YogSoggoth ago

I have talked to more than one hobo, and you would not want to hop a train nowadays.

think- ago

Found something interesting in this article:

Is shipping body parts to Las Vegas illegal?

Police in Thailand are seeking two Americans with ties to Las Vegas accused of attempting to ship packages containing a preserved baby's head and other human body parts to the United States.

The FBI is also investigating.

McPherson and Tanner haven't been charged in the U.S. However, the U.S. and the Kingdom of Thailand have an extradition treaty allowing for the return of prisoners sought for crimes with penalty of at least one year in prison.

Human remains are routinely imported from abroad for burial or cremation, said Jaime Ruiz, a regional official with U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Los Angeles.

Ruiz said health authorities monitor shipments due to concerns about the spread of disease.

While shipping body parts to the U.S may not be prohibited, George Pezold, an attorney and executive director of the Transportation and Logistics Council in Huntington, New York, said it is illegal to misidentify contents of a shipment.

Bangkok police say parcel delivery company DHL detected five human body parts — the infant's head, a baby's foot sliced into three sections, an adult's heart with a stab wound and two slices of tattooed skin — in three packages. The objects were preserved separately in acrylic boxes with formaldehyde.

McPherson and Tanner told police that they bought the body parts at a Bangkok night market. Police later learned they were stolen from Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, where an administrator said surveillance video showed the two men visited last Thursday.

Authorities in the U.S. say the packages were addressed to a Las Vegas business associated with McPherson, to McPherson's home in Las Vegas, and to a friend's house.

Ruiz noted that smuggled human organs and body parts are sometimes used in rituals among some groups in the U.S.


In what condition where the body parts when they were stolen from the hospital?

Who sliced the foot into three pieces?

Who cut the tattooed skin from a body?

Who put the baby parts in formaldehyd, and acrylic?

Also, US customs seems to seize these kind of items regularly.

Which kind of groups did the customs officer mean?

think- ago

The shoes’ origins go back to Byzantine days, when they were donned by Norman kings as symbols of bloody martyrdom. Their successors, the Roman Emperors, stuck with it – in fact, they became a standard high-fashion accessory for aristocrats. If your shoes were red, you were a somebody.


think- ago

from a GQ article:

This week Pope Benedict XVI stops being Pope. He has to give up all sorts of things; his big house, the ring, his cape and trimmings and most disturbingly, poor old Benedict will have to give up the wearing of the natty red papal shoes.


The topic of the Popes footwear is not normally one of much concern, and nor were those of Benedict until The Wall Street Journal spuriously hinted that they might be made for him by Prada. The Vatican quickly quashed that rumour, accusing the perpetrators of frivolity.

"The pope" they said "does not wear Prada, but Christ."

And his shoes (some, at least) are made for him by a little known Peruvian shoemaker named Antonio Arellano. Working in a tiny shop in a narrow back street in Borgo Pio, a cluttered quarter neighbouring the Vatican City

The tradition of the red papal shoe goes back the time of ancient Rome, when they could only be worn by the Emperor, the Empress and the Pope. John Paul II gave up on them but Benedict XVI brought them back.

According to his private secretary Monsignor Ganswein the Pope wears Red because it's the colour of martyrdom.


Well, as the article above says, only some of Benedict's red shoes where made by the 'Peruvian shoemaker'.

Several pairs of others were handmade by an artisan in the north of Italy who has also cobbled for John Paul II, Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

Obama and George W. Bush you say?

Stefanelli, who works in the northern city of Novara near Milan, first came to the Vatican's attention in 2002, when he sent a pair of his handmade red shoes to Pope John Paul II.

That pope, who died in 2005 and was replaced by Pope Benedict XVI, was so impressed by the craftsmanship that he became a customer of Stefanelli.

That added further lustre to the list of Stefanelli's most famous clients, which includes US President Barack Obama, former American president George W. Bush, Polish president and human rights activist Lech Walesa, and Ferrari chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.

Stefanelli even specially designed a pair of shoes boasting the AC Milan soccer team's crest for ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi, who is president of the soccer club.

