hojuruku ago

John Sunol has been charged! https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/criminal-nsw-police-pevert-course-of.html Pizzagate Core research team is on the case. Emails from head of NSW Police counter-terrorism unit to pedophile suspect involved in the gang stalking and persecution of fellow anti-pedophliia activist is on the link above.

redditsuckz ago

The term you use "Gay Baby Flesh Traders" looks like its happening in the USA - Bill Clinton and United Nations Connections;

James Alefantis friends taking children from other countries - Charles DeSantis (works for UN Refugee Agency)


More Comet Ping Pong Connections - United Nations Charles DeSantis friends with NSA SPY AGENCY worker - Booz Allen Hamilton(Snowden) + The Washington Ballet


Its like they can take these children at will from w/e 3rd world country and do what they want with them...no one questions anything...

And they are gender bending their own children giving them up to the cult...Caris James is probably a boy...


hojuruku ago

John Sunol has been charged! this is unbeleivable https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/criminal-nsw-police-pevert-course-of.html See the videos on his youtube channel talking about the arrest. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs1AR5n9cZJJew8EBvEFH9g

hojuruku ago

John Sunol is bogus charged and in custody. Activate the anti pizza gate pedo army and expose this. Get me interviews anywhere you can. [email protected]

Piscina ago

Yeah, Australian pedos protect each other

hojuruku ago

It's kicking off here - war against the Ozzie pedos begin http://8ch.net/pol/res/9189950.html#9193416 twitter.com/ozzieslovepedos for updates

hojuruku ago

see the pedo police working with pedophile suspect Garry Burns (search Gary Burns Sparkles the Pony) - see jewish head of NSW Police Counter Terrorism writing him love mails: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/criminal-nsw-police-pevert-course-of.html

hojuruku ago

The government protects and praises the pedophiles. I just got more GOVERNMENT TV praised infant rapist / human traffckers arrested TODAY :) :) :) https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/dfat-suck-this-luke-mckee-got.html

ploppy ago


hojuruku ago

talkshoe chat and mp3 streaming audio IS ANON and works through tor, sip can go through a proxy very easily as it's only about 100kps. http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/webClient.jsp?masterId=139182&cmd=wc I'm up now setting up a show to go through the latest developments and how the OTO Satanic Court - The NSW Anti-Discrimination board ordered a MASS AIDS INFECTED TRANNY RAPE of Female Inmates in NSW Prisons and covered it up to protect the establishment. The back story behind this; https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/anne-britton-ncatnsw-lets-tranny.html - and the new yet unreleased research into it. https://www.facebook.com/womensliberationfront/posts/719440164817178 See even RADICAL Feminists have got my back as an anti-gay-pedophilia-normalization activist on this one. I think everyone can agree a OTO (Gregory Tillet) satanic founded government department enabling MASS RAPE isn't a good thing, and isn't hate speech against "male pre-op tranny mass rape" aka Noel Crompton Hall aka Maddison Hall. This is the first tranny to get a sex change in jail before Bradley Manning - I'll tell the never exposed backstory after 4 days of Solid Research STARTING IN 30 MINS.

hojuruku ago

talkshoe.com - want me to setup a show with chat and VOIP (SIP) / and dial-in audio now. It's owned my a canadian company ran by conseratives. That's where I've been doing my radio shows. I want to expose what's going on now before my mate gets arrested to try and pre-empt the latest attack by Australia's special gay child sex police (facebook.com/policeglbti) who are openly paretnered with www.twenty10.org.au that is exposed as a child sex cult on kidsrights.org.au (by the Australian Family Association Inc).

Ok I'll log in now and start up a show and wait for people to come in to talk / interrogate me. http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/139182 If 3 or so people come in and I've got someone to talk to then we'll kick of the show, there's a chatroom in there. I was using that before I heard of voat / matrix.

hojuruku ago

ok roger wilco next time... We are under attack in Australia by these filthy pro-pedophile forces that attempt to normalize pedophilia by colour of law. All my friends in Australia have already been arrested or sued on behalf of the OTO and it's agents. Not conspiracy theory it's CASE LAW. "legg devine" in austlii.edu.au see all 4 cases. Jailed without a day in court. Breaching the Victorian Charter of Human rights (ask me I can look up the section) that says you have the right to appear in court IN PERSON before being sentenced / jailed.

hojuruku ago

If anyone wants I can set up a new talkshoe show or do a matrix chatroom with voice for people to interrogate me how the Satanic pedophile cult in Australia has been prosecuting every decent anti-pedophile activist in the country - e.g. lukesarmy.com truthnews.com.au csapp.net loveforlife.com.au and many more. Here's a video of someone who's complaining about being sued for being a facebook moderator on a group where OTHERS disrespected the satanic religion of gay baby sex and boy murder OTOAustralia.org.au https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6L3jx4KbM0 http://www.podcastchart.com/podcasts/truth-news-radio-australia/episodes/apology-to-david-bottrill-and-the-oto http://www.jewworldorder.org/ordo-templi-orientis-australian-national-treasurer-david-bottrill-taking-lukes-army-admins-to-court-5/

hojuruku ago

For those who want to research Vivianne Legg and Dyson Devine being arrested in NSW for a Crime not in NSW "Religious Vilification" by NSW Police and sent to jail without ever appearing in a court room - here are the links/case law you can click on from an old radio interview I did on the subject:

