urbanmoving ago

I'm wary of a lying article that pushes "climate" change" lies no climate has changed ever, anyone who says that is a moron who thinks tree ring precipitation core samples(the crucial number of which were admittedly hoaxed with better studies discrediting the lies) have anything to due with temperature. The "climates" arctic, sub arctic, humid continental etc. are all the same require a vast flux to "change" and never have. Sorry peeps people inventing things in their heads about an "ice age" and insane batshit garbled lies about boogeyman "carbon" cause me to puke on site. That is all Rothschild economic warfare on the poor propaganda. I will have none of it.

ASolo ago

Another one. good work.

Hey, that comedian, however funny he is, Ricky Gervais, is bragging about living in Hampstead on his new special. He's dogged on twitter and hell bent on another anti-religiously themed show. He's a living dichotomy.

letsdothis1 ago

I've never found Ricky Gervais to be funny. He strikes me as a creep and from what you've just commented I think my instincts are confirmed.

letsdothis1 ago

Madeleine McCann and Bell Pottinger

The McCanns reportedly paid PR agency Bell Pottinger £500,000 to keep the case in the media spotlight.


Alex Woolfall, Head of Risk for international PR company Bell Pottinger, arrived 4 May (helped to edit Gerry McCann’s photos before putting them on a disc for the PJ)

Mark Warner, the holiday company at the centre of the Portuguese story, is using the Bell Pottinger Group for help with the crisis.

To that end, a string of public-relations people arrived in Praia da Luz, deeply resented by the local police, who saw the media attention as counterproductive.[ Alex Woolfall of the British PR firm Bell Pottinger, representing Mark Warner Ltd, dealt with the media for the first ten days, then the British government sent in press officers. This was unprecedented. The first was Sheree Dodd, a former Daily Mirror journalist, then Clarence Mitchell, director of media monitoring for the Central Office of Information.

letsdothis1 ago


To bring things full circle, Bell Pottinger was revealed to work for Michael Hintze - the hedge fund manager who was Atlantic Bridge’s major backer.

The likes of Lord Bell, in perhaps the quickest route to Godwin’s Law yet devised, will tell you that everyone deserves representation. It’s an argument that goes back to Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, who in the early twentieth century pioneered the use of psychology in PR to help market the likes of Procter & Gamble, Cartier and Best Foods. For Bernays, democracy required the manipulation of the mass mind by media and advertising.

And when you wonder why so few are asking questions about all this, consider the fact that a sizeable minority of Tory and Labour MPs come from lobbying, among them Priti Patel, who was at Weber Shandwick; Tracey Crouch, who worked for Westminster Strategy; and George Eustice and Charlotte Leslie - both of whom were at Portland – not to mention, of course, our prime minister. Consider also the fact that the Evening Standard is a Brown Lloyd James contract, as is the Telegraph Media Group.

The PR men might have their own reputations to worry about now – but from what we’ve seen, they’ll manage them – either through influence, or darker arts.

Defence against Bell Pottinger's dark arts https://www.fin24.com/Opinion/defence-against-the-dark-arts-20170707

It’s not the first time Bell Pottinger has been outed for skewing events in a distant land for its paymasters: “…the US government paid a British public relations company linked to right-wing politics and repressive regimes more than $500m from American taxpayers to spearhead a top-secret propaganda campaign in Iraq.

“Bell Pottinger, a London-based PR firm, created fake videos that appeared to be the work of al-Qaida, the Islamist extremist group formerly headed by Osama bin Laden. It also created news stories that looked as though they were produced by Arab media outlets, and distributed them through Middle Eastern news networks.”

Is there a Defence Against the Dark Arts course to help you counter the impact of concerted propaganda campaigns like these?

urbanmoving ago

LOL its a MI-6 front they helped sabotage aka infiltrate Pinochet, AND Syria so much for "repressive "regimes" lie...meanwhile in South Africa they were stiring up racial hatred against THE WHITES in support of marxoid ANC apostle Zuma....lol

letsdothis1 ago

'Reputation laundering' is lucrative business for London PR firms

The Portland agency, founded by Tony Blair’s former adviser Tim Allan, has previously advised Vladimir Putin and worked with Kazakhstan, Jordan and Morocco. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/09/pr-execs-behaving-badly-what-else-would-you-expect-bell-pottinger

Thanks to Newsnight’s Kirsty Wark, when she interviewed Tim Bell about the disgracing of his former PR agency, we have enjoyed a glimpse of the charms that still captivate politicians and celebrities, long after he nurtured the reputations of, among many others, Mrs Thatcher, Ernest Saunders, David Mellor, Rolf Harris and Neil and Christine Hamilton. Mr Hamilton, who now identifies as Ukip, took envelopes of cash from Mohamed Al Fayed, in exchange for covert lobbying duties, then lied about it.