Silvio Berlusconi? Italian's former president who caused a scandal because he had sex with underage girls? Nice. /s

Stefanelli says he has made a total of five pairs of shoes during the reign of the present pope, Benedict XVI, who has announced his retirement effective February 28.


letsdothis3 ago

@Quicktor further to your comment about Bowie's video: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2980391/16217430

"Put on your red shoes and dance the blues..."

That video was filmed at Carinda, a town with one pub about 645 kilometres out over the Blue Mountains in NSW https://ellisjones.com.au/industries/arts-publicity/david-bowie-and-australia/

One of the things I noticed in the video was the floor and the tiled walls... (we've discussed much about tiles, pools, the art of Tony Podesta's collection, Biltmore and freemasonry - see: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2675947/13567656)

So tracking down that location - Bowie at the bar: How Let's Dance put an outback pub in the spotlight

The smoke-filled public bar at the Carinda Hotel was the setting for his iconic film clip for Let's Dance — with a blonde-haired Bowie mixing it with the locals. The pub has since become a pilgrimage for tourists, with Bowie fans making the journey out west to pose against the same yellow tiles the Thin White Duke once leant against.

Ms Draper says that when owner Malcolm George renovated the hotel there was a lot of interest in making sure the tiles stayed, and so they were carefully removed and returned to pride of place after the renovation.

Carinda locals with David Bowie in 1983 https://imgur.com/a/X9fPniI

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carinda n addition to the hotel, there is a 12-hole golf course with a golf club that operates on Friday and Saturday nights.

May be something, may be nothing: a comment about pizza at the club https://imgur.com/a/SM6ldG1 .. That person has worked at the following construction and mining companies: https://imgur.com/a/9PbsmpS

The club also has strippers nights. Another person who frequents that FB page works at Essential Energy.

voat related posts on NSW:

Mike Baird, the premier of New South Wales (Australia), has suddenly resigned, a day before Trump was inaugurated.

Wilson has said he would only offer his resignation to Pope Francis if his appeal fails in the New South Wales state District Court.

ADFA is a unique partnership between the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the University of New South Wales(UNSW) which provides training and education for the future leaders of the Navy, Army and Air Force.

pdf report on Human Trafficking in New South Wales https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lcdocs/inquiries/2421/Final%20report.pdf

letsdothis3 ago

So, some more red shoe references: https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?p=354606

On this forum thread the picture of Tom Cruise's daughter Suri with her mother Katie Holmes, and the symbology of the little girl carrying the red shoe is discussed. It's a Robert Vivier designer shoe.


Vivier worked with all the top fashion houses - Pierre Balmain, Guy Laroche, Balenciaga, Nina Ricci. For Yves Saint Laurent he conceived in 1965, for the Mondrian dresses, square-heeled glace kid moccasins with Puritan-style bright metal buckles, best-sellers by the thousands for the rest of the Sixties. He also created true Sleeping Beauty slippers of crystal on decorative tinsel heels and African-style fetishistic sandals, the acme of refined taste.

Vivier excelled himself when he created for the Queen's Coronation an exquisite pair of golden kid-skin shoes studded with three thousand tiny garnets. The Queen of Iran ordered hundreds of pairs of shoes from him in the Fifties, and among Imelda Marcos's notorious collection there were examples of his art.

Red shoes are discussed in this blog article: THIRTY THREE!!! HOW DO THEY EARN A PAIR OF “SPECIAL RED SHOES?” http://www.deplorablemcallister.com/

some speculations in the comments:

Australian Member of Parliament and former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop lost her bid to become Prime Minister when a (Liberal Party) leadership challenge occured. When she held her press conference – I think to announce she will quit politics at the next election (2019) she wore red shoes. He father was a Grand Master of a Freemason Lodge in Adelaide. She is friends with Amal & George Clooney = connection to the Hollywood/Swamp/OWG etc etc….


And the ad does sexualize the little girl who, from the top-scanning-down, looks like a sweet girl trying on mommy’s shoes, but from the bottom-scanning-up, looks like an adult woman who suddenly transforms into a child. The white cotton dress implies innocence and purity, but it’s a costume we regularly see adult women wear when we want to both sexualize and infantilize them. In other words, this ad nicely plays into the mythology endorsed by pedophiles that even little girls want to feel sexy, even little girls want men’s attention, even little girls want sex.

