. A truly liberating thing.

FriesischShipping ago

She's from Anaheim=33, in Orange=33 County. There's TacoBell=33 headquarters there too, all on the 33rd degree latitude. 😉

MyNameIsLuka ago

You don't have to tell me. My grandson is 5th gen SoCal. My great-grandfather was Houdini's successor. I have a permanent seat with the magic circle. I come from people that are complicit.

ArthurEdens ago

I just assume everybody now, it's a moral dilemma for sure, I still like bowie and elton john music even though their personal lives are detestable if they are pedos

lopus ago

I am a great Bowiefan and I am pretty sure he was not a pedo (yes, despite that Lori Maddox case. Usually he liked tall and masculine women - not little kids). But I guess, when he was young - at he beginning of his career - he was in touch with the evil powers. At least we know he knew a lot about that and also used it in his songs. There is an article "Bowie and the occult" in the web dealing with that. and
But I doubt he still was into these things when getting older - except from a "scientific" point of view. An interesting topic is his Album "Outside", which is about a horrible story about "the ritual murder of 14 years old Baby Grace Blue". He's describing a rather bizarre story about killing people as "art crime"... wtf..? I am a Bowiefan for years and I loved that album (musically), but, honestly I never really knew what to think of that story!
Now, as I read about all this satanist shit and ritual killings and "spirit cooking", I think, maybe he was disguising something he witnessed (ot took part in) when he was younger...? But maybe knew he never was allowed to talk about it openly? So he wrote a crazy album about it? (well, I don't know! First I thought he wrote "outside" being inspired by 90ties stuff like "Twin Peaks" and "Hannibal Lecter"-type killers, and artists like Damien Hirst and Hermann Nitsch - but then I read somewhere, that the "Outside"-Story was based on some diary fragments he had written already in the 70ties)

ArthurEdens ago

It shines some light on his heroin years, his aladin sane make up, and him taking his son away from his mother. I think there's more than meets the eye now

fartyshorts ago

I don't think I'm getting invited any time soon. :)

cky_stew ago

This one feels a bit confirmation biasy.

fartyshorts ago

That would be supremely interesting to me.

YingYangMom ago

This is an EXCELLENT article. It's pretty complete, well-sourced and worth the read. Thanks for sharing, OP :)

WildCatScot ago

aww wow! what a lovely comment! thank you. xx

YingYangMom ago

Welcome :)

ASolo ago

Not sure why such well written, prominent discussion points, such as this piece, are so often overlooked. Definitely upvoated.

For me, there is NO other more logical explanation for podestas crew to be wearing those red shoes other than for an repulsive homage to the mk-ultra classic programming tool The Wizard of Oz.

KnightsofHubris ago

an repulsive homage to the mk-ultra classic programming tool The Wizard of Oz.

OMG! Fantastic. Holy Lord. This is fantastic.

I used to be disgusted. Now I try to be amused.

WildCatScot ago

Got a big smile on my face now! :-) Thank you so much! Positive feedback is rare in this line of work so your comment is much appreciated.
Thanks again, xx

ASolo ago

Well, other than for Piscina's point below because that is where it eventually leads.

thisisnotagame ago

The WIZARD OF OZ is said to be filled with MKULTRA programming...what about Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers? EDIT: in reading the article further, I see this is mentioned.

kestrel9 ago

The lyrics in Elton John's song Goodbye Yellow brick road, seem to acknowledge and reject that programming or agenda (for him or Bernie Taupin?)

On the same album with the same title is a song paying homage to Marilyn Monroe, 'Candle In The Wind' ("Goodbye Norma Jeane..."). Marilyn is reportedly one of the early MK-Ultra Hollywood creations.

fartyshorts ago

In the book, her shoes are silver. Supposedly, they made them technicolor-red in the movie to contrast against the yellow brick road. Of course there could be other reasons as well...

More history on her "ruby slippers":

Laskar ago

There are always "other reasons". but you are correct, in the book, which has much more occult stiff in it, the shoes are silver.

Piscina ago

Red shoes signify allegiance to satan.

redditsuckz ago

Walking in the goyims blood/childrens blood...the Hampstead children said that that some of the perpetrators in that case were making shoes out of babys skin.

(((Milo))) red shoes;

Note: a heads up with the video below Paul Joseph Watson touches his glasses/3rd eye and "the eye" is another hypnotic symbol used on humanity to control your subconscious causing you to forget what you seen and heard and to make sure you believe everything you hear him say.

Milo Yiannopoulos vs Paul Joseph Watson on the JQ - Milo admits he and his clan run the world

TruthTrumps ago

Red Louboutin shoes in this sick ad :

And more sick tweets/ads by @PlastikMagazine :

Note this one with pizza:

What secrets do Christian Louboutin and Plastic Magazine advertise?

BlackManta2 ago

Remember those red wristbands all the Hollywood sheeple were wearing a few years back? Supposedly for some Kabbalah cult Madonna started. Britney Spears, Zac Ephron are two I remember clearly wearing them.

3141592653 ago

And demi

WildCatScot ago

kabbalah wristbands / bracelets / string

Quote "Wearing a thin scarlet or crimson string (Hebrew: חוט השני) as a type of talisman is a Jewish folk custom as a way to ward off misfortune brought about by the "evil eye" (Hebrew: עין הרע). The tradition is popularly thought to be associated with Kabbalah and religious forms of Judaism. The red string itself is usually made from thin scarlet wool thread. It is worn as a bracelet or band on the left wrist of the wearer (understood in some Kabbalistic theory as the receiving side of the spiritual body), knotted seven times."

Quote "The custom of wearing the red string dates back to Genesis 38 and is worn to ward off misfortune. The tradition is popularly thought to be associated with Judaism’s Kabbalah (the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation in the Bible) and the story of Rachel who gave to others and was blessed in return. Behind every story there is a lesson and this is the lesson of the Red String. IN ORDER TO BE BLESSED AND PROTECTED BY THE RED STRING YOU HAVE TO GIVE OF YOUR SELF, LIKE RACHEL."

Mad_As_Hell ago

ThePedoHunter ago

What do you think they have over this Kutcher fag that he would be forced to deliver a nervous and awkward anti child trafficking obvious they got some nasty blackmail

PizzagateBot ago