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letsdothis2 ago

the list of patrons for CRAE:

Professor Margaret Lynch

designated doctor for child protection Southwark

Toward a better child protection system in Eastern Europe

A pdf pamphlet from Nobody's Children Foundation

In 2008, programme funded by Oak Foundation

Voat related post:

Soros donating $100k+ to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children : Oak Foundation is funded through Soros' open Society

Child abuse and neglect in Eastern Europe is an interactive center for professionals working in the field of child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention in Eastern Europe. was created in 2001 thanks to the financial support of Open Society Institute. The website was designed to build upon and promote the professional networks established by the Eastern European Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program, created in 1995 by collaborative project of Open Society Institute, Soros Foundations Network and Children’s Mental Health Alliance.

Nobody's Children Foundation Report 2003

Pink Elephant Club of the British Embassy?

Ambassador Michael Pakenham

Bernard van Leer Foundation is one of the financiers.

Summary: Nearly all NGOs which advocate and oversee the implementation of the Hindu-targetted Right to Education Act are foreign funded. The United Kingdom appears to be the chief source of such funds.

letsdothis2 ago

Funnily enough, an update on the Asher's Baking Company case, published just two days ago: UK supreme court backs bakery that refused to make gay marriage cake

think- ago

Awesome work, @letsdothis2.

Emmerson was recently fired from UK CSA inquiry.

Do you recall why?

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks. Re Emmerson:

The most senior lawyer working for the independent inquiry into historical child sexual abuse in England and Wales has been suspended from duty.

The inquiry said it had "recently become very concerned about aspects of Ben Emmerson QC's leadership" of his team and he had been suspended so these could be properly investigated.

Theresa May defends child abuse inquiry as lawyer resigns

Child abuse inquiry member: 'I was silenced in 2015 to ensure Theresa May could become Prime Minister'

A child abuse survivor who served on the panel of the Government's independent inquiry has told talkRADIO she was silenced to ensure Theresa May could become Prime Minister.

Sharon Evans, who also runs the charity Dot Com, told John Nicolson the child abuse inquiry was all about controlling information, and she fears the Grenfell Tower inquiry will proceed along the same lines.

She continued: "I was taken to one side and it was made clear to me, I was told that Theresa May was going to be the Prime Minister, this inquiry was going to be part of this, and that if I didn't toe the line and do I was told, if I tried to get information out, I would be discredited by her advisors."

She went on to allege that this warning was issued by the inquiry's QC, Ben Emmerson, who served as a go-between between May and the inquiry team.

And guess who was involved with the Grenfell inquiry? >>

Following Grenfell: why is the Commission involved?

Our work is led by the Commission’s legal team. Karon Monaghan QC and Jason Pobjoy are providing expert legal advice

think- ago

Hmmm....very interesting. Re the Grenfell inquiry: It's a small world, isn't it?

letsdothis2 ago

This just keeps getting better... Jason Pobjoy of Blackstone Chambers seems to be a rising star

the author of The Child in International Refugee Law


NoBS ago

Damn. Your answers are as good, if not better than your original post. Talk about a Value Added contribution.

We unwashed masses are not worthy of your intelligence. The silenced voices of humanities children sure appreciate your compassion and dare I say much needed love.

Humbled respect for our citizen investigator.

think- ago

Never heard about the AIRE Centre before. Unbelievable, agree. WTF?!

think- ago

The author of 'The Child in International Refugee Law'? Any chance Blackstone Chambers is connected to the Blackstone Investment group?

letsdothis2 ago

Don't know. I'll have a look. I've just edited the comment to add his connection with the AIRE Centre.

truthdemon ago

London is babylon controlled by ismaili assasin blackmail cult , aga khan ...most probably for the venetian familiez of old.. ... England is a vassal of rome by treaty ...that is bankrupted by the venetian merchants since 1500s... The legal system of jurisprudence is a cover for the debt system...we are volantarily stuck in a big brother virtual reality show....enticed by the game that as its inception reduces and makes scarce the energy of humans ...this artificial scarcity is what creates the chaos...just s they show us in their big brother series... We sell our credit to this debt game ..we can get out of HER by starving her at an individual level by reducing debt.. U havent lost ur country ...u just sell it off to the lowest denominator , the debt banking system.. U have only one option ...the other option is to live with this multi headed monster we feed... R3duce debt at the treasury , bitches ... Tick., tock ,tick tock

Podge512 ago

Excellent work!

derram ago :

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: So why is there always cash for jihadi nutjobs? | Daily Mail Online :

Karon Monaghan QC, Matrix Chambers: the future of equality and human rights - YouTube

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