SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @letsdothis3.

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singensmythe ago

I thought I saw that his laptop had been imaged, and there was a copy of the image stored by the NYPD IT Dept? I read that somewhere but am not sure of its accuracy.

Are_we_sure ago

This is inaccurate. Read chapter 9 of the FBI IG report.

Since the Clinton warrant involved a search for classified information, the NYPD would not have been given an image. An FBI agent who was not working on the classified info warrant, but only the Weiner had to have his computer wiped and reset after classified info was found.

singensmythe ago

very interesting, thanks for putting me straight, appreciated

naamasteer ago

AADHAAR @trustthetruth @carmencita advised by Joseph Schmitz @deathtomasonsasap Tony Sutton @letsdothis2 +3 g ether @norapandora Weidel Real Estate started his career at Goldman Sachs @senpaithatignoresyou @truthdemon Silvio Gesell theoretical economist

TrustTheTruth ago

NEOM is not the real MODEL.

Find the ROOT of All EVIL.

Find the Crossroads of Smart Cities and Resilient Communities.

Find America's Bellwether.

Find the heart of Satan's Ability.

Find the World's Most Valuable Resource.

Find the model for Community Policing.

Find the model for 5G+8K AI.

There you will Find The Truth.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

He is the founder of Point72 Asset Management Cohen is reportedly building a private museum for some of his artwork on his Greenwich property. He owns or has owned artworks by Lucio Fontana, Alberto Giacometti, Willem de Kooning, Jeff Koons, Edvard Munch, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol.

Is this the same Jeff Koons as the one who has a gigantic CP photo hanging up at the Whitney, from James Alefantis's IG?

Are_we_sure ago

That gigantic photo was NOT CP it was just regular P. The woman in the photo was his 40 year old wife.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

others have said the opposite, how could we know? It looked like the butt size of an underage, very very young girl.

Are_we_sure ago

others have said the opposite,

Yes and they were misinformed. And did not look into this at all.

how could we know?

We can know because Jeff Koons is a famous enough artist that his work is documented and if any one researched this photo at all, they will learn that it was part of a series he did with his wife who was born in 1951. She was 39 or 40 at the time of the photo. You could learn all this from his Wikipedia page which shows the people saying the opposite didn't bother to even check.

Made in Heaven series In 1989 the Whitney Museum and its guest curator Marvin Heiferman asked Koons to make an artwork about the media on a billboard for the show "Image World: Art and Media Culture". The billboard was meant as an advertisement for an unmade movie, entitled Made in Heaven. Koons employed his then-wife Ilona Staller ("Cicciolina") as a model in the shoot that formed the basis of the resulting work for the Whitney, Made in Heaven (1990–91).

It looked like the butt size of an underage, very very young girl

Adult butts come in a lot of shapes and sizes. This was the butt of a 5'6" 40 year old woman.

And I just learned that the name she used as a performer, Cicciolina, means "a little chubby." So a 40 year old woman who is a little chubby.

This is what his wife looked like about two years after those photos.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't think that is a real woman.

I have 7 kids and I've watched them grow into puberty, there's no doubt in my mind the girl in the photo is younger than my teenage boys by several years. My niece who is on the thin side has a much larger body than this photo. At 13, I had a body that was basically fully grown hip wise. That was a girl, not a 40 year old woman.

There's literally no possibility of this being confirmation bias at least not in my case, I decided it was CP before anyone else mentioned they thought so.

Do gay guys normally post heterosexual porn on their IG pages?

This either confirms James Alefantis is bisexual or that he's a bisexual pedophile. But that 'wife' photo you sent me is the tranniest looking thing I've seen all week.

Are_we_sure ago

I don't think that is a real woman.

Do you mean a grown woman? You're not implying it's not a person, are you?

That was a girl, not a 40 year old woman.