And, yet, we are supposed to think this is sweet. The text, “Harmonizing Beautifully with Life” is, of course, ostensibly about the counter tops. But aligned with the image, it naturalizes both the girl’s fantasy and the conflation of female sex with the performance of sexualized femininity (it’s just “life”; as if there’s a gene for Christian Louboutin shoes that activates in the presence of double X chromosomes). More than simply naturalizing the girl’s fantasy of self-objectification, it endorses it (it’s beautiful harmony).

Notice also the class story in the ad. Who exactly is class privileged enough to have the freedom to allow “the quiet moments” to “steal the show”? Well, apparently people who are rich enough to wear Louboutin shoes. Louboutin began putting red soles on all his shoes as a not-so-subtle way to advertise that the shoe was Louboutin and, therefore, a very expensive shoe. It worked. Fashion writers started pointing out the red soles with glee, as in this story about Angeline Jolie on a red carpet: The fact that the sole of this shoe is red is no accident, it’s meant to add class to the counter tops, in both senses of the word.

A final word on race: That the girl in the ad is white is no accident. And it’s not only because marketers expect the majority of their customers to be white, but because of what whiteness represents. Her white skin symbolizes the same thing that the white counter tops and white dress symbolize: purity, cleanliness, even innocence. It is only because all those symbolic elements are there that we can put a black patent leather heel with a red sole on her and still think “sweet.” Imagine the same ad with a black child. In the U.S., black women are often stereotyped as sexually loose, morally corrupt, irresponsible teen mothers on welfare. With that symbolic baggage, this ad would be a morality lesson on the hypersexuality of black girls and their propensity to “grow up too fast.” It wouldn’t look sweet, it’d look dangerous.

from Kitchen counters and the pedophilic fantasy @ https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2015/08/07/race-class-and-gender-harmonizing-beautifully/

@Quicktor I think this last section explains the Bowie video quite well. Bowie was into the occult and while his video to the uninitiated eye might seem to be a commentary from a solely sociological perspective, there is no doubt in my mind it also has an occult perspective.

think- ago

There is also an old British film called 'The Red Shoes' about a young female dancer who wears red ballet shoes and dances herself to death.

Quicktor ago


"Put on your red shoes and dance the blues..."

"under the moonlight, the SERIOUS /SIRIUS moonlight..."

letsdothis3 ago

That's an interesting video. Tells quite a story.

letsdothis3 ago

From a voat post: Red Shoes of Tony Podesta and group: Baby skin a la Hampstead Children's claims?

I think the red shoes worn by Tony Podesta and group are human baby skin. In the article about his 65th birthday party and the request to guests to wear red shoes: they aren't just each guy with red shoes. They are all the same shoe. The exact shade of red. That is difficult, even when the same dye vat is used. These are very special shoes.

The Scarlet color mocks the Vatican cardinals' red capes, although they wear black shoes.

About the Pope and red shoes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_shoes

A set of red loafers, manufactured by papal shoemaker Adriano Stefanelli, Novara, worn by Pope Benedict XVI. The Philippi Collection.


The tradition started by John Paul II continues: the workshop of Adriano Stefanelli

He made shoes for Michelle Obama too http://piemonteoggi.it/dett_news.asp?id=20756 and Barack

and Bush (article has a picture of a spiral staircase)

letsdothis3 ago

So, that infamous Tony Podesta photo and friends with their red shoes at his 65th birthday - article here: https://web.archive.org/web/20091026184918/https://www.politico.com/click/stories/0910/podesta_celebrates_65th_birthday_in_museum.html

Spotted Friday night at lobbyist Tony Podesta’s 65th birthday party inside the National Museum of Women in the Arts museum: wife Heather Podesta; brother, head of Center for American Progress and former co-chair of Obama’s transition team John Podesta; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with husband Paul Pelosi; Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.); Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and husband Sidney Harman; Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.); Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.); Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.); actress from television’s “thirtysomething” Polly Draper and her husband, jazz pianist Michael Wolff; Beth Dozoretz; Charlie Cook; Meredith Harman; Marlene Malek; Project on Government Oversight’s Adam Zagorin; The Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney and Tara Palmeri; NMPA’s David Israelite; and Lisa Tseng.

