GreenDell144 ago

Great work. This will be useful info to share.

Narcissism ago

As Sam Vaknin says charities are Narcissistic by their very nature. The people who work for charities and acting the role of savior while abusing kids, should be punished like anyone else who abuses a child while in a position of power - not let of with an apology!

kestrel9 ago

Predators use the charity to gain access to the victims while taking on the praises of others as cover.

Narcissism ago

Yep, classic Narcissism.

DoJustice ago

Can't wait to see UNICEF on these lists

kestrel9 ago

Here you go:

(For anyone unsure, the following is from UNICEF's website, my inclusion of it is sarcastic)

While there are no specific regional data on violence against children, national studies in Kenya, Tanzania Swaziland and Zimbabwe suggest that between 30 and 40 per cent of girls under 18 years of age suffered from sexual abuse and violence in their lives.

Sadly they omitted the percentage of abuse that comes from helpful volunteers or aide workers arriving on behalf of international charities. /s

DoJustice ago

You're on the ball. Didn't see this. Thanks

kestrel9 ago Feb 19, 2018

Catholic aid agencies pledge “zero tolerance” as sex scandal grows

LEICESTER, United Kingdom - Catholic international aid charities have pledged zero-tolerance for sexual exploitation by their employees, as a sex abuse scandal affecting one of Britain’s largest charities is now latching onto U.N. aid agencies.

Andrew MacLeod, the former Chief of Operations of the UN Emergency Coordination Center for the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, estimated in The Sun - a British tabloid - that tens of thousand of people have been raped by UN employees, and the international body employs at least 3,000 pedophiles.

“There are tens of thousands of aid workers around the world with pedophile tendencies, but if you wear a UNICEF T-shirt nobody will ask what you’re up to,” MacLeod told the newspaper.

“You have the impunity to do whatever you want,” he said. “It is endemic across the aid industry across the world.”

The scandal began last week when an investigative series by The Times, an English newspaper, revealed Oxfam staff used prostitutes in “Caligula”-like sex parties while providing aid in Haiti in 2011. The newspaper alleges some of those prostitutes may have been underaged.

Since the initial report, several agencies have been caught up in the scandal. IRIN News reported that in 2004 the man at the center of the Haiti story, Roland van Hauwermeiren, had been pushed out of his job as Liberia country director for the British charity Merlin, a medical group now merged with Save the Children.

  • Doctors Without Borders issued a statement saying it has taken action on 24 cases of sexual harassment or abuse among its 40,000 employees last year, and dismissed 19 people in the process.
  • World Vision, an evangelical Christian aid agency, denied press reports its staff had been involved in a sex scandal after the Haitian earthquake.

septimasexta ago

I have come to the conclusion that the Foundation/ 501c3 part of the law code needs to be REPEALED. It has ruined the Church and our country. The Founders of America recognized the church charity and did not tax them. Many actually did good works, and Christians participated without pay. It was charity, not business.

The Rockefellers and other industrialist families soon learned that they could maintain control of their fortunes and avoid taxes by setting up Foundations pretending to do charitable works. Of course, the Federal Reserve Act gave the IRS the power to oversee who gets to be a "charity". Later, the churches, who were already tax exempt, became 501c3 charities to give them some lawsuit protection. Now most churches are run like corporate charities for profit. Sad.

unclassified ago

Totally agree.

kestrel9 ago

Exactly. We see what the pedo elites and the networks of political activist has done for setting up pedo tourism sites for 'volunteers'.

ESOTERICshade ago

It has ruined the Church

That was designed by the Jesuits to muzzle the Protestant churches and it worked.

otherroom ago

this NEEDS to go viral! I always had a bad vibe about Red Cross.

kestrel9 ago

I remember an article about Red Cross cards that they give out to disaster recipients and I wondered if it had anything to do with the FBIanon card reference. I have to find that.

otherroom ago

Interesting, let me know if you find any updates on that!

Markb63 ago


ESOTERICshade ago

You guys want to test Trump's metal? Crank up the social media platforms and tell Trump to use his executive order. His executive order pertains to the confiscation of the assets of human rights abusers. Demand that the assets of the UN (child rapist) be confiscated and that they be kicked out of this country. Same for Oxfam and the rest of these.

Titus Frost made a four minute video announcing that he made a petition to kick the UN out of here. Spread it too along with a request for Trump to use his executive order. Include Oxfam et:al

Titus Frost video

Here is the petition...

We Demand the United Nations be Removed from the United States & All Funding Cut for Human's Right's Abuses.

I handed this off to @srayzie this morning and her thread has 125 up votes already.

kestrel9 ago

I was hoping the 666 Dow Jones was indicative of people wanting to move around to avoid the teeth in the EO (and that they would be intercepted at some point). Thanks for the links, the UN is beyond corrupt...sick!

Vindicator ago

Giving this the "Share!" flair, kestrel9.

How fringe is the Free Thought Project? Can we maybe get some additional corroborating links to more widely known sources added to your post for maximum redpill impact?

kestrel9 ago

Thank you, I figured I could beef it up with more details, I just happened across it on another sub earlier today and posted it.

unclassified ago

WTF? They apologize for horrible things that they did to children and all is forgiven???

kestrel9 ago

That's the earthly benefit for selling one's soul apparently.

carmencita ago

Mark Goldring needs to Step Down. Now. He is still feeling sorry for himself and his staff. I hope he gets Roasted.

carmencita ago

Upvoat! Another Stupendous Post. Let's hope MSM can't avoid it this time.

Lazmat ago

disgusting criminal people

carmencita ago

I have a friend that is married to a Jew and he said, he thought all that was done with. He had not heard of it for years. He finds it useless as well. He said this must be the Old Timers.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you! Sadly they will avoid it, no doubt. It's as if they're in a death cult.

carmencita ago

I keep hoping they will surprise me, but it doesn't happen. Not even my local station that covered the Elsagate. We can hope. But I won't hold my breath.