Maybe Bell was right, given the number of rivals who would have happily taken on his clients, to complain of tall poppy martyrdom. “It’s much more fun to attack me,” he has said, “or the Saatchi brothers, or Matthew Freud, or Max Clifford.” Obviously that was before Clifford was sentenced to eight years for indecent assaults and Charles Saatchi was photographed with his then wife, “holding her head by the neck to make her focus”.

think- ago

Hi @letsdothis, your third quote is the second paragraph of your first quote - maybe you might want to edit? ;-)

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, I would love to edit but if I do that will stop the upvote count and won't register the update anyway. So I won't, thanks ;-)

think- ago

We tested it yesterday, and it worked fine again - maybe @Vindicator can confirm and get back to you?

carmencita ago

It did not work on @Blacksmith21 's post on the San Antonio bombing post. And a bunch of us were getting 504 and 403 messages and getting access denied. Must have been one of those "Strange Alien" attacks. @letsdothis will keep an eye on these strange happenings.

think- ago

When did @Blacksmith21 try to edit, Carm? Yesterday or today? And yes, sometimes I get a 'Voat is bad' message too currently.

carmencita ago

I would think yesterday or whenever that post came out. It's just been happening a little too often lately.

think- ago

Maybe @Vindicator can tell whether the problems with edits and upvoats are now solved?

carmencita ago

We keep hearing something is fixed and then it pops up again. I don't get it.

think- ago

Apologies, Carm! We tried it yesterday evening, and it worked. That's why I suggested to @letsdothis1 they should try. (Apologies to you, @letsdothis1, too!).

Let's see what @Vindicator will say when he's back.

(@srayzie: I thought we had figured out it worked? Do you have any info?)

srayzie ago

No. I noticed this morning that it’s not fixed for me at all. I posted this...


Right after editing, the view counts and upvotes stopped. When Q posts, I have to make a lot of edits so this sucks. I also keep having Voat go down and it says Voat is bad.

It also takes forever for pages to load or for me to send.

carmencita ago

The voate is bad keeps coming up for me too and I get 403 access denied. Also the edit problem.

srayzie ago

So weird. I also can’t preview.

carmencita ago

I know we will be accused of wearing tin foil hats, but it's just a little odd this started happening yesterday when they passed the Sex Trafficking Bill.

srayzie ago

It started happening to us like last week right after a bombshell Q post

carmencita ago

We must be ticking someone off :)

think- ago

Ok, thanks.

@Carmencita @Vindicator: please see parent.

srayzie ago

No. I noticed this morning that it’s not fixed for me at all. I posted this...


Right after editing, the view counts and upvotes stopped. When Q posts, I have to make a lot of edits so this sucks. I also keep having Voat go down and it says Voat is bad.

letsdothis1 ago

Oh good. I'll test it and then update. Thanks.

think- ago

I can't guarantee that it will work, but it's worth a try.

letsdothis1 ago

EXCLUSIVE: Mueller probe witness who met Jared Kushner and was 'best friends' with Steve Bannon flees the country after being revealed as a pedophile

Investigators are also interested in a January 2017 meeting he was present at and may have helped organize in the Seychelles, attended by billionaire Blackwater founder Erik Prince - whose sister is education secretary Betsy DeVos - and Zayed.


carmencita ago

Yeah Double Wow. What I want to know is why Trump leaves DeVos in power if he is so interested in our children. Her being related to her brother is enough of a Red Flag. What most people don't realize is that Blackwater was not a govt. org. It was an independent contractor that got a very lucrative contract from our govt. DeVos is connected, I believe, with her brother to this horrid dismantling of our public schools, as we now see in the UK. All this talk about home schooling is another take down attempt. It is very obvious what is going on here. If we can see it, there is obvious ignoring of the facts.

letsdothis1 ago

Well, I'm losing hope in the Trump administration. This does not look good at all.

carmencita ago

Nope. I have always said that I did not vote for him, but was willing to give him a chance since he is the President, but now I am losing hope. I hate to see it happen, I too was hopeful, but having been burned by the Hopium Phase, I am afraid it does not look good.

letsdothis1 ago

Betsy deVos in the Current News Cycle and in a Q Post from last November / Sister of Erik Prince who Popped up in Seychelles Meeting Arrange by Child Porn Trafficker

DeVos is Erik Prince's brother ( more family ties ! ) who was in the news last week about a meeting in the Seychelles, which was blown out of the water when the contact turned out to be a child porn trafficker.