You are wrong. She was definitely a grown woman. She was born in 1951 in Hungary. She didn't even get to Italy until she was 21 or 22 years old. She had a been a famous personality in Italy since 1973, she had a radio show, was in porn movies, she released albums and was an elected member of the Italian government all before she met Jeff Koons

Staller, 37, who surprised everyone, including the Radicals, by winning a seat in Parliament, did manage to steal the show in the traditional parade of arriving politicos at Parliament's Piazza Montecitorio today. .... She had been put forth as a candidate by the Radical Party as an act of ridicule of the Parliament. The party clearly expected her to be defeated; instead she polled the party's second-highest vote.

There's literally no possibility of this being confirmation bias at least not in my case, I decided it was CP before anyone else mentioned they thought so.

It's a 100% a case of confirmation bias. Because you decided it was CP when it was a 40 year old woman is you confirming your own biases. Confirmation Bias doesn't not have to do with going along with the crowd. It's about evaluating evidence in a way to confirm your own conclusions.

The evidence you evaluated is based a small group of people who are not this woman

I have 7 kids and I've watched them grow into puberty, there's no doubt in my mind the girl in the photo is younger than my teenage boys by several years. My niece who is on the thin side has a much larger body than this photo. At 13, I had a body that was basically fully grown hip wise.

You having a different body type that this woman says nothing about her or how she would look when she was 40.

You experienced this photo and probably Jeff Koons himself in the context of pizzagate, a subject on which people hold very strong views, a context ripe for confirmation bias.

Outside the context of pizzagate, in reality this photo was created by Koons as part of a whole series he did with his wife. it was just another photo in the series. you can see what she looks like in other photos from the series. I would not have pinned her for 39/40 in these images, but that's what she was. She never even met Koons until she was past 35.

Here's a relatively safe for work photo from that series

This one is less safe for work, but not porn

Here's her on a 1990 cover of the Argentianian version of Playboy

Here's her and Koons a year after that exhibit. She seems to be pregnant

A close up of her in 1989. Note the eyes.

here's a NSFW topless shot from the 1988 Cannes film festival. It shows her hips.

another NSFW topless shot that shows her hips

another close up see mouth and eyes for age. 1988

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Re: your response is too long and I didn't bother to read it, sorry.

I was saying she looks like a tranny. I'm not going back to the IG photo to look at CP. You're welcome to your opinion. I'm of the opinion that a butt that small is a child.

Are_we_sure ago

I'm of the opinion that a butt that small is a child.

TL/DR're wrong.

We know who the model was. She was famous in Italy for 15 years before she met Jeff Koons. I posted a bunch of photos of what she looked from the time the photos were taken.

You mistaking a 39/40 year old woman for a underage girl is definitely confirmation bias. One of the Jeff Koons photos which is explicit shows her full body and shows the size of her 39 year old hips.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That's cool. Have a nice day.

letsdothis2 ago

Yes :-)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

wow they are scum

YogSoggoth ago

But they are not law enforcement, just influential..

ESOTERICshade ago

The Core Club

The word "core" is a bit of code word possibly. I think Alex Jones servers's used to be named "Core 1" and "Core 2" and so forth. They may still be named that but I don't know. I think maybe, but i'm not sure, that "Core" refers to "The Family" or the "Core Group" of elites that run this world like the "Council On Foreign Relations", The "Bilderberg Group", the "Trilateral Commission", the banking families, the cult, etc...

EricKaliberhall ago

@ESOTERICshade is a proven disinformation whore... Please read the following -

ESOTERICshade ago

@ESOTERICshade is a proven disinformation whore... Please read the following -

Maybe you should abandon the Zionist lifestyle and start serving humanity. Right now your mind is neck deep in the swamp. You didn't save your country, Switzerland, and it got messed up really bad. You could leave our country alone and let us try to fix it. You obviously don't have the balls to do it. Q will not save you and if you think he will, you are mistaken.

letsdothis2 ago

YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE BORDER KIDS A brief, research backed exposé.

