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remedy4reality ago

This has SHADY written all over it. I would like to call it a ' find ', but I'm afraid that sells it short. This submission is a REVELATION that neatly puts all the large pieces together including the role of the The Clintons, UN, State Department, the DC culture including Georgetown and of course, our buddies at Comet.

Responding to edit by OP > Can you please explain the addition of the MK ULTRA connection and the two Chihuahuas in a Gucci bag? @redditsuckz thanks

redditsuckz ago

You can see the 440Hz Music in the browser of the picture above the dogs heads + "suicide" beside it...

That frequency is used for mind control and cant just be a coincidence and what that picture was really about. And the fact they all put on animal head costumes.

That is another form of MKULTRA so the child sounds crazy if they tell someone about their would sound like this "they all had animal heads and were abusing me"...

And just to add that I think Caris James might actually be a BOY....

Comment by Alefantis: "It's HIS money!" Izette Folger next comment: "It's a SHE baby"

Here the guy calls "her" ceris ?...and the "boy lover spirals" are on the Caris dress...

They might be grooming this child from birth to be a girl even tho they are a boy...

Here is Scott Cummings wearing a "Butt" shirt and holding the gay magazine Butt;

"Daddy likes Butt"

And "Chicken lovers" is a reference for young boys and he is holding caris;

The whole family and friends would have to be in on this sick thing...and all James Alefantis close friends are probably all gay including Joe Wills and Scott Cummings and Jeff and Blaire Smith etc or at least bi...just like all the elites who go to Bohemian Grove are married but are secretly are into guys.

Just like Angelina Jolie and her grooming her child Shiloh from a girl to a boy;

Angelina Jolie is also connected to Charles DeSantis and the UN refugee agency here;

stellarcorpse ago

doubt they are all gay. I think they are Bi. James included. Yes, I believe this family is complicit and they have sold Caris to James.

ich1baN ago

It's possible Caris James (aka Juniper) is a boy... however, I want to say something first and chew on this idea and think about it. I've looked at that same photo (the one where he says she baby) before and have thought deeply about it weeks ago and I came to this conclusion.

These people JA, JP, Marina Abramovic pay homage and great honor to their ideology which is steeped deeply in ancient Egyptian rituals such as ISIS (which has an interesting interplay to ISIS the terror org today and why Obama and the West let it metastasize in order to accomplish the complete George Soros' reengineering and destruction of Western society through exporting millions and millions of refugees that they knew would cause extreme social/cultural issues while overwhelming infrastructure and natural resource limits of their host countries) Osiris and Horus. At any rate if you recall the story is that Horus the son of Osiris and ISIS does not have a gender (therefore is trans, or nonbinary) until ISIS takes Osiris' dead body (which was cut into 14 pieces, hence John Podesta's fish and 14 on his hand) and then copulates with the dead body after she puts it back together through "black magic", except for the penis which was eaten by the fish and forever lost in the Nile river.... at any rate this ritual is what James Alefantis base a lot of their ideology on.... and root their idea of male/female duality.

This is why Majestic Ape has a mask and is played by both a female and male character at different times. It represents their devotion to this male-female duality theme. Imo, Caris is a girl and they are calling her a "he" at times in order to play into this male-female duality sort of like how Horus did not have a gender until ISIS copulated with Osiris' dead body and then engendered Horus through this sexual act.... hence their complete fascination with sadistic sexual acts.

@redditsuckz @yingyangmom

YingYangMom ago

Excellent theory. I had researched this Podesta pic with 14 and fish before and it also led me to this. I got the hint from a video called 'Secrets in plain sight' from 34:28 to 36.21.

Edit: link.

GeorgeT ago

Angelina must be a naive idiot, a satanist, a pedophile enabler or a down right weirdo. Which one is it? Perhaps all of the above, minus the naive part.

redditsuckz ago

Its kinda throws the "born this way" out of the questions...these people are created and mind fucked to be this way.

alanna ago

Wonder if "John" is from dis-associative causes.

ansipizza ago

Musician here. I guess all we violinists are mind controlled, or maybe mind controllers, because our A string is tuned to 440 Hz.

ich1baN ago

Can you elaborate on your post for the laymen amongst us... really appreciate insights from experts on their subject topic. What does it mean when you say "our A string is tuned to 440 Hz".... pretend if you will that I'm an infant and know nothing LOL.

ansipizza ago

Sure! Our sensation of pitch comes from things that vibrate periodically, like a violin string, the column of air in a flute or horn, a xylophone key, etc. The faster something vibrates, the higher the pitch sounds. For example, the vibrations from a piccolo are much faster than those from a tuba. Pitches are measured in terms of cycles (complete vibrations) per second. This unit is something also called Hertz, abbreviated Hz. Our ears are capable of perceiving sounds in the 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz range, but we can only usefully distinguish musical notes (i.e. follow a melody) over a narrower range, perhaps 40 Hz to 4,000 Hz.

