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allconnected ago

Peter Mandelson, part of Tony Blair's govt and key architect also involved in the Maldives and corruption. This memo about Peter was obtained by the Daily Mail. I know what we all think of DM, but what is interesting is how few msm ran or even seeded this story. We all know how much the msm loves to recycle each other stories!

Anyway, I am thinking stories such as this that only appear in a certain msm outlet are part of a 3d chess game, which the plebs are not privy too. In other words, certain stories get limited coverage because a message is being sent to certain parties. Also, Peter is suspected as key in the UK paedophile ring, will post links in a bit. In addition Peter is major player at Bilderberg.

I think the Maldives is similar to situation Georg Webb covers in Haiti etc. Also, Maldives being used to launder vasts amounts of cash.

I think if we we peel back the layers we will see same names crop up here and in the UK, and a direct line can be drawn between them, and destabilizing certain countries, putting in their own peeps in said countries, money laundering, child trafficking, and key players involved are suspected paedophiles or closely connected to known paedophiles

Here is the link.

cantsleepawink ago

Excellent. Thank you. We are on the same page.

allconnected ago

Here is an article on mandleson and blair - child sex rings - etc.

Mandelson was also involved in NSPC, which is an organization to protect children. Cheri founded the Matrix chamber, which primarily focuses on human rights, sex trafficking, etc. Ironic, in light of what you posted above about Cheri. I think we can assume attorneys from Matrix chamber working on UN sex trafficking etc are there to give the impression to the public something is being done, while slow walking anything that could really damage all involved.

Also interesting that Ben Emmerson, also of Matrix chamber was until recently head legal on the current Child Abuse Inquiry in UK. From everything I heard it seems his primary task was to remove any and all threats that might actually expose VIP child abuse in the UK? Emmerson was recently fired from UK CSA inquiry.

Strange as it seems but George Clooney wife worked with Emmerson, and met Clooney through Emmerson.

This I can't prove but I think the movie the Ghost writer was pretty accurate. The movie directed by Polanski, who is a paedophile, and some think worked for polish sectet service. I will see if I can find link. I think Blair and Cheri are - using George Webb's term, 'NOC' - non official cover agents

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting article. The story has so many tentacles.

Here's a DM article on Mandelson's connection with Jeffrey Epstein, for example: Peter Mandelson stays silent over his contact with Prince Andrew's disgraced financier friend,

This article on Ben Emmerson, Twitter goes quiet as BBC reports ‘categorically denied’ allegation against top QC, ( illustrates nicely how child abuse inquiries are inevitably derailed, so we never get anywhere,

There is puzzlement this morning in legal London after BBC Newsnight claimed that Ben Emmerson QC, a highly-respected barrister and former leading lawyer at an independent child abuse inquiry, has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the lift of a London office.

Emmerson “categorically denies” the allegations. The inquiry denies it received any complaint of sexual assault.

The top lawyer, one of 35 QCs at human rights and public law set Matrix, was suspended from his post at the national abuse inquiry in September. This happened, it was reported at the time, because the inquiry had “become very concerned about aspects of [his] leadership of the counsel team”.

According to the UK Column, if you want to know who's involved in child abuse and trafficking cases, just look at who is put in charge of any official inquiries..and this applies to both the judiciary and the police. That sounds about right.

Nothing surprises me about George and Amal Clooney. Considering her family ties to the arms trade. Also, her background and standing within her own London chambers is the stuff of gossip in the comments sections of certain fashionable London magazines (one just needs to know where to look, ;)). I could write a whole other book on that particular couple.

allconnected ago

Totally agree with UK Column. It seems Elizabeth Prochaska, who was working with Emmerson, and quit the day before, is through her mother connected to the Mulberry School.

Below is some background on the school but this school has today patrons such as Rothschild's, Astors, Soames, and thus the UK counter part to dyncorp, Serco etc. since its inception big name patrons.

In article below you will see the founder of the school is directly linked to Tavistock and also freud etc. Makes me think this school is UK equivalent of MK Ultra being done on kids. All other kinds of testing. Sex trafficking.

Really think if we start to peel back the layers on all these players and stories I think we will find at the root key organizations, societies, and players from which it all flows.

Agree, on Clooney something is really off there. I think he is gay, but wondering if you are hinting at more than that. Do share some Amal gossip.

Barbara Dockar-Drysdale, who has died aged 86, was a genius with children and created a haven called the Mulberry Bush to give succour and strength to those who had been emotionally damaged. Pip Drysdale (or Mrs D as the children called her) was born and brought up in Ireland. Her father was a professor of surgery at Trinity College, Dublin, and her mother had been brought up in Galway, where Pip's grandmother was known as the Lady of the Lakes. Pip wanted to become a doctor. **Her father disapproved; he died when she was 17, and there was little money for her to go to university. She trained as a librarian. ** Pip became involved in the Gate and Abbey Theatres in Dublin. There she met Stephen Dockar-Drysdale and they married in 1936. She was already interested in child development, and the couple moved to England, first to run a nursery school and then a day nursery, for a mix of children, some evacuees and some referred to her by psychiatrists. When they moved to Standlake in Oxfordshire after the second world war, they took many of the children with them and founded the Mulberry Bush School.

At this point, Pip decided to train as a psychotherapist, at **the Tavistock Clinic and at the Maudsley Hospital. There she met Melanie Klein, Anna Freud and Leila Rendel (who was running the Caldecott Community for disturbed children that she had founded in 1911), **among other pioneers in the same field. She started her most creative and exciting work with children referred to her by child guidance clinics: she showed enormous determination to understand them and had an extremely focused mind. Her greatest mentor was the eminent child psychiatrist, Donald Winnicott, who encouraged her to extend her work. She gave papers to the BMA and at international conferences, and became known for her development of the concept of the 'frozen' or unintegrated child, who has not had a good enough primary experience to develop the capacity to form relationships.

Nana66 ago

I just had this weird thought. Maybe Manson and his people might have been killing elite pedofiles and they flipped everything to make him out to be just a cult killer....maybe that's what was going on and the murders weren't random. It would be interesting to find out they said something about it but were deemed nuts and it got conveniently dismissed.