lamplight ago

It's amazing how these people twist the truth. Satanism is NOT self improvement! It's point is to be destructive to the self and anyone who gets in the way. To "give" one's soul willingly to such evil is so sad. All the fame and fortune in the world do not buy happiness. Just satisfying oneself is a very lonely state of being.

Shizy ago

Romans 1 will tell you everything you need to know about these people.

RockmanRaiden ago


Pizzalawyer ago

This brings to mind the "The Homosexual.Manifesto" .wherein the demands included " We want your boys". Degeneracy is the ultimate sign of selfishness. There is contract, no civic duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Such folks need to be consigned to leper colonies.

Cc1914 ago

Where’s the picture ? I can’t see it on my end .

new4now ago

well said and the reason I am here

Waking people up is taking their power away

these Politicians and Entertainment people count on us for their power, whether through votes or how we spend our money

We have allowed this to happen through ignorance

Things are changing though, people are woke and waking others

Hillary losing a rigged election was the dominate sign that said people have had enough

They were so sure she would win that they got careless and sloppy

The very thing they used for their power is now their downfall

Welcome to the internet :)

word is spreading, whether the topic is children or politics, for us it goes hand in hand

every platform on the internet is buzzing

we must continue to redpill people, to see what is right in front of their faces

with the word spreading, more people are coming out, more are waking

its a very ugly subject, but what I have been seeing is a beautiful thing happening, the divide is getting smaller

there is still lots to do, this divide is bigger then anything I have ever seen

May all that fight this battle be blessed and given strength

Podge512 ago

Very, very well put!

carmencita ago

UPVoat! Your Message Is Powerful In Itself. If you don't include some type of link you will be deleted. Your Message Should Be Read Please Include A Link About the Pride Parades with a Poster, or Something Relevant.

RockmanRaiden ago

The images of the flyer I found had NAMBLA conveniently cropped out. I'll share anyway.

exposethecriminals ago

Isn't it strange how any and every form of degeneracy is supposed to be considered 'empowering?' One thing that comes to mind is the pride parades. Adults walking around children in public in bondage and nightwear. Grown men kissing little boys. The flyers with NAMBLA stamped on the bottom.

Thank you for your insight, I never thought of (((their))) use of "empowering" in that way before.

I found out that flyer with NAMBLA on the bottom, posted locally in Central Oregon, was actually hoax, however I looked into the actual sponsor of "Central Orgeon Pride 2018" as I figured someone may have known something which spurred them to create the hoax flyer.

I posted what I found in Great Awakening, it's pretty bad:

Bend, Oregon: Pride Organizations Blurring the Lines Between Adults, Teens, and Children | "Eyes Wide Shut" Themed Children's Dance | Fritz Springmeier: Bend Ritual Sites

RockmanRaiden ago

Thanks for your input. It reminds me of the 'No Pedo Bashing' sign protesters were rallying behind. Sure it was a trick, but they rallied behind it anyway.

RockmanRaiden ago

Thanks for the heads up. Gimme a minute.

carmencita ago

I see they are added. Thank You! I will take a look even though I have seen them. We all need to refresh.