Washington luminaries raised glasses in honor of lobbyist Tony Podesta, who celebrated his 65th birthday on Friday night with a party at the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

and another : https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/hes-got-sole-tony-podesta-has-happy-feet-for-65th-birthday

Techie lobbyist Tony Podesta painted his 65th birthday party red at the National Museum for Women in the Arts.

For his big night Friday, the K Street king was not particular about gifts. All he wanted were shoes, old or new, for the Soles4Souls shoe charity. Known for his flamboyant fashion -- particularly his red kicks -- Podesta asked friends to wear red in his honor.

One associate gabbed to Yeas & Nays that their Giorgio Brutini shoes were purchased for the Podesta Group on Overstock.com with a price tag less than $100.

The theme party "was my wife's idea," Podesta confessed.

Heather Podesta, in bright red tights and matching peep-toe pumps, is on the board of the National Museum for Women in the Arts, where the couple has donated multiple pieces.

Unfortunately Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius didn't get the style memo: She was spotted at the event in strappy blue patent leather heels with a Band-Aid above her right eye.

Related voat post : Speaking of Art Channels, Here's a TP-Connected Museum Connected to DC Underground Tunnels

The museum's Address 1250 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 2005 which is part of the DC underground tunnel network.

The museum was a masonic building before it was a museum.

letsdothis3 ago

Kathleen Sebilius https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Sebelius

Sebelius was the Democratic respondent to the 2008 State of the Union address[3] and is chair-emerita of the Democratic Governors Association (she was its first female chair).[4] On April 10, 2014, Sebelius announced her resignation as Secretary of Health and Human Services.[2] She is CEO of Sebelius Resources LLC.

In 1991, she ran to become House Majority Leader, but lost to State Representative Tom Sawyer of Wichita.

voat related posts:

Rod Rosenstein's wife, Lisa Barsoomian, is Deep State's SES lawyer on-call for Clintons, CIA, and FBI - https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/2878493

Rod Rosenstein's wife, Lisa Barsoomian, worked for the Clinton Foundation, and legally represented Hillary Clinton between 1991 to 2017. She also represented Hillary Clinton 17 times, Bill Clinton (William J. Clinton) 40 times, James Comey 5 times, Robert Muller 3 times, Barack Obama 45 times, Kathleen Sebellius 56 times, and the FBI at least 5 times.

A closer look at Rachel Bloom's Child Mind Institute and its odd campaigns,celebrity associations and partnerships.....and of course, Hillary pops up too. - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852835

Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.

For follow up...

carmencita ago

Christian Louboutin paints the soles of his designer shoes red. I have wondered what this means. Think of all the women walking around with those Red Soles (Souls).

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, me too. I've done a series of posts on Dover Street in London which I now need to bring together in one post for people to understand the significance of that area. Louboutin features in this one: 35 Dover Street - Jimmy Choo and Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin the red sole shoe designer once claimed he found the inspiration for the red soles while watching the prostitution take place in the meat packing district in Paris and the prostitutes had to walk the alleys covered in blood from the animal slaughter so the bottoms of their shoes were covered in blood. Let that sink in.

carmencita ago

I have also just discovered Eva was in a Roman Polanski film at the age of 11! The Tenant.

letsdothis3 ago

Her mother is very weird and warrants further research.

carmencita ago

She may have been doing the dirty work for the elites. Roman Polanski is. Red Flag indeed.

think- ago

Wasn't Louboutin the shoe designer who handmade the Pope Benedict's red shoes? Not sure though.

carmencita ago

Do I just also read that Eva Ianesco appeared on Playboy as a child and her Mother took porno pics of her at 3 & 4 yrs old. When they took her from her Mother she went to live with Louboutin family. I am shocked. This is horrid and I wonder where she is today and what sorrow she has suffered.

carmencita ago

the bottoms of their shoes were covered in blood

That is just sickening. I wonder if he has a pair of red shoes in his closet.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @think-.