No DynCorp employee has ever been criminally prosecuted for any of these crimes. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army.***

Now... Let's add to this fact that Trump had to choose between DeVos' brother, Eric Prince (Blackwater/Academi/the list goes on...) And Feinberg (Cerberus Capital/DynCorp/Computer Sciences Corporation)... He chose the guy with a company that is well-versed in human trafficking instead of Blackwater, who just harvested organs and made millions off of Afghani heroin.

Blackstone or BlackRock, confused? CEOs Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink actually did it on purpose

More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned.

Ellen Katz, Board Member - She was also formerly married to the CEO of Blackstone Group:

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#12952) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

think- ago

IIRC, it turned out in the end that the NYPD never actually had the laptop. It was a rumour spread by Eric Prince IIRC.

The Feds got the laptop from Weiner's attorney, not from NYPD.

But thanks for posting this anyway, @letsdothis2, interesting.

letsdothis2 ago

I'd like to ask you to please check the facts re the NYPD having the laptop, and finding an additional source that would correct the old voat post you have been linking (

Yes, I will update. But need to clarify something before I walk into my own storm..

it turned out in the end that the NYPD never actually had the laptop. It was a rumour spread by Erik Prince IIRC.

Are you saying that this was disinformation from the Trump administration?

think- ago

I am saying it looks like Erik Prince might have deliberately spread disinfo. No more, no less.

Please see this comment by @MolochHunter he made on this thread:

MolochHunter 1 points (+1|-0) 5 months ago (edited 5 months ago)


How much fucking confirmation bias must you have for this?

22/9 Daily mail carries a story with a whole bunch of sexting data from THE GIRLS phone

Weiner panics, 23/9 gives his hardware to Granite

The warrant is issued on 26/9 . It does say 'any law enforcement officer' - so I take that to mean it is possible the NYPD did the raid on Granite, not FBI

BUT The NY Post and Washington Post put out stories on 30/9 saying FBI has the laptop, and there's Hillary emails on it

thats a 4 day window in which they have to 1) execute the raid 2) take it back to the NYPD cop shop 3) get authority to check its contents 4) surrender it to the FBI 5) FBI assesses its contents 6) report on that to the Media

i suppose its possible, just, but that's a very narrow time frame

but I keep coming back to this: We have no public statement DIRECTLY from NYPD corroborating Eric Prince's claim, and Eric is one dodgy motherfucker. Every other person who repeated the 'insurance file' claim is downstream from Eric Prince, no independent verification

Now, when the 'Steele Dossier' paid for by Hillary is the only sole piece of evidence of 'muh collusion' and Robert Mueller hasnt substantiated it from ANY OTHER INDEPENDENT source, I roll my eyes at those who still push the collusion narrative

applying the same standard of evidence, I roll my eyes at the 'insurance file' claims because we similarly have no independent verification of Eric Prince's claims, and we have very solid evidence showing that the window of opportunity for the NYPD AT BEST was very, very, narrow

NYPD SVU were looking into it because of what was disclosed to Daily Mail.

and the Victim was in NORTH CAROLINA - this means the NYPD may have been compromising the case if they looked into it because of their Jurisdiction Limitation - so it would have been wiser for them to leave it to the Feds anyway

Occams razor still tells us the greater likelihood that NYPD never had it

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you for the link. I have edited the post.

Are_we_sure ago

We know for sure that the FBI got the laptop first. This means the story put out by Eric Prince, TruePundit and others that the NYPD had the laptop and were ready to charge Clinton until the FBI came in and took the laptop and the case away from is bullshit. Erik Prince and True Pundit were not even the first with this story. The NYPD story was a hoax that was "seeded" around the internet.

The story started before True Pundit because it was a disnformation campaign. It was seeded to various fake news and conspiracy sites to get the gossip going on the internet.

