SturdyGal ago

Fascinating post, as usual. Dr. Koplewicz seems to be alarmed that 80% of children experience anxiety. In this society, I think I would be more alarmed about the 20% who don't experience anxiety. Anxiety is a normal response to abnormal and generally threatening situations. Is drugging the children the answer? Is talk therapy the answer? These methods have had mediocre success at best.

The society that causes the anxiety needs to be healed, not the children who are exhibiting a normal response to an abnormal society (but they do need to be supported, but not by the people who ruined the society). We re a selfish hedonistic society who uses children for its own egoic purposes. The abuse of children is not limited to pedophilia; countless parents use their children for their own vanity as extensions of themselves. They share their personal hysteria with their children and fail to be responsible for handling their own emotions.

Laskar ago

Thanks for posting this. Upvotes all around!

DerivaUK ago

Great research. Upvoat. Random mention of Vanessa Feltz et al attending black magick meetings! Do you have a source for this?