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letsdothis3 ago

Entrata CEO David Bateman https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=36846484&privcapId=25092568&previousCapId=25092568&previousTitle=Entrata,%20Inc.

Mr. Bateman's some of successful web-based companies include DearElder.com, MissionMailbox.org, Silent Whistle, and Apartment Management Services Incorporated.

DearElder.com http://www.dearelder.com/index/inc_name/home

U.S. LDS Missions; Foreign LDS Missions

Realted voat post: Is Google Maps Being Used by Human Traffickers? - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590612/7762658

Some google maps stuff from a single user I thought was weird back in the reddit pizzagate days but I never posted. I think Ill drop it off here. LDS church locations and weird reviews/photos.


First check out lake delores water park in southern CA... its been closed since like the 90s.... But here is a recent "photo" of it looking brand new. Now that in it self isn't that weird, but if you zoom out and look at all the tags in south america and over seas... all the locations have a picture of the same LDS style church but some of them also have a second image of a little girl smiling. You can street view some of the locations and they look like weird compounds more than an LDS church. I just find it super creepy and it really doesn't make sense why would anyone do this?

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see above

think- ago

Thanks. I just posted this submission, maybe you would consider a link in your OP?

Foetuses And A Dead Baby Found In The Flat Of A Satanist Art Gallery Owner in Paris, France

think- ago

@srayzie @Shizy @bopper @Crensch - Have you guys seen this submission? Important post re the Hampstead case.

letsdothis3 ago

Critical Focus video for Life Is Beautiful Festival 2016, featuring Robert De Niro http://www.cfalv.com/work/life-is-beautiful-festival-2016-annoucement

Witsend ago

Helluva post

letsdothis3 ago

https:// entrata.co1.qualtrics.com/login?path=%2FControlPanel%2F&product=ControlPanel

ICQ2 ago


toggle NSFW

think- ago

Only the mods or OP can do that. When you are the submitter of a post, you can hit 'toggle NSFW' under the body of the post.

think- ago

This really shows that the allegations of the Hampstead children are highly credible.

'Shipping baby parts' and making shoes from baby skin seemed so off when the video was first published.

But the discovery of these DHL shipments of babies and baby skin, and the clear cult / black magic connection here really puts the allegations in perspective, doesn't it?

I think what the Hampstead children said is far too detailed too have been staged. They clearly knew what they were talking about imo.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

I think what the Hampstead children said is far too detailed too have been staged. They clearly knew what they were talking about imo.

I have extensive training in interviewing children, and when I first watched those videos of the Hampstead kids I knew they were telling the truth.

letsdothis3 ago

At the very least , those children believed what they were saying. No doubt in my mind.

letsdothis3 ago

Same here.

Shizy ago

That's basically what brought me to pizzagate!

letsdothis3 ago

Me too.

think- ago

Interesting. Thanks, @Shizy.

octobear ago

I wish we could interview the policeman responsible for the Hampstead interviews. I'd like to hear if he hints at a forced cover up or had any doubts the kids were coerced into saying what they said. It certainly seemed too detailed a testimony to be planted as you say.

letsdothis3 ago

He's a mason and was promoted after this affair.

octobear ago

That's horrid. Any links to further material on him?

letsdothis3 ago

I cant find anymore where I read that he had been promoted but there was some discussion on him on the David Icke forum. DC Steve Martin is from the Barnet Police division. This article points out that Barnet police are overseen by the London Borough of Barnet and Andrew Travers is the Chief Executive http://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.com/2015/12/hampstead-barnet-police-were-surrounded.html

Interestingly Travers had to step down from his position in 2016 : Barnet council chief Andrew Travers leaves after elections blunder

The chief executive of Barnet council has stood down after a blunder left many residents in the area unable to vote in the local and mayoral elections in London.

An investigation was launched after it emerged that thousands of names were missing from electoral lists at all of the north London authority's 155 polling stations on Thursday. The probe will examine how many of the 236,196 voters were affected.