A fake facebook profile had it in late October several days before True Pundit. Rolling Stone tracked down the woman behind that Facebook profile and she was a 60 year cat lady in Joplin Missouri claiming she had NYPD sources. That was the first reference on Facebook. A anti-semitic propaganda Twitter account tweeted her story that was the first reference on Twitter. Because I'm sure he was Facebook Friends with her. Then YourNewsWire picked it up and others picked it up. This video came out two days before the True Pundit article. It's got everything.

Private Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton As Part of Pedophile Sex Ring, ISIS Created By Members of Congress, Military Confirms No Elections in 2016

The files in the folder named “Life Insurance” contained emails that revealed bombshell evidence that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin are running a pedophile sex ring. Out of the 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are specifically related to Huma.

Kent Dunn says there is information regarding the true founders of ISIS terrorist group. ISIS was created by the CIA in collaboration with the Israeli Mossad. The inventors of ISIS are Joe Lieberman, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham.

There are three files that are in the folder labeled “Life Insurance” , one of which is called ‘DNC Nuclear Arsenal’. The second file is labeled ‘Intimate XXX’, which contains naked pictures of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a teenage girl having sex. .....

Kent Dunn: Sir what is going to happen with the election?

Military Colonel: “When we’re done, what election?” I don't know about you folks, but I remember there was an election in 2016. Do you think this guy might have been lying?

True Pundit was part of wide rollout of this story. True Pundit did their bit on the same day Doug Hagmann told the same story on Alex Jones. Doug Hagmann accidentally let the cat of the bag, claiming that Rudy Giulaini was behind most of this. Giuliani, of course, was a member of the Trump campaign. If this shit was real, Giuliani could have just said so himself instead of leaking it to the fringe media.

think- ago

Looks good, thank you! :-)

letsdothis2 ago

Inside Erik Prince's Return To Power: Trump, Bolton And The Privatization Of War

The founder of Blackwater—the military contractor infamous for the 2007 massacre in Iraq in which a convoy of his mercenaries gunned down 14 unarmed civilians—he's kept a lower profile since he sold the company in 2010.

from Cambridge Analytica, Atlantic Bridge, Thatcher's govt, Michael Hintze, Espirito Banco and the financier of the Hampstead cult.

Betsy deVos in the Current News Cycle and in a Q Post from last November / Sister of Erik Prince who Popped up in Seychelles Meeting Arrange by Child Porn Trafficker (GreatAwakening)

DeVos is Erik Prince's brother ( more family ties ! ) who was in the news last week about a meeting in the Seychelles, which was blown out of the water when the contact turned out to be a child porn trafficker.

Cambridge Analytica executives created a company with the Executive Director & Deputy Chairman of Erik Prince’s Frontier Services Group

On August 11, 2017, the company Emerdata Limited was incorporated in the U.K., and listed SCL Chairman Julian Wheatland as Director and 25–50% owner, and Cambridge Analytica Chief Data Officer, Alexander Tayler, was also listed as 25–50% owner. Both have since been removed as significant owners, but Wheatland is listed as an active Director, along with Alexander Nix, the Chief Executive of Cambridge Analytica.

A tip from @brexit_sham identified that one of the new Emerdata Limited directors, Mr Johnson Chun Shun Ko, is a very close business partner of Erik Prince.

Noting Blackwater and BlackRock in the same thread, I google Larry Fink and Erick Prince, with the result:

tephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American businessman, investor and philanthropist. He is the chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with former US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson. He chaired President Donald Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum.

Trump has been advised by Erik Prince and Joseph Schmitz and they are both Vatican-Roman knights and former Blackwater executives. Trump appointed Erik Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos as the United States Secretary of Education. Betsy’s DeVos’s husband is the billionaire Dick DeVos and his billionaire father Richard DeVos founded Amway with Jay Van Andel who donated about 2 million to George Walker Bush’s presidential campaign. Also Joseph Schmitz was Department of Defense Inspector General under Bush Jr. and Erik Prince’s Blackwater was in contract with the US military under Bush Jr.

carmencita ago

Stephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American businessman, investor and philanthropist. He is the chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with former US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson. He chaired President Donald Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum.

