14386825? ago

This is a great moment in history, God be with this man.

14374445? ago

Oh by the way, this link will require you to subscribe to Cosmopolitan in order to read the content. Wish they would disable putting links in titles. Put the link in the body of the post and use the title for what it is intended--describing the post.

14383556? ago

I didn't have to subscribe.

14374408? ago

Look on Twitter #Deciem. People are freaking out and buying up all they can before it goes down completely.

14374117? ago

wow... deciem owns the ordinary... cheapest skincare ever with magical results... i can't tell if this is a good thing or bad thing.

14373863? ago

Omg this is making so much more sense.....

The beauty communities was wtf after his weird IG messages





https://youtu.be/5cppiuc0cwE ( go to 2:55) someone is following Brandon telling him hes going to get himself killed

14374327? ago


14370567? ago

There goes my favorite mascara. Just checked. Too Faced. Damn! Maybe this is the start of Boom week. Surprised to see it on COSMO.

14371440? ago

I like ACURE and TARTE. Both organic. Now I'm hoping they aren't involved in this!!! How do we find out?

14374072? ago

Tarte mascara is amazing, i hope they're not

14370622? ago

Yeah I was surprised too. There are so many companies within a variety of industries that are compromised. We will slowly and painfully learn the truth.

14368983? ago

Makeup companies have been deep in Hollywood for over 100 years. You want to bet they have seen and even covered the bruises, the beating, and I am not just talking with makeup.

14368911? ago

Good lord, no, just no! Now I'll have to stock up on their "The Ordinary 7% Glycolic Acid Toner" that keeps me looking extra fresh now that they are shutting down!

14368318? ago

There's a very good chance Pitt has resisted the cabal. We'll see.

14368060? ago

Bernard Ass

14371361? ago

When he has diarrhea he must go by Bernie

14367618? ago

Money Laundering for cabal at minimum probably....

14367601? ago

Makes you wonder what else Brad and Angelina were doing over in Cambodia when they adopted all those kids?

14375618? ago

Makes you wonder what the kids they adopted have been through, also.

14367488? ago

Oh...like you didn't know skincare was mostly mayonnaise.

14367270? ago

Whoa. He tagged Mark Zuckerberg.

14367510? ago

Yeah that one I wasnt expecting haha I hate zucks Instagram. Dudes a reptilian fo sho This Brandon guy has some balls that's for sure.

14367216? ago

Of all the crap we have learned , the pizzagate stuff is what keeps me up at night. I can take treason easier than this.

Oh Lord help us. The time is upon us. Let me/us find strength to stop these devil worshipers and send them into the pitt's of hell and deliver us from the evil

14405761? ago

I said to God the same recently... it's easier to take the treason than the stuff with the children.

14367632? ago

Remember, this goes back to ancient societies God destroyed before, BECAUSE they sacrificed children! The book of Joshua. There is nothing new under the sun. He has chosen us to know and chosen us to fight. He will destroy them for what they do, He always has. Be blessed, stay strong my friend.

14367566? ago

Yes.. I remember when I first learned of pizzagate right before the election.. I pray alongside you friend. I've never been religious and I don't go to church but I see the battle we are fighting here and it is truly good against evil. I choose good.. protect our innocent children.

14367088? ago

"Estée Lauder's chairman, Ronald Lauder, also one time chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, is the current president of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) - a quasi-governmental agency whose main function is to legitimize Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. Ronald Lauder is an ardent zionist, his activities have been catalogued by American Muslims for Jerusalem who called for a boycott in Febuary 2001. In fact his views are often more extreme then some israeli governments!"

14367449? ago

This stuff goes so deep I feel like they are all corrupt and all connect it makes it hard to believe especially for those who are barely researching. I'm read for shit to hit the fan

14367040? ago

There is already a lot of comments about his "episode". Some asking his family to take the post down and get him help immediately. If it wasn't real I believe the guys in the car would've gave a hint of that, but yeah, they are going to play it off that he's crazy and take the post down. I wonder what's really going on? Is he known for being paranoid or is this the first time? He tagged Donald Trump. Hopefully he is taken seriously.

14367023? ago

I wonder what the hell people have been putting on their faces without realizing it.

14367498? ago

I know they use human cord blood in their research (Lauder) I'm just wondering what woman would donate her child's umbilical cord to science?

