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13430829? ago

Members - Current and Former (cont.)

exposethecriminals ago

Members - Current and Former (cont.)

  • Core Club developer Aby Rosen and his wife, psychiatrist Dr. Samantha Boardman – developer – owns the Seagram building – art collectors

  • Stephen Schwarzman - heads The Blackstone Group

  • Marianne Boesky – Art dealer – NY and Aspen

  • Anthony Scaramucci – financier - former Trump White House Director of Communications

  • Roger Goodell - NFL Commissioner

  • Nathan Myhrvold - former Microsoft Chief Technology Officer

  • Jerry Yang - co-founder of Yahoo

  • Matt Blank – head of Showtime

  • Steve Bornstein - Activision Blizzard – formerly NFL Network, ESPN, ABC

  • Vivi Nevo – financier

exposethecriminals ago


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