hedy ago

Please ask him to explain:

How live containers are moved/tracked port-to-port? manifested? how live contents are indicated, stored? How manifests and shipping logs are archived/accessed? How DHL communicates w/ shipper affiliates/middle-men? How customs processes work for live shipments? How ports operate/receive/ship? If/how transfer of custody occurs over water/off land. How storage at port is facilitated - 'vacant' warehouses? Was DHL receiving business contracts with NGOs or philanthropic orgs here and abroad?

Share this link for anecdotal account of port processes w/ human trafficking by Dr. Sue Lorrigo - child victim (not endorsing the hosting site) - ask if any of this sounds plausible/offers clues (things have probably changed over time but still might have leads). SNIPS only due to char limits: http://www.gailallen.com/theo/Secrets-of-the-CIA-Global-Sex-Slave-Industry-by-Dr-Sue-Arrigo.html

SHIPPING SEX SLAVES Shipping of sex slaves...is a bottleneck in the sex slave trade. We can try to make it more of a bottleneck by exposing it. It is obvious that human cargo is never listed on the ship’s cargo list. Most people assume that all ships coming into a harbor are logged in & registered. That is simply not true. There is a whole system set up for smugglers and regardless of what they are smuggling it is the same -- drugs, sex slaves, art treasures, landmines, chemical weapons, etc.

When a ship first comes in and makes contact with the harbor authorities by radio, it has to give the right signal or it will be bordered by the coast guard as an "illegal" vessel. When it radios, it indicates to the harbor authorities whether it wants to be inspected or not and how perishable its "fruit" is. Any shipper in the "legal" loop knows the informal code that indicates whether the ship is clean and can be inspected to make the harbour authorities and the shipping co. look good, or is dirty and should not be inspected for those same reason.

Over 75% of sex slaves end up in the hands of the independent brothel owners so it is definitely a worthwhile part of the trade to target in terms of saving lives. However, the bosses that skim off the top 10% of the children make more like 90% of the profits.

If one wants goods shipped off the record it goes "by the way." That is code slang for "off the record." One throws it into the shipping conversation. Suppose I at the CIA want to ship a load of goods to Iraq for “reconstruction” purposes. I call up almost any shipper in the world and say for instance, 'I want to send 17 “boxes” of construction goods, and “by the way” two bodies to look after them. Make sure they arrive safely, you know.' The shipper then knows that there will be not two people, but two box containers, ea. containing many girls and boys. But the usual instruction to the shipper is more like “be sure they arrive in not too bad condition” because they want a high spoilage rate, but for some of them to survive.

Another way I have heard this phrased is, “deliver it ripe but not spoiled” as if one was talking about bananas. The shippers know what the bosses want — they are paid big bribes to know. The conversation is like an insider’s language. You have to know it and not slip up on it to place the order to move them. But it is all done plain text, not in encrypted format. Much of it is done on cell phones and is not secure at all, anyone could listen in. As soon as I send this to you it may be changed. The point is that an investigator could listen to shipping conversations for awhile and quickly figure out the system.

(more on link)

FriesischShipping ago

Excellent, exactly what I wanted, thank you!

dindonufin ago

Hawaii is important because it's an island. In fact it's many islands. Easy in, easy out. Also it has a thriving sex industry.

FriesischShipping ago

"They flew between Honolulu and Los Angeles, transporting bills of lading for their first client, Seatrain Lines."

Coincidence that their first contracts are only to deliver cargo hold lists? Need to investigate seatrain lines now.

LargePepperoni ago

Remember this email... https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30613

Could the square shaped box be a DHL delivery? Maybe the kids don't make noise in the box because they are sedated.

micha_ ago

Great that you're asking.

Show your dad one or two of the worst Podesta emails and ask him for an explanation. Then chronologically introduce him into pizzagate. Then ask your dad what he could do to help bring the investigation forward (old contacts and since retired, maybe begin to investigate himself with his profound insights into the logistic business).

FriesischShipping ago

I'll try that. I already asked him about since deceased Mr. D and L and he said that his group never had any contact with them whatsoever and functioned more like shadow investors.

micha_ ago

Functioned more like shadow investors? Please no, not that, too! What we are seeing so far from the rabbit hole that seems to span the whole world, is already beyond believe.

Btw, there's a very good thread here on VOAT how to introduce pizzagate to other people. Maybe you want to read that first, because this is all so crazy that a careful approach must be taken, otherwise people just refuse totalk any further.

FriesischShipping ago

Just looked into the Larry Hillbloom Foundation. They were donating millions to aging and stem cell research. Coincidence?

micha_ ago

I guess not. Wyss-Corey is a leading researcher for rejuvenation by young blood and stem cells. IIRC billionaire Hansjorg Wyss is on the Clinton Foundation board and he escaped a conviction of illegal human experiments with non-approved substances (stem cell related). Five people died.

If the two Wyss' are connected somehow is still unknown.

Logistics insiders in Germany maybe could find out one or two things about the Wyss foundation, since Hansjorg Wyss is Swiss...

reasonedandinformed ago

Please search on Hawaii in this subverse. You will uncover a lot related to David Flintstone and a particular school that was the center of pedo activity. There are several suspicious companies. Also, someone had a very interesting post in which they thought they discovered an underground facility based on a huge number of SSID broadcasts emanating from a center point, with the signals changing every five minutes. There is a lot uncovered, and these would be the best sources for questions or discussion.

ProbablyHoly ago

That's interesting because I am sure DHL was mentioned by the children in the alleged SRA ring in Hampstead.