14370939? ago

When my child was born in 05 his mother didn't donate, but paid a company to freeze his umbilical, so that its there in the future if needed. Man, If I would have known back then what I know now...

14367576? ago

Don't they usually just cart them away at the hospital? I don't at all that they would sell it off afterward.

14367474? ago

I saw a product article that said they used circumsized foreskin in their products. There were some celebrities raving about it. Like sandra Bullock or some shit

14372986? ago

I remember watching some reality TV show (maybe Paris Hilton?) MANY years ago and Tommy Hilfiger's daughter was talking about some super expensive eye cream that her mom used that contained baby foreskin (can't remember if her dad was involved in the cosmetic company or not). But that comment was THE ONE THING that I have remembered. Crazy. Keep your boys intact, people!

14432581? ago

Sandra Bullock, on Ellen, did also. She called it the "penis" facial--from the use of penis foreskin. I believe she said from Korea??? Also, recent bust of capsules containing "skin" circulating--hoping to be able to find that source again.

14376662? ago

I absolutely remember that! Some reality show about heirs. Really stuck out to me. Was like wtf!?

14367614? ago

I could see that.

14366979? ago

We need to get him here to do an AMA!

14366966? ago

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14366833? ago

Where does he mention Brad Pitt, Lauder or Branson?

I don't and never have played with the evil tool like Twitter, Lifelog Lite (Facebook), Instagram or any of the others, so someone point me in the right direction.

14367696? ago

deciem posted this along with the video:

Without filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estée Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remedè, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Andaz, er al), Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot, et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc, LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davidson, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L ReadingTons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others — sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Roshan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. -Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. 🦁🦋 🐪. It’s clear now. @esteelaudercompanies @richardbranson @realdonaldtrump @gowlingwlg_ca @zuck @musicianjessecook, et. al.

14367728? ago

Note that this post location was marked The White House and he also tagged realdonaldtrump

14366909? ago

Neither have I, so I have no idea who this guy is, but he is rattled, for sure." When you dance with the devil, the devil never changes, the devil changes you". Quote from the movie 8MM.

14381564? ago

"So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never, Because a dance with devil might last you forever. "

  • Immortal Technique

14405911? ago

"Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?"

  • Batman

14370883? ago

That movie was one that I could not finish watching, I had to turn it off. WAY too dark for me. I'm a tough guy, and I can take a lot, and I know a lot, but I dont need to see it.

14366861? ago

He has a 100 line Instagram post under the video that Cosmopolitan article shows. There are 15 or so comments.

14366619? ago

Goto Twitter....Type #DECIEM ..... read the bewilderment of the sleeping sheep! Inform them via MEMES

14367403? ago

There is a huge skincare page on reddit.. skin care routine? Maybe? Ordinary was huge there. I'm hoping this makes it over there it would be a good redpill for the normies

14366512? ago

So maybe they used this company as a front to develop anti aging products which involved babies or children somehow. Or the rumors of stem cell infusion and farms of children for the samples. Doesn’t have to be CP.

14366760? ago

How about this: They use the kids to make pornography. Then when they are used up, they harvest them for blood, organs, and substances that are used in skin rejuvenation products.

14367608? ago

Jesus christ...

14367128? ago

I'd assume a bit simpler. They traffic children and keep them housed and abused and malnourished and poisoned and, boom, there's your models, porn stars, some head off to child porn rings, etc. There's a lot of evil shit that doesn't involve mincing up kids and putting them in makeup. Ever wonder why all these Victoria Secret models stick together? Porn stars? Probably because they're essentially farmed.

14366837? ago

And then the CP to blackmail everyone so they won’t talk. The people that work there are find out about the non vegan ingredients. He was blackmailed with drug dealing and adult porn he said.

14366394? ago

The guy looks super scared in the video. I wonder if he's a huge whistleblower? He mentions financial transgressions.

14366451? ago

Might be driving into protective custody. He’s talking about his friends and sentencing if they are involved.

14367156? ago

Yeah I didn't understand that part he was like IDK what their sentencing will be but everyone was involved. That part confused me like he knew shit was about to go down

14366217? ago

Interesting. Nothing surprises me. I saw an old picture of Brad Pitt and Kirsten Dunst today from Interview with the Vampire and it reminded me that she said she had her first kiss with him I think...wasn’t she only 11 at the time or something?

14369324? ago

Interview with A vampire.