Trump has been advised by Erik Prince and Joseph Schmitz and they are both Vatican-Roman knights and former Blackwater executives. Trump appointed Erik Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos as the United States Secretary of Education. Betsy’s DeVos’s husband is the billionaire Dick DeVos and his billionaire father Richard DeVos founded Amway with Jay Van Andel who donated about 2 million to George Walker Bush’s presidential campaign. Also Joseph Schmitz was Department of Defense Inspector General under Bush Jr. and Erik Prince’s Blackwater was in contract with the US military under Bush Jr.

I knew some of that, but not all of it. Seeing it all in print is Mind Blowing. Thank you.

TrustTheTruth ago

Where do you think the Schmitz family is from?

Who is orchestrating Global Education Reform?

What are Smart Cities?

What are Resilient Communities?


think- ago

Please note that Erik Prince knowingly employs George Nader as a consultant, a convicted pedopile who went to jail for his crimes in Europe. Nader worked for Bill Clinton when the latter was POTUS. IIRC, also for the Bush administration before.

Nice example of a pedo who got away with it because 'b.b..bbut we need a good Near East expert'. So everybody has been looking the other way, to this day, and doesn't give a shit that he's a convicted pedo.

Btw., there is a nice photo of Bill Clinton in a swimming pool with Jeffrey Epstein, George Nader, and Tony Podesta out there on the internet.

Are_we_sure ago

Does Prince employ Nader? I think Nader was working for the UAE and Prince was doing a deal with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Russia, but Nader was on the other side of that negotiation.

Nader also had warm relationships with the Trump White House. I don't think "worked for" applies either in his previous cases. Worked with I think is more accurate.

think- ago

I am saying it looks like Erik Prince deliberately spread disinfo. No more, no less.

letsdothis2 ago

Erik Prince works for Trump.

I'm looking for a voat post that clearly spells out what happened with the NYPD and Weinergate story but finding that difficult. If you could point me to a reliable thread I can edit the post.

letsdothis2 ago

Also, if it was a rumour then was there actually anything on that laptop re Clinton ?

Are_we_sure ago

There was nothing on the laptop that showed other crimes about Clinton. That story is dead as a doorknob.

The FBI report has an entire chapter on Weiner's laptop and there's no mention of other crimes regarding Clinton whatsoever and no indication anyone from NYPD even saw the laptop. Some people who were desperate and grasping at straws tried to keep this story alive based on a FBI official's notes. But there's another more obvious way to read his notes. There were two investigations regarding the laptop and two warrants needed sex crimes warrant for the weiner case and the warrant covering Clintons emails.

It was so insignificant the FBI guy didn't rememeber writng the notes. The desperate straw graspers overlook this. Had the note been about evidence that would put Hillary Clinton away for life, he would have remembered the conversation.

think- ago

Maybe 'rumour' was the wrong word. Seems to have been a deliberate disinformation by Erik Prince.

think- ago

IIRC - no. LOL But then, you'll never know what they would suppress.

letsdothis2 ago

Ha, I missed that. Thanks.

Need to do a write up on the Washington DC Police Foundation too ;-)

think- ago

Need to do a write up on the Washington DC Police Foundation too ;-)

That would be great! :-)

letsdothis2 ago

Last on the trustees list : John J Dooner Jr

Chairman of The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.,_Inc.

Holdings :

Edelman (The world’s largest public relations firm)

Edelman provided crisis communications to News Corporation during the phone hacking scandal.[36][37] Other clients have included Vidal Sassoon, Red Cross, Cantor Fitzgerald,[12] Royal Dutch Shell,[38] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[39] Starbucks,[36] and the government of Saudi Arabia.[40] It has used front groups to help the American Petroleum Institute reduce the perceived environmental damage caused by oil companies.

Vanguard Group Inc

TrustTheTruth ago


Where was Chuck Schumer "MADE"?

Where was Robert Byrd "MADE"?

