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14366120? ago

I'm saving this and digging in when I can. He mentions "porn" studios. Judging by how manic he sounds, this is NOT consentual adult sex. It is child porn. He tags DJT, bc he knows what we're doing here - exposing pizzagate. Estee Lauder is a sketchy ass brand, I forget the connections but just like any of them the higher up you go you uncover luciferianism.

14376883? ago

Why no journalist is screaming about the private shipping bypassing security and all these sick fucks blows my mind. Art in embassies program, ha. You know that's abused by these demented Devils. Like Alefantis and his Pegasus Museum I understand not being able to make everything public as it could undo court cases, Fuck the stock market and potentially cause global revolts. Part of me wants it all to burn with all the evil doers. Everyone involved in the human trafficking, especially of children (and all the nasty shit that is related to this) should be made public and dealt with harshly. Q says the choice to know will be yours. I have told Q I want to know EVERYTHING , but how can this even be possible? Who wouldn't want to smack the shit out of podesta the molesta and ask him if he thinks he is hot shit. Fuck you Skippy

14373235? ago

Core Club offers skin care involving stem cells.

14373378? ago