14372868? ago

Ah yes :)

14366794? ago

I remember that it was brought up in an interview at the time, that she might consider herself lucky to be acting with such a hunk. She basically said "yuk." It made me wonder if she was a junior lesbian.

14405958? ago

Doesn't make her a junior lesbian. Its makes her a child who probably wasn't interested in kissing 30 year old men, including Brad Pitt.

14366120? ago

I'm saving this and digging in when I can. He mentions "porn" studios. Judging by how manic he sounds, this is NOT consentual adult sex. It is child porn. He tags DJT, bc he knows what we're doing here - exposing pizzagate. Estee Lauder is a sketchy ass brand, I forget the connections but just like any of them the higher up you go you uncover luciferianism.

14376657? ago

Do you have a downloadable link for the video? I'm not able to download from either cosmo or Instagram page on mobile.

14376883? ago

Why no journalist is screaming about the private shipping bypassing security and all these sick fucks blows my mind. Art in embassies program, ha. You know that's abused by these demented Devils. Like Alefantis and his Pegasus Museum I understand not being able to make everything public as it could undo court cases, Fuck the stock market and potentially cause global revolts. Part of me wants it all to burn with all the evil doers. Everyone involved in the human trafficking, especially of children (and all the nasty shit that is related to this) should be made public and dealt with harshly. Q says the choice to know will be yours. I have told Q I want to know EVERYTHING , but how can this even be possible? Who wouldn't want to smack the shit out of podesta the molesta and ask him if he thinks he is hot shit. Fuck you Skippy

14373235? ago

Core Club offers skin care involving stem cells.

14373378? ago


14366448? ago

I too did some digging.... Lynn Forester de Rothschild is on the board of Estee Lauder. Birds of a feather.

14370399? ago

I know wikipedia is unreliable, but this is an interesting read on Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Honeymoon at Bill and Hillary's White House?? Introduced to her latest Rothschild hubby by Henry Kissinger. On the board at Noname's Institute. These people are everywhere.

14367129? ago

Fucking hell

14366776? ago

And so it begins...

14366096? ago

Good post. Thanks. Lets keep an eye on this

14367625? ago


14366079? ago

Sounds like Q team and MI have been talking to him, giving him a choice between a rock and a hard place. God bless and protect him

14365922? ago

I think it has to do with animal testing in the cosmetic industry and a hint that some ingredients in products are from animals and may involve animal cruelty.

14366143? ago

He is talking about porn studios. Child porn.

14366030? ago

And the animals being of the baby human variety, is my guess...

14365845? ago

The actual instagram post is labeled The WhiteHouse for search purposes so it comes up when people are searching for anything under that. Sounds like he's trying to get the attention of someone who can help.

14376939? ago

He also tagged @realDonaldTrump

14660894? ago

I'm sure there's already attention being paid but it's always nice to see little flashes of information to keep us outsiders optimistic. These are such great times!

14373137? ago

Because he knows calling Fake Bias as Incompetence will only mean a cover up and his suicide

14365832? ago

"I'm not able to control the SENTENCING" !?!

14366711? ago

So maybe he is driving into protective custody.

14365724? ago

Someone archive the Instagram post before it gets deleted.

14368796? ago

Archive the instagrams!

14365630? ago


Mckesson is the company that jumped out to me. I’ve had personal experience at work with this company but I had no idea it’s involovement in SO MANY facets of health care. Even bought out a major cancer treatment company so that’s a possible red flag.

14370708? ago

This company is ranked 6th in 2015 of the top US Federal contractors. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_100_Contractors_of_the_U.S._federal_government

They are involved in almost every facet of our healthcare system.

I also find this interesting with the opioid epidemic and the many O.D.s taking place throughout the U.S. over the past several years. I wonder if this company is tied to the Narcan (sp?) that is used and carried by many 1st responders to counter O.D.s.

In 2008, McKesson paid $13 million in fines for failing to report huge orders of hydrocodone.[18] In January 2017, McKesson agreed to pay a $150 million civil penalty for alleged similar violations of the Controlled Substances Act regarding the distribution of opioids.[19] "McKesson Corp, Form DEF 14A, Filing Date Jun 16, 2017" (PDF). secdatabase.com. Retrieved Apr 23, 2018.,<

14373535? ago

I saw that link to opioids and that’s a big red flag. I’m going to keep digging.