One year later he is hired by Lambeth Council despite the scandal : Lambeth Council to hire ex-Barnet Chief Exec who resigned over election fiasco

London is a mess and probably the most corrupt city in the world.

think- ago

TRIGGER WARNING - very graphic

Here's the full article you linked above:

British Film maker CHRIS EVERARD has been investigating the trafficking of human baby parts by various cults and black magic covens. His investigation corroborates yet more allegations from two Hampstead children who were allegedly victimised by an international Satanic Cult Network.

The producers attempted to ship three DHL consignments to various addresses in the USA.

Two of the film producers of the BUM FIGHT tv series have been accused of trafficking human baby parts, human skin and a stabbed adult human heart.

The producers attempted to ship three DHL consignments to various addresses in the USA.

My investigation into online Black Magic cults which trade in human baby parts includes Malawi, Thailand and Britain.

By delving into this sick trade, I came to realise that some of the events actually corroborated allegations made by two Hampstead schoolchildren, back in September 2014.

The children alleged that a Satanic cult at their school shipped in babies in “TNT and DHL” boxes. The Babies were sacrificed, the blood was drunk, and many of the babies came from the Third World.

Those allegations were made in August and September 2014, and video testimonies were recorded by the Metropolitan Police. At that time, I had already investigated how albino people in Malawi were hunted and murdered, and their limbs were sold to black magic ‘witch doctors’ for high sums.

But this was the first time that I had heard of body parts trafficking in London…

In November 2014, just a day or so after METROPOLITAN POLICE abandoned further investigation and closed the Hampstead case, DHL did indeed discover baby body parts in a consignment – what’s more, there were three DHL boxes, being shipped to three addresses – suggesting that a CULT NETWORK was involved. The grisly DHL consignments were discovered in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Hampstead Children claimed that a British Police Officer called ‘Sarah’ with ‘red rosy cheeks’ was a member of the Hampstead cult. The children said that there was a massive cover-up… The Police were, they alleged, protecting the cult. The children named the courier “DHL’ specifically in their video testimonial.

They claimed that the Hampstead Satanic Cult was part of an international baby trafficking network, with cult members that included police officers, school teachers, parents, school governors, and social workers. The children had been threatened with MURDER if they ever told anyone.

They alleged that their own father taught them how to slice the throats of babies. The baby parts were then roasted, eaten and the bones burned.


Perhaps we shall never know the true events surrounding the DHL baby boxes discovered in Thailand – why?

Maybe because just like the children alleged, high-up influential police officers and rich people were involved in an international cover-up on an international trade in babies used by Satanists.

British newspapers hardly focussed on the story about the Thai DHL parcels full of baby body parts. What sounded like a COVER STORY was circulated which went something like this:

An ‘American tourist’ purchased body parts of babies at an all-night flea market while in Thailand and was caught attempting to ship them to three different locations in the U.S. via DHL.

In actual fact, that COVER STORY has now been blown open by investigators at THE ENIGMA CHANNEL: There were TWO – not one – American ‘tourists’ – and they were not tourists at all – they were two American “filmmakers”, which we can now name as Ryen McPherson and Daniel Tanner.

What kind of films did they make? They made BUM-FIGHT videos of homeless people beating each other – rather similar to some of the pranks found in the God Damn and Jackass TV shows – except more ‘real’. What were they doing in Thailand, well, allegedly, they were filming homeless people and getting them to fight each other.

The Hampstead children also alleged that teachers and friends of teachers made videos of the baby sacrifices and dildo-anal sex orgies with children which were trafficked to international cult members.

The DHL parcels are said to have contained a baby’s skull, a sheet of skin and baby’s feet sealed in bags and boxed for shipping, according to CNN News on Nov. 16.

But there were three consignments – and we still are not sure about all the contents. Some reports said there was an adult human heart in one of the DHL boxes which had been addressed to Las Vegas– a stabbed heart can only mean one thing – this was a MURDER – it also has connotations to BLACK MAGIC SATANIC RITUAL SACRIFICE.

According to Thai police one of the boxes contained pieces of HUMAN skin.

