wokethefkup ago

that email is so fucked up it goes to show point blank what they think of all americans and people in general. they wanted the media to keep us busy and out of their way so they may play but now, it worked against them and trump won over clinton because he was more a tv type. im not going to lie, i voted for trump, never would i believe it would come to voting for someone like him but when it comes down to it i'm not going to let that fucking satanist bitch get the last laugh thinking she fooled us all. dumb bitch can't even control her damn kuru symptoms. cannibal ass having cunt. my apologies for my language but i'm sure everyone else feels the same anger and just over all WHO THE FUCK CAN WE TRUST feeling.

Nana66 ago

I voted for Jill but would have voted Trump just because I thought Hillary was going to win no matter what. I breathed a sigh of relief when Trump won even though I can't figure out what his deal really is. I am kind of worried my first impression was right and he was running to be back up and make sure to lose to Hillary but he failed lol. Then I was hoping he ran against her to keep her out because he knows about everything...unfortunately today I learned about this and now I'm scared he's with her https://theintercept.com/liveblogs/hearings/

wokethefkup ago

Ah shit I'm about to read the article:/

Nana66 ago

I just clicked the link and the article is down farther, you have to scroll a couple articles till you see Lee Fang.

AreWeSure ago

This is is mishmosh of unrelated stuff. There's zero creepy bout that Bill Ivey emails to Podesta. He seems dead on accurate regarding the performance skills of Trump and Clinton.

You haven't shown a connection with Ivey and Jace Alexander.

You then jump to the unrelated case of Brian Singer. There's a ton of problems with this case. For one his lawyer claimed he would be able to prove he was in Toronto and not Hawaii when the alleged assault occurred. In fact, they claimed he was in preproduction on the first Xmen movie, if this was the case, there would be a lot of documentation on this. His accuser is not terribly trustworthy. His accuser has since been convicted of fraud in an unrelated case

Michael Egan, Bryan Singer’s Accuser, Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Investment Fraud

Michael Egan — who last year accused Bryan Singer and other industry figures of sexual assault, only to withdraw the claims — was sentenced to two years in prison on Tuesday in connection with a fraudulent investment scheme.

Egan, 33, pleaded guilty earlier this year to charges of conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. U.S. District Judge Robert J. Conrad in Charlotte also sentenced Egan to two years supervised release and ordered him to pay more than $300,000 in restitution to his victims.

His lawyers now admit that Egan made false accusations of sexual assault and million dollars in a related case.

Michael Egan's former lawyers say sexual abuse allegations were false

Lawyers who represented Michael Egan III, an actor who has claimed that several prominent Hollywood figures sexually abused him as a teenager, have conceded that his allegations about two of the accused were fabricated. They have issued a formal apology and paid the men a seven-figure sum, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Mark Gallagher and Jeffrey Herman represented Egan in lawsuits filed against former Disney executive David Neuman and TV producer Garth Ancier in April 2014.

“I believe that I participated in making what I now know to be untrue and provably false allegations against you,” Herman wrote in a letter to Neuman and Ancier last week. “Had I known what I learned after filing the lawsuits, I would never have filed these claims against you. I deeply regret the pain, suffering and damages the lawsuits and publicity have caused you, and your family, friends and colleagues.”

Egan also filed a suit against theatre producer Gary Wayne Goddard, which he subsequently dropped, and film director Bryan Singer. Egan’s claim against Singer, who has directed X-Men, X-Men 2 and The Usual Suspects, stands. Herman dropped Egan as a client last July, reportedly after his client refused to agree to a settlement of $100,000.

tehthu ago

via the wikileaks email:

And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.

At least he doesn't speak in too much code. Nice to know what he believes is best.

"Rubio's press conference yesterday AM was good and should be repeated in its entirety, not just in nibbles."

-Easy to see why/how Rubio was compromised in hindsight.

" I will attend the Clinton fundraiser here next week but as I can only afford the low level of participation may just get to wave without a "hello."'

-'low level of participation' sounds like a common used phrase to maintain appearance of non-collusion

"Sent with a handshake, Bill"

-Getting really sick of these motherfuckers. We're gonna be running short on rope when this is all said and done.

DustyRadio ago

It's so fucked that these people get probation and such BS sentences when regular people (rightly) get locked away pretty much permanently for a lot less CP. They should be sentenced like everyone else, the sick fucks.

I say this to normies who thinks that upper class people don't do this crap. They do, they just never get sentenced appropriately and it is very low key publicized.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Here's his twitter: twitter.com/ivey_bill

AgainstTheNWO ago

His website is offline

In the wayback machine it is first just a book promotion Website

And changes later in a strange japanese lawyer Website

Nana66 ago

403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code which means that accessing the page or resource you were trying to reach is absolutely forbidden for some reason.


AugustaJulia ago

The National Endowment for the Arts sponsored works like Piss Christ. It was a big scandal in the 80ies.

Optick ago

Dun Dun!

AreWeSure ago


tjarco ago

Good work OP, this needs more eyes - flaired for potential lead