Alister Crowley and the Occult's links to PIZZAGate is well documented. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUX9W5CnX-U

Summary: Reverend Cailen Cambeul, Pontifex Maximus of the Church of Creativity joins us to talk about his history and experience calling corrupt politicians to account for the State of South Australia long history of protecting pedophiles in high places. The pedophile ring in South Australia was/is known as "The Family". Cailen will also talk about his persecution under racial vilification laws by an elite Jewish extremist minority group, and their police stooges. Our Guest's page: http://sacreator.com/about/ http://sacreator.com/sa-minister-for-multicultural-affairs-is-a-rockspider/ http://www.abc.net.au/news/2005-10-21/sa-attorney-general-investigated-by-anti/2129340 What the Government calls bikie gang laws: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rip/1-10/02.html Luke's youtube / scribd http://youtube.com/hojuruku http://scribd.com/hojuruku6725 http://soundcloud.com/hojuruku OTO Persecution of Legg & Devine for being against the religion of "gay anal sex magick to open the gates of hell, and boy rape & murder - Hermit Triad XI in Blood and Slime Sodomy Sex magick" http://www.theyfly.com/articles/gaia/oto.vcat.transcript.28.5.07.htm http://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/news/1304-Pro-bono-effort-muzzles-religion-slur https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/the-rights-of-difficult-defendants/ https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/10/13/lost-in-transition/ https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/09/12/vcat-vs-charter-s-49/ http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2007/1484.html http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2007/2470.html Michael Barnett it's head always sindicates Garry Burns threats to "chopp of Bernard Gaynor's balls" https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/qmelb/conversations/topics/17651 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2740476/Living-enemy-A-gay-atheist-couple-conservative-Anglican-priest-spend-10-days-worlds.html http://www.aleph.org.au Incest Supporting Pedo Judge Garry Neilson: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/judge-garry-neilson-who-compared-incest-and-paedophilia-to-homosexuality-clearly-in-error-appeal-judges-find-20140729-zy725.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/incest-paedophilia-homosexuality-comments-judge-garry-neilson-seriously-undermined-public-confidence-20150803-giquln.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/incest-paedophilia-and-homosexuality-comments-inquiry-into-judge-garry-neilson-to-be-headed-by-colleague-20150730-gio26i.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/district-court-judge-garry-neilson-admits-to-inquiry-incest-comments-unfortunate-20150803-giq83q.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/apology-to-judge-peter-zahra-sc-20150819-gj2qek.html Fairfax saying kids need to learn about Anal Sex and told to try out faggotry. Young girl complains she didn't learn about gay sex http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/gymea-technology-high-school-parents-left-in-the-dark-about-sex-education-by-shirelive-church-20150911-gjk6sf.html Gay FOI Officer Richard Hanson who blogs about his public sex crimes, who threatened my father on behalf of Cathherine Burns for his FOI (on tape and on letterhead) before Garry's malicious prosecution https://plus.google.com/114760057659193035017/about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWeotGNzBNw - Interview with my father that inspired the gays to take action for his critizim of special gay sex police More evidence to be released shortly in a new radio show including his audio samples of his threats to target my father. Catherine Burns Running to Mosad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Axeb6BFfw http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/200476#.VfP7IsRq2tp Victory in Tess Corbett Case: https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/55ef72cce4b01392a2cd0854 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrA8qAHGkiA Katter Party persecuted by Queers - Audio on youtube. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/st-paul-quoted-in-katter-party-candidates-fight-against-vilification-finding-20140430-zr20h.html http://scribd.com/smokehaze - My dad's scribd exposing Garry. http://motherdamnable.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/peter-tatchell-garry-burns-needs-you.html http://motherdamnable.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/garry-burns-and-new-south-wales-civil.html http://motherdamnable.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/peter-tatchell-and-garry-burns.html

hojuruku ago

I Luke McKee use my google account "hojuruku" outside Australian jurisdiction to publish reports about pedophilia normalization in Australia by the OTOAustralia.org.au founded @nodiscrim Anti-Discrimination Board. NSW Police are trying to arrest John Sunol for my writing on his blog using my google account in Vietnam jurisdiction to publish on Google servers in Santa Clara CA protected by the US 1st amendment.

Just two days ago we found they organized a mass rape incident that GENUINE REAL FEMINISTS are really angry about by putting a pre-sex-change fake tranny in a womans prison. All the rapes were covered up to protect the instiution that was founded by the OTO. A day after we discover this and finally after 15 years find out those responsible for the crazy policy the police come knocking...

https://www.facebook.com/womensliberationfront/posts/719440164817178 Proof the OTO founded the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board. https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/11/repost-dark-satanic-history-of-nsw-adb.html Details on only our first days of research into the MASS tranny with AIDS rape incident: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/anne-britton-ncatnsw-lets-tranny.html The OTO was founded itself by Alister Crowley - the BEAST 666 as he likes to be known