d00danon ago

These FREAKS need to be STOPPED!!!

pby1000 ago

I have a feeling that this is all over the place. I have traveled to Portland a bunch of times for business, and I just thought it was tree-hugger central. It is very granola there.

I have never been to Bend, but none of this surprises me.

exposethecriminals ago

Right? FS's 1995 book is a huge, but then again a "small" list, of ritual sites, compared to what will come out one day.

Here is the introduction:



Some of the material you will read in this book is still SECRET. Some of it is in the public domain. Various researchers are watching their own areas and recording down ritual sites, but I have not collaborated with any other researcher when writing this book, although their material would be welcome.

I have had so many people to talk to, and so much material to process that I haven't spent much time trying to network with other researchers.

I have gotten the privilege to speak to many people who were witnesses to witchcraft ceremonies around the country. I had the privilege to speak with a man (now a Christian) who was on staff at Unity School in Kansas City, MO when Robert Schuller, the great protestant clergyman and 33° Mason came to Unity and participated in Lucilerian rituals. I have had the privilege to know as a Christian sister, someone who had been on Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s New Age CUT cult’s staff. I had the privilege to speak with the young Christian man who saved two children from being sacrificed on a hill by a Satanic cult just north of Farmington. I had the privilege to speak to a man who went down into the tunnels under Salt Lake City’s Mormon Temple where Satanic rituals are held. I also had the privilege to speak to three independent witnesses (who all became Christians) who were taken to Illuminati rituals under the new Lake Oswego, OR Mormon Temple. I’ve had the privilege to met with a witness that knows that the Mormon Bishop's warehouses are being used to store cocaine. I’ve had the privilege to meet a lady who worked with the Catholic Institutions in Quebec who were providing children to the Illuminati for sacrifice. There have been a great host of witnesses who have shared information with me. There are an even greater host of witnesses to the horrible occult deeds that are going on all around us. Most of them are too terrified to talk, and when they do, they are too terrified to let anyone use their stories.

exposethecriminals ago

Side note: I looked up Farmington, Oregon, and read with horror that it's named for Farmington, Connecticut. I don't have proof of anything, it's just that every time I drive through Farmington, CT, on different roads, the pure malevolence in the air, not from the people, just there, is worse than any I've noticed anywhere. In fact, the only other places I've ever felt that was in Belgium, and also in pockets of Wilton, Connecticut.


pby1000 ago

Interesting. There is that other creepy place in Connecticut. I forget the name of it... I will find it tomorrow.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

This is blatant child abuse and is sickening! Why aren't people out en mass protesting this shit? Fuck the PC cops and being afraid of what others will think. I'm nowhere near Oregon, but if I see this type of nastiness being advertised in my town, I will be coming out from behind my computer screen. If we just sit here talking about it, they're going to keep advancing.

KoalasRplushies ago

Queer youth space = pedo pick up zone.

exposethecriminals ago

Here is the text of FS's Bend information:


The Bend area has an extremely strong hierarchy element. Many rich people have gone there. Ritual sites are numerous in the area east and north-east and north of Bend. Bend, OR has several suburbs which are concentration points for where Illuminati members live. One of these is Bowery Lane (actually north of Bend off the main hwy. between Redmond and Bend) and also Broken Top Mountain.

Some ritual sites in the area are Balancing Rocks, Castle Rocks, and the John Day Fossil Beds. The Satanic hierarchy in Bend keeps their very secret rituals indoors in underground locations, except during the Solstices. The fall solstice is done in eastern Oregon, but the spring solstice is done at Coos Bay. One site for Satanic rituals which is no longer used was a tornado-type cellar which was on Bowery Lane just northwest of the Mortuary /crematorium north of town.

Another ritual site close to Bend was the Lava Tubes / Skeleton Cave which is five miles south of Bend. Apparently about 100 Illuminati men gathered there in their tuxedos in their mercedes and rolls royces for a meeting.

From Bend the Illuminati orders have been verbally transmitted to key centers. In our area, the Illuminati orders are coming into City Club. City Club Is a semi-secret group who are the city’s political insiders. City Club secretly runs our city of Portland [Oregon.] The Illuminati orders are verbally given about weekly to the leading witches, satanists and politicians.


Another addition to the information I had to share came from a woman who visited me from Bend. She had been talked into going over to the McKenzie Pass area to go some hot springs with acquaintances. It turned out that they were members of a satanic coven. She was raped and then prepared for a Sabbat sacrifice. She managed to escape the coven, but has been harassed greatly since then. She provided information about who is in the cult and the underground tunnel system that extends under Bend, OR and throughout that area of Oregon. I told her that if her life is threatened that she should tell her satanic abusers that I will publish the names of the Satanic coven which tried to sacrifice her. I also will expose other things she learned. I will provide some of the basics of what I learned in a map which is part of this supplement.


Quicktor ago

Bend, Oregon is fucked...Porland, Oregon is fucked...Eugene, Oregon is fucked....Salem, Oregon is fucked....Astoria, Oregon is fucked....Ashland, Oregon is fucked....

Steven Spielberg told us all back in 1985 y'all..."We've found the key to One-Eyed Willy..."

There are tunnels under the ENTIRE state due to the volcano tubes...natural/unnatural, used/unused....Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown....

State of Jefferson....

Justaddcoffee ago

Q said they were in a desperate attempt to normalize pedo before the 40,000+ indictments were opened.

bopper ago

The Modern Family TV show with two gay gays raising a young girl ... that is straight up child abuse and evil and agenda driven. Get a grip America.

Justaddcoffee ago

Henry Makow said Americans need to kickstart their brains.

Shizy ago

Have you seen The Loud House? Cute cartoon aimed at young children, however there is a friend character who has to gay dads, and they are pretty flamboyant! Clearly faggy, like how AreWeSure acts!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/laZ93 :

Human Dignity Coalition - Home | Facebook

https://archive.fo/d8Y8B :

Queer Youth Space - Home | Facebook

https://archive.fo/rOiB9 :

Central Oregon Pride - Home | Facebook

https://archive.fo/OYC4k :

OUTCentralOregon - Home | Facebook

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