14477819? ago

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YogSoggoth ago

" one eye, swirl and sheep, next picture small boy and hot dog". Beth Rudin DeWoody does not share the same last name as husband. Quite the trend. The family room has a rocking horse with a flower in place of the child. Artificial flowers, or fake grief, are the theme in my opinion.

exposethecriminals ago

The Core Club has events for children/families. Is there a double/triple meaning, below?:

Core Club: Family Fridays Dinner and a Movie: Relive the Magic of “The Goonies”...cult classic

when one considers the following Voat thread:

Seth MacFarlane's AMERICAN DAD Show Hints SS [Steven Spielberg] Raped the Boys in GOONIES (pizzagate)

Apparently these are 'open secrets' in Hollywood.


(Coincidence: the "American Dad" link: voat.co/v/pizzagate/2235566 ; Core Club address: 66 E. 55th...)


exposethecriminals ago

Core Club is connected to ARK.

From 2011:

Ark's £100m party the 'social event of the decade'

The Global Party, which will be Ark's most ambitious event yet, will be held in venues across the world including the Orient Express; the Core Club in New York; Karma Club in Cape Town; Boujis in London; and the Lan Club in Beijing.

The Global Party Launch Takes Place at New York City’s Prestigious CORE: club

The CORE: club has been selected as the venue for The Global Party national launch

A thread on ARK:

Tony Podesta shares board membership with ARK Schools Chairman. ARK has extensive ties with Tavistock and has been accused of kidnapping children through adoption programs (pizzagate) by @swordfish69

@Blacksmith21 @Enigmatic_Continuum @letsdothis2 @Oh_Well_ian @MolochHunter

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks for the ping. Some very interesting links here. Need to digest to comment further.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for the ping, and you do incredible work. This is scary stuff. They're bound and determined to make sure they have a global artery for the child trafficking, and I'm sure the relationship with Tavistock is mutually exclusive because they need each other to satisfy their agendas.

Remember that thread where Q was asking who the man was walking towards the kindergarten in Beijing? I wonder if that's related to this...

I believe all of this has been in the working for a long time simply because the US schools have instituted Common Core education standards, which have been discussed since the 1950s. Just coincidence it's also called core?

You have a lot of info here that I need to check out before commenting further. Thanks again for the heads up.

exposethecriminals ago

Great connection - the RYB Beijing kindergarten case.

Lan Club in Beijing has such a dark vibe:

Lan Club - image search


By the way

"What is LAN?"

A local-area network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most often, a LAN is confined to a single room, building or group of buildings, however, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for looking into that more! The definition of LAN in relation to this is interesting, and if you plug in LAN into google translate, it identifies it as Chinese and says it means 'blue,' and we are seeing a lot of references to 'blue' lately such as the democrat party color, Share Blue, Blue Heart Campaign, and DHS's Blue Campaign. Did you see that thread xposted here from Reddit about that place the guy worked on cartoon editing, then he found out it was actually Elsagate related? I'll see if I can find it again, but he said everything in the office building was blue. Things just keep getting creepier...

exposethecriminals ago

Great find! That is very creepy.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you so much. What a fantastic insight into "core." I have not been able to shake the creepy feeling from the logo of No Kid Hungry I saw yesterday, and I just realized, it's a core, (I was thinking of it as "an apple.")


I'll try to look into them if I have time - they are a partner of Core Club.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yep, there's the core! Good eye. Notice the SOS subliminal to pull at heartstrings.

exposethecriminals ago

Even though the children are in the negative space, I keep sensing them as food in the logo; it's so sad.

I never would have noticed that, Share Our Strength = SOS, great catch.

I'll look at all this some more tomorrow, hopefully.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

That's an interesting take on it. I can see the Queen Mum flipping out, "There's no kid here and I'm hungry!" LOL

exposethecriminals ago

(Also , please see the comments for a look at the current web address back in 2001 -- very strange)


Before the NYC Core Club opened, -- a vague, strange, scam club, that “invested in the homeless,” called "C.O.R.E. Club International," was using the web address currently assigned to Core Club in NYC:


Is the company, below, Jennie Saunders'/Enterprise's original online Core Club, started in 2000, which she described as "an online version of TED and Davos, a kind of social network that was also part eBay and part cultural guide and curator for the very successful," ? It's nothing like that, and her name is not associated with it, so did she simply purchase the domain name, or might there be a password connection, who knows?

C.O.R.E. Club International

Screen capture

Names associated with C.O.R.E. Club International: T. Michael Brown, Bob Slater, Richard Kilgore


C.O.R.E. Club officially began operations on April 17th, 2000. * We believe it is important that you understand the reason, and the vision behind the founding of this club.

we have created an organization that will address both helping the homeless, and empowering ** you to enhance your life.