Yet again, this confirms what the Hampstead children alleged – they said that cult members removed sheets of skin from the slain babies, and this skin was used to adorn ritual shoes, rather like HUMAN LEATHER.

A forensic examination confirmed the DHL box contents in Thailand [which were destined for the USA] were indeed Human in origin, said, the Bangkok Post.


We then see a Thai cover-up happening – right on the same day that the Barnet Metropolitan police CLOSE THE HAMPSTEAD INVESTIGATION: The Thai police did not press any charges against the ‘American Tourist’ – just like the London Metropolitan Police failed to make charges against any of the alleged Hampstead cult members.

Thai police excused themselves by saying “we are not quite sure which laws we can apply”. Really?

This surely a COVER-UP – especially considering that the Thai authorities didn’t make any immediate charges when Thailand is notorious for harsh prison sentences when someone, especially a tourist, is caught with even a tiny amount of canabis! It seems that possession of weed is a serious criminal offence in Thailand, but shipping body parts of dead infants falls within a gray area?

What would someone want with body parts of a baby, a stabbed human adult heart and sheets of human skin?

But it gets worse…


Back in 2012, we see yet more signs of an international Satanic Cult shipping babies – this time the premature babies had been ROASTED.

This yet again confirms and at least puts heavy credence to the allegations made by the Hampstead whistleblower children – they alleged that the babies which their father sacrificed were ROASTED AND EATEN by the Black Magic cult members in London.

Well, evidence which corroborates their claims can be found from a 2012 case, again in Thailand, which involved a British man… Several courier packages were discovered marked ‘children’s toys’ but x-rays showed they were not children’s toys.’

In 2012 Thai authorities announced that a British citizen was arrested for trying to ship six roasted foetuses covered in gold leaf…

In some Thai cults, preserved foetuses are believed to give the owners good fortune or protection from evil.

The British citizen was arrested after a tip-off that infant bodies were being sold through a website offering black magic service. Well, let’s look at that with plain logic – who would use this kind of ‘service’? The obvious answer is a SATANIC CULT – just like the one exposed by Ella Draper and her children in Hampstead.

Chow Hok Kuen, 28, who holds a British passport but is of Taiwanese origin, confessed to police that he had bought the foetuses several days earlier for almost £4,000.

!!! The man did indeed confess to police that he was part of a SATANIC CULT who medically removed the unborn children, sacrificed them, covered them in gold leaf and shipped them worldwide to Black Magic cults. Black magic incantations were said over the body, as the unborn baby died.

In oriental black magic rituals, preserved foetuses are known as ‘Kuman Thong’ which means “golden baby boy”.

Clearly the roasting of babies, the online international trade, the large sums of money being paid by cult members for dead babies and the Oriental connection ALL CORROBORATE THE TESTIMONIES GIVEN TO POLICE by the children of Ella Draper.

Because of Lack of POLICE ACTION…

We now have one of the American human baby-part traffickers gone AWOL and is thought to allegedly be in CAMBODIA, the Teachers at ChristChurch Primary School who were alleged to have been cult members and fellow multiple baby-killers have all mostly changed the names on Facebook, then closed their accounts and many of them have mysteriously thrown in the towel and fled the scene.

According to Wiki, Ryen McPherson, who was one of the BUM-FIGHT film-makers who shipped a DHL package which contained a stabbed human heart went missing in Thailand on November 18, 2014, after a warrant was issued for McPherson’s arrest. He is believed to be in Cambodia…”. Ryen McPherson’s website is still operating, it is called STAB THE PRINCESS.

Meanwhile, RICKY DEARMAN, the father accused by his own children of leading the cult in Hampstead has worked with a London-based Nigerian film director who has made two films called CULT and CULT: Making of the CURE…

The allegations of babies being shipped internationally in “TNT and DHL boxes” has apparently been ignored and uninvestigated by the London Metropolitan Police.


Kahlypso79 ago

Kuman Thong - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuman_Thong


Nam Man Prai : https://summongenie.com/nam-man-prai.html

think- ago

Great, thank you! I will update the post tomorrow, using some of the info.

letsdothis3 ago

This bit stuck out to me when I first read it:

We then see a Thai cover-up happening – right on the same day that the Barnet Metropolitan police CLOSE THE HAMPSTEAD INVESTIGATION: The Thai police did not press any charges against the ‘American Tourist’ – just like the London Metropolitan Police failed to make charges against any of the alleged Hampstead cult members.