Where was Tony Podesta "MADE"?

What is Hillary's model of Community Policing?

Who are the Real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is the common connection between the Committee of 300, Council of 13, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Knights of Malta, Global Interfaith Coalition, Red Cross, United Way, and the many other groups involved?

Why does Q exist?

What is "The Truth" that Q is Here to Hide?

What is The Biggest Deal that Trump has "MADE" as President?

What is their Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

What report just came out about The World "ending" in 2030?

What was the Earth Summit and what was decided there?


letsdothis2 ago

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt's research

Clinton and Sustainable Development

Earth Summit:

I suggest people look through the list of patrons for CRAE...

Judd was a member of the Commission on Global Governance. The Commission was established in 1992 with the full support of United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. It produced a report containing many controversial proposals ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’ in 1995. Sitting alongside Lord Judd in the Commission was Maurice Strong. Strong’s appointment as Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development—best known as the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 had resulted in the UNs Agenda 21 programme being implemented by all states belonging to the UN system of Governance including the UK.

Interesting timing. Thank you.

TrustTheTruth ago

There are no coincidences. Thank You for not forgetting.

The Truth is Here.

carmencita ago

According to Haiti Libre, former President Bill Clinton will be in Haiti for a 48-hour visit. During his stay, he will make among others, an announcement during his visit to the recycling company Sustainable Recycling Solutions (SRS Haiti). Haiti Libre reports that Bill Clinton will tour the Sustainable Recycling Sustainable Recycling Solutions HaitiSolutions (SRS Haiti) plant on February 18 and see the recycling process. He will be accompanied by Andrew MacCalla and Brett Williams, the Co-Founders of SRS, and Mike Shinoda, the lead singer of Linkin Park and a major investor, will join the President. Bill Clinton will make an announcement during this visit.

The new link in the chain. The Clinton Foundation.

Linkin Park started an organization called Sustainable Recycling Solutions (SRS) in Haiti. Without applying for any grant* they were surprised to receive a $250,000 donation from the Clinton foundation.

If that wasn’t exciting enough, Mike Shinoda of LinkinPark got a rare and unsolicited visit from none other than Bill Clinton himself. Here’s the Linkinpark video…

Speaking In Miami, Bill Clinton Emphasizes Public-Private Partnerships For Hurricane Recovery

The event, organized by the Clinton Global Initiative and hosted by the University of Miami, aimed in part to introduce people working on hurricane recovery projects to potential funders. Those projects are helping Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Antigua & Barbuda and Dominica build back stronger after last year’s devastating hurricane season.

"The challenges we are facing include not only things that happened directly as the result of the hurricane, but also reflect the aggravation of problems that existed before them," he said.

Those pre-existing problems include aging power grids and communications systems, and a lack of affordable, sustainable energy sources, he said. WHAT? sustainable There is that word again. sustainable

Gregory Milne, chief metrics and impact officer at the Clinton Foundation, said beyond dollars, corporations have expertise NGOs can use -- for instance, how to get a product from a warehouse to a consumer.

"If they can partner with some of the amazing health organizations that are here, that are trying to get medications or vaccinations to those remote communities, that’s a win-win situation," he said.

Bob Lord, chief digital officer for IBM, said the company just held a 5,000-person hackathon in Puerto Rico on using technology for disaster preparedness and recovery. The "Call for Code" program focuses on developing projects like facial recognition software to identify disaster victims, or systems to track blood donations and pharmaceutical drugs.

WOW. What a moneymaker for corporations. Big Pharma Drugs, Vaccinations especially (and fooling around with them) and last but not least sustainability and facial recognition to track their Ahem, Victims.

Whenever is see THAT Word, I know it is not a good outlook for the country CGI and Friends are about to take over.

TrustTheTruth ago

What is Satan's Ability?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

What was The Deal that Trump MADE?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat and why?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

think- ago


Would be worthwhile looking into this meeting in depth.

letsdothis2 ago