Violins have four strings, and while the standard tuning notes have moved around over the centuries, right now, the official frequencies violinists are supposed to tune to are E(the highest string)=659.3 Hz, A=440.0 Hz, D=293.7 Hz, and G(the lowest string)=196 Hz. So, when I said a violin's A string is tuned to 440 Hz, that simply means that when the string is excited without altering its length, it vibrates 440 times per second, i.e. if you were to use a stroboscope or film camera and take 440 pictures per second, the vibrating string would appear to stand still.

Now... the bit in the thread about "440 Hz music" refers to a trend wherein people prefer slightly different pitches for their music. All the intervals are the same, but everything is shifted up or down a little. It would be as though I took my violin and tuned the A to 432 instead of 440, and then adjusted everything else in the same proportion. Of course the looser string would sound a little different and some people prefer this.

We've been hearing many such tunings for our whole lives whether we realize it or not, because a lot of classical and pop music isn't referenced to A=440.0 Hz exactly. I can tell the difference but I wouldn't say that one or the other tuning scheme is better overall.

ich1baN ago

Wow, really appreciate your thorough and well thought out explanation. It's interesting that there is such a large range in the Hz interval yet our ears are "designed" to only hear a small spectrum of it.... I wonder if we can perceive the vibrations beyond what are ears are able to perceive...

ansipizza ago

There have been experiments, and yes, vibrations below 20 Hz and above 20,000 Hz can affect us. The low frequencies shake our bodies if they're strong enough, to the point where deaf people can perceive the vibations. Fear is a common reaction to very loud, low frequency vibrations. High frequencies can likewise cause discomfort beyond our ability to hear them. Then there are wackier claims, like I seem to remember an assertion that 7 Hz is the resonant frequency of a chicken's skull... whatever that is supposed to mean!

ich1baN ago

Very interesting! Sort of like how a fan that is oscillating a certain frequency is well known to make your stomach feel sick if it is focused in your direction for too long?

ansipizza ago

Wow, I hadn't heard of that one.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I always thought Jolie and Charlie Sheen had been MKUltra(ed). Overly sexed is another sign of the Illuminati control! Pure Evil!

ich1baN ago

Yea and it's interesting b/c his character on that show 2 and half men is ALL about sex and that's it.

cantsleepawink ago

Don't forget Charlize Theron, the UN Messenger of Peace (blech) who dresses her son like a girl

rail606 ago

If anyone is interested in some 432hz music I have a butt-load of modern music re-tuned on my YouTube channel. Enjoy!

I actually found out about 432hz because of Pizzagate. Honestly just go to an occult store read one of the books(qabbalah/kaballah/aleister crowley/golden dawn) see how these sick people think and pizzagate makes perfect sense. Will blow your mind and change your life. Some reasons why 432hz music is better

srayzie ago

Wow. I see what your saying. These people are sick. So maybe some get off on a transgender child? I wonder why they would call her a she if she's a he when they can easily get ahold of real boys?

It amazes me how some of these celebrities think. If I had a 2 year old daughter come to me and say she would rather be called John, I would say No your name is not John. A 2 year old doesn't even know gender yet. They could have stopped that real quick. They had to have encouraged this thru the years. That's why kids these days grow up so dang confused about their sexuality! Instead of going to counseling to learn how to help them handle her Gender issues with care, why don't they do counseling to learn how to not encourage her to be something she's not?!

GeorgeT ago

I remember my grandma dressing me up as a girl when I was 4 as a joke. My mum and dad and grandpa walked in, my mum just laughed but my dad and grandpa blew the gasket. Grandpa wad roaring at my grandma with fury I remembered for the rest of my days. Then they had a talk for hours. I was too small to understand. Now I know. Don't worry, I am as straight as an arrow and had never put a dress since that episode.

srayzie ago

Lol good. Luckily she didn't keep dressing you like that. I used to have a neighbor. They had a 5 year old girl that she still breast fed 🤔 They told me she was transgender and dressed her like a boy and called her a boy name. I can't remember the name. I'm sure that kids gonna grow up well grounded 🙄

redditsuckz ago

The child would be set up to be mind controlled from birth having a split personality or a personality disorder...James Alefantis might have been raised the same way now he is the "godfather" of Caris and possibly a seems similar to the Finders Cult as the whole cult raised the children;

The Finders Cult | CIA Connection Explained

srayzie ago

That's horrible :(

remedy4reality ago

awesome... thanks for the clarification also, Will Smith 'son' is also 'gender neutral' as is Carrie Fisher's 'daughter', Billy.

This isn't new age. This is brain washing from infancy.

GeorgeT ago

This is satanism. Baphomet, the god they worship is an androgenous creature that is both male and female. Homosexual, LGBTXYZ agenda is real. It's Satanism & Eugenics.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

The Vatican is the most Evil! This is why I believe the pedos use pizza and pizza eateries. Pizza=Italy= Vatican= Gives the direct orders

Truthseeker3000 ago

Exactly. And the goal? Ultimately to destroy the family dynamic and create population control. Brilliant they are but incredibly evil. So sad people are so brainwashed. Seems to me now it's getting rare to find straight males and females. High levels of estrogen being pumped into lotions, sunscreens, plastics, you name it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Estrogen pumped into city water and milk, meats ect