Thai police excused themselves by saying “we are not quite sure which laws we can apply”. Really?

Another random coinky dink.

think- ago

We then see a Thai cover-up happening – right on the same day that the Barnet Metropolitan police CLOSE THE HAMPSTEAD INVESTIGATION:

Yes, that was odd, wasn't it?

letsdothis3 ago

Odd or entirely in keeping with a cover up.

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

think- ago

Welcome. To me, this article was the final proof that the Hampstead children are legit. Nobody can deny anymore that these things happen, and that British citizens are involved.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

In November 2014, just a day or so after METROPOLITAN POLICE abandoned further investigation and closed the Hampstead case, DHL did indeed discover baby body parts in a consignment

Remember that user @FriesischShipping (sp.?) said that his father used to be DHL CEO at one of the European branches in the 1970s and 1980s, and they had a contractor they forced out of business after they discovered he was raping children, and used the logistics to transport them?

letsdothis3 ago

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

Imnotshocked ago


truthwoke33 ago

I genuinely believe the black smoke when Pope is chosen is burning the body of a child after raping it.

think- ago

Thanks for posting, @letsdothis3.

You might want to flair this 'NSFW' due to the shoes made of baby skin. Could trigger some people. Thanks!

(You can do it by hitting 'toggle NSFW' under your post.)

think- ago

Re: Red Shoes...

There's a picture on Nicky Hilton's Instagram of a toddler with red shoes, along with other known symbols like a panda, or Nicky holding a pizza box upside down. Remember, Hilton is married to a Rothschild. There was a post about this on v/pizzagatewhatever.

Also: Alex Soros at an annual art event with Marina Abramovic art, wearing red shoes (with a model who was mistakenly thought to be Meghan Markle by some PG researchers). I forgot the details, but the event is annually in July at a date which is thought to be a major date for Satanic sacrifices.

Re: Shoes made from the skin of victims - didn't someone brag to wear shoes made of the skin of actress Heather O'Rourke? @darkknight111

Kahlypso79 ago

Nicky suspended her Twitter account..must have realised how stupid she was posting blatant symbology.. here's her instagram instead, go take a look.. https://www.instagram.com/nickyhilton/?hl=en

think- ago


Kekalicious ago

That would be Macully Culken. When a hollyweied up tried to get him to sign away his parent rights. He asked him if he knew Heather. And pointed out his shoes.

think- ago

Ah, thanks.


think- ago

@letsdothis3: please see the links I have added above.

darkknight111 ago

They did. Its one of the unsolved parts of the O’Rourke case.

PGIssDumb5 ago

Shut your mouth or I’ll arrange for the innates to know you’re a pedo.


letsdothis3 ago

Hey ButtHead @PGIssDumb5 remember when I asked you about this video (ELLA dRAPER CHILD ABUSE CULT............ THE BEGINNING) on the YT channel where you and the rest of the Hoaxtead crew hang out?

Well, I was wondering how you could take a music video and use it for your own humour without getting struck with a copyright strike by YT. Then the answer became obvious:

That group Die Antwoord from their album Donker Mag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donker_Mag

They collaborated with Aphex Twin on that album. https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/9bwrjz/secrets_of_afx_possible_link_to_cia/

not sure what to make of this. heard this one from insiders that the 'phex teamed up with the cia himself not too long ago in order to research sonar-based extrasensory abilities. more information can be found here: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00792r000300390001-2

[Interesting, I'm planning a big post on those types of multimedia technologies..]

i thought aphex was linked to Tavistock Institute

Yeah, that's just what I thought when I looked at his bio and his music vids.

Care to comment?

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent

think- ago

Wow, that's very interesting!

@Vindicator, please see parent's parent. Thanks!

think- ago

Thanks, @darkknight111. Would you maybe have a link to a source? In case @letsdothis3 would like to add it to their post.

Thank you! :-)