youbetcha22 ago

Take a look at this.

Children's Art Museum Logo

Please feel free to add to the list.

Stepping Stones Museum For Children Logo

The Children's Museum of Greenbay

Miami Children's Museum Logo

Kids Quest Children's Museum

Children's Museum of Houston

Children's Museum of Tacoma

Children's Museum of Atlanta

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Science Museum of Virginia

Edinburg Children's Hospital

San Diego Children's Discovery Museum

One Circle Foundation

Make a Wish Foundation

Sesame Street Monster Clubhouse

JJ's Playhouse

Mississippi's Children's Museum

Magic Tunnel Ki-Kids

Gideon Learning Center

Kid's Preferred

Children's Museum of Los Angeles

Fairytale Wishes, Inc.

National Museum of Play

This is not an exhaustive list. More insight into these locations and funds would be necessary to see any links.

Also this is something to look into as well.

I need to go take a break now, my heart hurts.

dmthirdeye ago

James Alefantis owned two art gallery's link below, Art def a massive front for laundering probably directly for human trafficking -

Clinker ago

Koon's ex wife, Ilona Staller, ran away to Italy with their toddler son. In an interview she made there, she said she caught Koons naked on the bed with their son, while Koons was encouraging the kid to fondle him. She said that is why she ran away, and it is why Koons was never able to get any visitation unless in a public place with security guards watching every move. Koons was very unhappy that despite Italian law being friendly to father's rights, they still never let him get anywhere near Ludwig.

palmitespo910 ago

I don't know about anyone else, but every one of these links 404'd on me

Edit: 2 of the links worked for me

cantsleepawink ago

I've just been reading up about Royal Arch Masonry (because of the Hampstead case) and it seems that many of the Royals and lots of prominent Brits belong to this cult. It has quite a reputation for child abuse and pedophilia

It seems that Saatchi, who practically runs the entire London contemporary art scene is a member of this group

The contemporary art scene thing seems to be a mind control exercise on a mass scale.

I have some more related comments in this post:

salinaslayer ago

nice stuff

Singleservename ago

Art always has been a plaything of the wealthy, and modern art reflects first and foremost their preoccupations, interests and obsessions, since modern artists from Warhol onwards hold as an article of faith that they CREATE FOR THE MARKET.

This is why pedophilia, sadism and satanism have become important themes. I haven't heard her discussed yet, and can't link pics now, but Louise Theroux, of Tony Podesta's arch of hysteria fame, is a prime example.

The context of that work is not hysteria but torture. That's easily seen from the other version displayed in Canada.

And her art depicts sexual abuse of infants too. In fact if it weren't Art it would without doubt be classified as CP.

Sorry for not linking examples but a simple image search should do, she's quite famous.

unclassified ago

I absolutely believe money is laundered in the art world. VERY good post diamond-sutra.

derram ago :

Former boss of Serpentine Gallery becomes a mother AGED 64 | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

JesusRules ago

The title is: Modern art was CIA 'weapon' maybe pedo related?

comeonpeople ago

In this investigation, we keep seeing "artists" pop up like Jeff Koons and Marina Abramovic, or the extreme interest in the art scene by the Podesta brothers and James Alefantis, who owns art galleries. Why?

Because you guys are uptight squares and artists are not, and you think any kind of weird joke or picture or music is evidence of pedophilia.

diamond-_sutra ago

The content of the art aside, here's how art money laundering works: You do an illegal service for me that's worth a million dollars. I buy a Warhol for one million, and you buy if off me for two million. If anyone asks why you paid double the market price, you just say you 'really like Warhols.' It looks much less suspicious than if you just write me a check for one million, as that would raise suspicions as to what you are giving me money for. We're just both eccentric rich people who like looking at cans of soup

RedGreenAlliance ago

If finding this stuff sick and disturbing makes me uptight, or too unsophisticated to 'appreciate' the 'talent' of the 'artist' - then yes I'm unsophisticated and upright..


comeonpeople ago

I take it you also despise, and find suspicious, all horror movies....

Tanngrisnir ago

Fuck off. I have seen a lot of that "art" and that shit is the evidence of a depraved sadistic mind that enjoys sexualizing and harming children.

Nana66 ago

My post with this connection..

....IDK if it was real or gossip, but didn't Trump already stop funding for National endowment of the arts?

GeorgeT ago

Great article. I read Tom Wolfe's book on the subject of modern degenerate art titled 'Painted Word.' He was trying to find reasons to explain this phenomenon, mentioning everything except CIA - now it all makes sense.

gurneyx ago

this is exactly the kind of research we need to do. You are totally onto something with the Art. I really believe this is how they are paying for these children.

l23r ago

I'm one of those people who likes art that most people don't consider to be "real" art, but even I don't think a few coloured shapes and lines on a canvass are worth eleveney dollars. Those dollars totally went through the wash a few times....

Unreasonable ago

The CIA took over the "Art" market in the 60's with Pollack as their front man. They would spend enormous amounts of money buying up his paintings to artificially inflate the prices.

I would have zero, zero surprise if "Art" wasn't used to pay off CIA operatives.

ArthurEdens ago

Maybe that's why art is so bad these days, it's just a front, dirty paper cup for $400,000, sure that sounds reasonable

thicktail1730947 ago

Want good art? Go meet furries. The best furry art shows real talent. There are a few artists who sell pieces for as much as $2,000.

That's what artistic talent buys you.

kazza64 ago

makes perfect sense

diamond-_sutra ago

thanks, it's just a list from wikipedia of artists they've shown, I don't mean to imply anything about the artists listed unless otherwise noted

PizzaGate711 ago

More about the tie ups in the art world and global human trafficking. This article ties in Podesta, Koons, Joannou & Qatar and is well worth a read.

tt7 ago

After looking at this page, one can see what a big deal this is and why even non-pedo elites who know about this are afraid of toppling it all. Some of the companies identified there as profiting from Qatari slavery are big economic players.