14372159? ago


How this epidemic have created, maintained, and increased the money flow to the cartels:

As the number of opioid prescriptions rose, drug cartels began flooding the U.S. with heroin from Mexico. For many opioid users, heroin was cheaper, more potent, and often easier to acquire than prescription medications.[13] According to the CDC, tighter prescription policies by doctors did not necessarily lead to this increased heroin use.[86] The main suppliers of heroin to the U.S. have been Mexican transnational criminal organizations.[13] From 2005–2009, Mexican heroin production increased by over 600%, from an estimated 8 metric tons in 2005 to 50 metric tons in 2009.[13] Between 2010 and 2014, the amount seized at the border more than doubled.[87] According to the DEA, smugglers and distributors "profit primarily by putting drugs on the street and have become crucial to the Mexican cartels."[6]:3

Illicit fentanyl is commonly made in Mexico and trafficked by cartels.[88] North America's dominant trafficking group is Mexico's Sinaloa Cartel, which has been linked to 80 percent of the fentanyl seized in New York.[18]<


The opioid epidemic has since emerged as one of the worst drug crises in American history: more than 33,000 people died from overdoses in 2015, nearly equal to the number of deaths from car crashes, with deaths from heroin alone more than from gun homicides.[104] It has also left thousands of children suddenly in need of foster care after their parents have died from an overdose.[105] "The Children of the Opioid Crisis", Wall Street Journal, Dec. 15, 2016<

This stood out and is what is so heartbreaking:

It has also left thousands of children suddenly in need of foster care after their parents have died from an overdose.[105] "The Children of the Opioid Crisis", Wall Street Journal, Dec. 15, 2016 <

Another use for all those poppies: Narcan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naloxone

Naloxone, also known as N-allylnoroxymorphone or as 17-allyl-4,5α-epoxy-3,14-dihydroxymorphinan-6-one, is a synthetic morphinan derivative and was derived from oxymorphone (14-hydroxydihydromorphinone), an opioid analgesic.[49][50][51] Oxymorphone, in turn, was derived from morphine, an opioid analgesic and naturally occurring constituent of the opium poppy.[52] Marvin D Seppala; Mark E. Rose (25 January 2011). Prescription Painkillers: History, Pharmacology, and Treatment. Hazelden Publishing. pp. 143–. ISBN 978-1-59285-993-1.<

14367644? ago

That's a lot of billions. Damn ..money is evil.

14369689? ago

Stop with the money is evil routine, is the PEOPLE that SELL their SOULS for money!

14371672? ago

Money can make people evil

14375730? ago

NO, money is a tangible thing, people with money choose to either be good or bad, is a CHOICE.

14365587? ago

This should not surprise anyone!

14368658? ago

This should not suprise anyanon!

14365513? ago

I like how his location is the White House and he tagged the Don

14367423? ago

I hadn't even noticed. I saw that he tagged DJT and thought maybe he was including him with the bad guys. That's great!

14368382? ago

I think he's tagging Trump for help

14368815? ago

I think so too

14367655? ago

His caption seemed kind of coded though didn’t it?

14366153? ago

Pizzagate. Everything always comes full circle doesn't it?

14365501? ago

I think how upset he is for being made fun of for being in the porn industry shows that the people making fun of him must be far worse and he now knows that.

14365469? ago


Here come the “this Guy is crazy “ media barrage.

14367909? ago

Yep. We know he's not. Crazy like a fox in a hen house maybe. I pray for his safety, because he could be triggering the takedown with this.

A CEO shutting down their business even temporarily isn't an easy or light move. It's as good as ending it.

14373874? ago

Is John McAfee in the same boat?

14369432? ago

Yes. And apparently it was a very successful company. Reading the link I posted it kind of seems like the other powerful people at the company may have been preparing to oust this guy. Could be because he was going to blow he whistle. So he decided to get ahead of that narrative and shut the whole thing down...maximum attention given to the story. If that’s the case, it’s pretty brilliant. And brave.

14370338? ago

Could we all organize and bombard him on social media to get him here for an AMA? He should put out what he knows and be active in the public eye! They will kill him. He needs to talk before they get to him!

14365453? ago

A little extra context: this was shared at my work (I work remotely through slack). I work with a skincare company and they shared this since ordinary is a big competitor. They were like what? What is he talking about? I think some people went home and ate red pills for dinner.