You see, CLUB, really defines what we are about and who we are looking for as members.


*April 17, 2000: the same year Saunders/Enterprise created Core Club online for the ‘elite’. And, April 17th is close to an occult sacrifice date: ”Fire sacrifice is required on April 19”


**“Empowerment” – a recent insight into the cabal’s use of this term by @RockmanRaiden :

Degeneracy equals Empowerment (pizzagate)

Empowerment. Isn't it strange how any and every form of degeneracy is supposed to be considered 'empowering?'



Then I clicked on the Home tab:

Screen capture

Am I seeing this wrong, or is this photo of models posing as a beautiful mother and daughter down on their luck, set in a mine or cave?

Larger image of the rock wall

If so, it could be considered innocent/”innocent,” as the company’s location was near caves that are tourist attractions:

FAQ tab:

Location: “C.O.R.E. is an Internet based company, located in Peterstown, West Virginia”

Peterstown, West Virginia is a tiny 1/3 square mile town, known for the Jones Diamond, a 34 carat diamond found above ground. The county, Monroe, has numerous caves.

It's all a little "off."

RockmanRaiden ago

Wow. Very nice digging. Thanks for the name drop. @Shizy. @srayzie. Did you see this?

Shizy ago

Hadn't seen this yet. Thanks for the ping!

RockmanRaiden ago

Anytime. 😉

srayzie ago

Interesting. Thank you. I’m suspicious of most clubs or organizations like this since pizzagate. It seems like almost all foundations and organizations are bad anymore.

RockmanRaiden ago

Exclusive is another code word for "Supervillains only"

exposethecriminals ago

Sources for Member Names


Jordan, Rosen and Boardman, Drexler, Semel, Smyth, McEnroe, DeWoody, Maxwell, Forstmann, Johnson, Deutsch, Boesky, Lack , Emanuel, etc.


Mark Madoff, Weinstein, Lauder, Burkle, Clinton, Tory Burch, Meier, Roth, Davis, Gottbetter




Nevo, Schwarzman, etc.


Lasry, Goodell, Myrhvold, etc.


Schultz, Scaramucci, Cole, etc.


Schneider, Waters, Marino, etc.


J. Christopher Burch, Kruge, Steven A. Cohen, McCann


Yang, Blank, Bornstein


Story, “Valerie Jarrett’s sister,” etc.


Learsy, Schiller, Martin, etc.


Thomson, etc.


Lyor Cohen, etc.





http://www.thecoreclub.com/ home page video:

Levine, Simon, Caruso, etc.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/LOVvi :

The Most Exclusive Private Clubs In New York City - Business Insider

https://archive.fo/I2IzT :

Clinton donor allegedly killed National Enquirer stories - POLITICO

https://archive.fo/zl2pi :

Two presidents — Obama and Clinton — join Vernon Jordan for some birthday golf - The Washington Post

https://archive.fo/oCHd0 :

Huma to host fashion show just days after dumping Weiner

https://archive.fo/rKGf5 :

Core Club, a Portal to Power - The New York Times

https://archive.fo/4cFR7 :

This artist is making mega-millions ‘stealing people’s work’

https://archive.fo/6hZTv :

5 Startup Tips From Jennie Enterprise, CEO And Founder, CORE

This has been an automated message.

exposethecriminals ago

Thanks to Derram.

Here are the archives I made as well (copy the whole link and paste it into the browser bar) :











exposethecriminals ago








https://web.archive.org/web/20120621231630/http://www.nypost.com:80/pagesixmag/issues/20090118/Private+Clubs+Hideouts+Rich+and+Shameless and http://archive.is/xNL9i



exposethecriminals ago











exposethecriminals ago










https://web.archive.org/web/20180731191049/https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/936678971877543937.html and http://archive.fo/dsuIA

exposethecriminals ago





13430829? ago

Members - Current and Former (cont.)

exposethecriminals ago

Members - Current and Former (cont.)

  • Core Club developer Aby Rosen and his wife, psychiatrist Dr. Samantha Boardman – developer – owns the Seagram building – art collectors

  • Stephen Schwarzman - heads The Blackstone Group

  • Marianne Boesky – Art dealer – NY and Aspen

  • Anthony Scaramucci – financier - former Trump White House Director of Communications

  • Roger Goodell - NFL Commissioner

  • Nathan Myhrvold - former Microsoft Chief Technology Officer

  • Jerry Yang - co-founder of Yahoo

  • Matt Blank – head of Showtime

  • Steve Bornstein - Activision Blizzard – formerly NFL Network, ESPN, ABC

  • Vivi Nevo – financier

exposethecriminals ago


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13430898? ago