Are we on the cusp of something BIG and is DeVos a trigger signal for action by the QAnon team?

I'm wondering myself @Oh_Well_ian

carmencita ago

She was in the news cycle maybe, but not the child porn trafficker who arranged this meeting and was pictured with Bill Clinton. DeVos and Prince need to be exposed NOW and their connection to Nader.

letsdothis1 ago

That link with Betsy as Secretary of Education..hmm..

Academi is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince as Blackwater, renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and now known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors.


forced academisation in the UK >> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-13274090

In the last Budget, Chancellor George Osborne announced a forced academisation plan, under which all schools in England would either have to convert to academies by 2020 or be committed to converting by 2022.


The government has been urged to review its policy on multi-academy trusts after it was revealed that more than 40,000 children were being educated in “zombie schools” waiting to be transferred to another academy chain.

Osborne, DeVos, Prince, Atlantic Bridge, Academi, Blackwater

carmencita ago

Zombie Schools? They are turning our kids into Normalized Sheep. Who will be teaching these kids? Infiltrated with pedos, possibly? I don't trust them one tiny bit.

letsdothis1 ago

The lessons of Atlantic Bridge

Understanding this agenda helps us understand the agendas of other Atlantic Bridge members in the cabinet, especially chancellor George Osborne and education secretary Michael Gove. Osborne has always denied his cuts programme is ideological, despite his commitment to small government. Those who want to know more about Gove's agenda should look to ALEC, which has campaigned to privatise US schools and marginalise teaching unions.

letsdothis1 ago

This ALEC state report card speaks volumes about Betsy DeVos’s education agenda

Quoting from the late British Prime Minister Margaret “Iron Lady” Thatcher, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos recently said that there is “no such thing” as society, trashed the federal government and hailed the spread of school “choice.”

If you don’t know about ALEC, you should. It is a member organization of corporate lobbyists and conservative state legislators who craft “model legislation” on issues important to them and then help shepherd it through legislatures.

Betsy is the sister of Erik Prince.

Cambridge Analytica executives created a company with the Executive Director & Deputy Chairman of Erik Prince’s Frontier Services Group

On August 11, 2017, the company Emerdata Limited was incorporated in the U.K., and listed SCL Chairman Julian Wheatland as Director and 25–50% owner, and Cambridge Analytica Chief Data Officer, Alexander Tayler, was also listed as 25–50% owner. Both have since been removed as significant owners, but Wheatland is listed as an active Director, along with Alexander Nix, the Chief Executive of Cambridge Analytica.

A tip from @brexit_sham identified that one of the new Emerdata Limited directors, Mr Johnson Chun Shun Ko, is a very close business partner of Erik Prince.

Erik Prince is Executive Director and Chairman of Hong Kong listed Frontier Services Group “a leading provider of integrated security, logistics and insurance services for clients operating in frontier markets.”

letsdothis1 ago

WikiLeaks Website Exposes How U.S. Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media

For those who may be unaware, the CFR is a primary member of the circle of Washington think-tanks promoting endless war. As former Army Major Todd Pierce describes, this groups act from the shadows as “primary provocateurs” manipulatively using “psychological suggestiveness to create a false narrative of danger from some foreign entity with the objective being to create the paranoia idea within the U.S. population that it is under imminent threat of attack or takeover”.

To highlight just how much control over the media the CFR wields we need only look at the fact that they criminally operate – in broad daylight – and receive nearly no media coverage. The former chairman of the CFR, High Commissioner for Germany, co-founder of the Atlantic Bridge, World Bank president, and an adviser to a total of nine US presidents, John J. McCloy actually bragged publicly about the CFR hand picking US politicians.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/7Angp :

Bell Pottinger hires son of Prince Andrew's closest aide | Daily Mail Online

https://archive.fo/ygmGs :

            Novo Banco bondholders want Portugal cbank chief quizzed over bond transfer | Reuters

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