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letsdothis3 ago

Earth Day:

In the late 1990's, a document called the "Earth Charter" was drafted by a group of prominent Humanist-Socialists including: Steven Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev

In place of the simple elegance of the rules for self-government and social stability expressed above, the Earth Charter calls for the imposition of a global tyranny over every aspect of human activity which becomes evident once you strip away the rhetorical devices and eco-socialist jargon.

The Earth Charter was inscribed on papyrus paper and enshrined in a wooden box called the "Ark of Hope" which was decorated with neo-pagan, politically correct artwork and paraded around the world by a troupe of believers. According to the official description, the carrying poles for the Ark are "unicorn horns" which ward off evil spirits (I'm not making this up, see for yourself).

..the Earth Charter needs to be looked into. It leads back to the UN Sustainability Agenda, the Lucis Trust and a number of dodgy characters and the Hampstead case. (No wonder you're getting such push back, I can't believe the scale of this thing. No time today to explain further about that .) Quick rundown..


Ark of Hope for Children is empowering advocates and donors to bring care and awareness to those victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse and bullying. Ark of Hope is a human rights umbrella organization using a trauma informed approach to serve survivors through our various programs.

Whenever you see the words "trauma informed approach" think Sandy Hook.

The strange case of a jihadi wife protected by a judge from Matrix Chambers with connections to the Children's Rights Alliance for England and convicted paedophile Peter Newell

One patron of the Children's Rights Alliance of England (CRAE) is Lord Judd

Judd was a member of the Commission on Global Governance. The Commission was established in 1992 with the full support of United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. It produced a report containing many controversial proposals ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’ in 1995. Sitting alongside Lord Judd in the Commission was Maurice Strong. Strong’s appointment as Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development—best known as the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 had resulted in the UNs Agenda 21 programme being implemented by all states belonging to the UN system of Governance including the UK.

Former HSUS member reveals the Animal Rights political agendas and why One World Order guru Maurice Strong is on the HSUS Board Of Directors.

HSUS and the Clinton Foundation

You'll also see Amal Clooney mentioned in that post as connected to the network of judges and lawyers working with the UN in this legal area. Funnily enough, she was one of the people at this Anna Wintour party attended by Huma Abedin, recently mentioned here:

Hillary Clinton takes Huma as her date to week-long Indian wedding of billionaire Clinton Foundation mega-donor's daughter - taking photos with guests and watching Beyonce perform

It really is all connected.

3141592653 ago

Great work. Just wanna say "trauma-informed" care or approach is not a nefarious term and is used in many professions as a very positive thing, which is understanding the effects of trauma when caring for a patient or helping a person

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. Yes, I understand your comment about the trauma-informed approach.

I just think that the studies on trauma are now being applied in a nefarious way in a number of psyops on the general population. The Harvard psychiatrist John Woodall who specializes in trauma turned up at Sandy Hook just before the shooting in order to manage the situation.

3141592653 ago

Its probably like teachers. There are good ones, great ones, bad ones, predatory ones.... I guess that goes for many professions

letsdothis3 ago


Lansing-Michigan ago

Right.......this post shows the connection exceptionally well. Kudos.

think- ago

Funnily enough, she was one of the people at this Anna Wintour party attended by Huma Abedin, recently mentioned here:

It's also funny how she became a friend of Prince Harry and Meghan, the next generation of British royals.