14367741? ago

Text with video: Without filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estée Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remedè, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Andaz, er al), Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot, et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc, LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davidson, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L ReadingTons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others — sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Roshan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. -Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. 🦁🦋 🐪. It’s clear now. @esteelaudercompanies @richardbranson @realdonaldtrump @gowlingwlg_ca @zuck @musicianjessecook, et. al.

14366897? ago

He seemed to have links in Saudi Arabia.

14368637? ago

Saudis are on government imposed media lockdown and ANYONE can be arrested for wrongspeak, right now.

14373831? ago

They are draining their own swamp, lead by MbS who I continue to trust. Can you imagine being able to shut down and lock up all the seditious scumbags that make up our MSM?

14366968? ago

He mentions Prince Al Waleed!

14369338? ago

SA was a huge source for children the cabal abuses ...

14366995? ago

And his father in Riyahd it seems.

14367812? ago

Dopey Prince Al Waleed!

14370012? ago

Price Al 'pay all your harvard fees Obama' Waleed

14366270? ago

He probably got pretty high in celebrity circles. He saw some things, turned the other way. A decade later, the internet later, HRC and pizzagate later - he puts it all together and shuts down his business like a good man should do. I'm proud of him. He can help us a lot. I'm imagining the basic tenant we all know - child trafficking/porn. But I do not think it's animal testing/cruelty - it is probably tissue harvesting for Lauder skin care ingredients. We know Soros and the like use human derived practices to stay young, such as consuming blood, organ transplants, and maybe some kind of injections and transfusions. These same things are used in large market skin care research. Similar to Pepsi using fetal cells to create flavor enhancement receptors.

14374843? ago

I heard he was in his 90s.

14375027? ago

Yes and he's also had like six heart transplants.

14377450? ago

Nah that was David Rockefeller...he eventually died at 101. Soros is 88. Older he gets the more he looks like Darth Sidious...

14374330? ago


14366671? ago

Soros is staying young!? then how the fuck old is he really? 2000 years?

14370959? ago

Omg I almost spit out my drink reading this LMAO.

14373748? ago

I sure as shit spit out my Pepsi after reading about their "using fetal cells to create flavor enhancement receptors"!!

14373935? ago

Remember the Britney Spears ads for Pepsi in the 90's?

"Pepsi-for those who think young"

14367095? ago

Like the vampire Lestat.

14367080? ago

That's what I was thinking.

14365391? ago

Don't really understand what is happening here. But it looks like the beginning of something that could be big. This could get really interesting, unless of course, it gets covered up.

14368366? ago

Q did say BOOM week! Maybe huge arrests!!!

14365589? ago


14365580? ago

I liked the makeup pun. "covered up" kek

14370553? ago

Omg, I just threw out my IT bb cream after vomiting in my mouth. How many other products do I need to pitch I wonder? Fuck

14365640? ago

Happy accident. I didn't realize it until you mentioned it. Thanks.

14365321? ago

This is missing a ton of context. Right now it looks like he's having a major breakdown, possibly demented. But there might be a very good reason for all this, it just hasn't been well communicated.

14366329? ago

He's one of the first to come forward publicly. Probably what Kate Spade, Chris Cornell, Anthony Bourdain, Chester Bennington, ect ect where TRYING to do. He's manic because he's terrified, it's an emotional response to something that has made him afraid. But he feels he HAS to get it out before he changes his mind. I hope he reads this thread. I hope we back him up. He just took one for the team. He's a patriot.

14367052? ago

They didn't try to do anything. Bourdain did an episode of Parts Unknown where he repeatedly said "When I look at China, I think this is what the world will look like, and that's a great thing." Paraphrasing, but Bourdain totally isn't dead.

14370868? ago

All hung by a doorknob. Don't think so. They were murdered. Strangled and then hung on doorknob. You cannot commit suicide by doorknob

14365413? ago

I know! I'm going to start digging tonight and see if I have anything to add here. I feel like this is how I felt when I realized everyone was sick pedos so maybe that's what's happened here. He definitely seems like he found some red pills and took them without water

14365205? ago

That was strange

14365438? ago

Very... did you read the Instagram post? He mentioned some familiar names I am curious as to what caused this. He also shout out to someone in that post telling them to be safe.

14365486? ago

If it’s real it will be wiped.

14366402? ago

It's still available. I just read/watched the video. Search for deciem on I-gram.

14367115? ago

I've read two articles this morning calling him a crazy racist

14367114? ago

Archive! Archive! Archive! Save it all before it disappears!