Ohsoedgy ago

Did anyone else notice the statue of the man made of what appears to be WALNUTS?! As in "walnut sauce"

5th pic down on this link http://archive.is/joUBw

conspiracyprincess ago

The shattering of their inner child, the shattering or their souls.

gurneyx ago

Guys here is a list of the art galleries in DC we need to start checking these asap and see what connections we make! http://art-collecting.com/galleries_dc.htm

Mtnchan ago

Not at all. I personally believe we are incredibly resilient and would easily overcome a major flushing of our government, 'they' want us to believe we can't, how convenient, 'you can't handle the truth'. Take them all down, today, we'll figure it the fuck out : )

Micheal84 ago

Or Dutch ;)

TheSeer ago

Jeff Epstein got his 'start' selling Real Estate for above price. So more like he was selling 'Real Estate Plus'.

Plus what? I think we know.

nitro169 ago

Think People Think! They buy a crappy piece of artwork for 10,000. This is how alefantis makes money, there is no pedo ring!

J/K This is the cover, consider the artwork a trophy, or souvenir, for what they are really paying for...

rickman ago

James Huckenpahler's Twitter is Supertwist

He talks a lot about his love for Heavy Breathing, his favourite band in DC.

His Twitter bio states he is from Chocolate City. His website is SuperLuckyLand

Can't find much on Instagram but there is this photo tagged with his name. It reminds me of the mezzanine floor in Pegasus. You can see JimmyComet commenting.


On the subject of these art galleries, I discovered James Alenfantis is a fan of a gallery in Paris which is probably innocent. Glassbox

Two things stood out. One is the LittleBoyLover spiral - Spiral

The other odd thing, to me anyway, is that this gallery has young children present. Glassbox photos

You can scroll down through the photos and spot the children.

dmthirdeye ago

Nice, all these rabbit holes all keep going don't they? I actually had to take a break from this for a bit because i can only look at so many fucked up artists, snuff art seems to be the theme.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Had a quick look and Glassbox doesn't look more suspicious than any boring modern art place. Hipsters (or rather "bobos") like to bring their kids at such events thinking they shouldn't miss the chance to be able to say when they'll write their memories in 60 years "As a toddler my Dad used to take me to Galleries where I had encountered ...[think of whatever name could become today's Picasso]"

The only thing I notice is that it's not far from the only Ping Pong bar in Paris : Gossali. Not exactly next door, but same area of town.

Things that I didn't dig enough : one French photographer appearing in the circles of Comet had been working with immigrant trannies in D.C. and seemed to do the same kind of work with immigrants in Paris too, making them dance dressed as women... Easy preys...

Also a Tatoo artist using the term "Paris safe house" which had seemed suspect...

By the way it has always surprised me that Paris didn't take a more central part in those American "arty" circles. Almost no mention in Podesta leaks...

blind_sypher ago

I find the overall tone of those images is one of murder, just by the way theyre shot. I imagine the artist has firsthand experience to be able to capture that feeling so well.

dmthirdeye ago

Ya it's very obviously a stop motion snuff film. I want nothing more than all of these sick bastards to burn.

dmthirdeye ago

Exactly my thoughts when looking thru the pictures, the final picture the woman actually appears to be dead.

stellarcorpse ago

James Alefantis claimed to be an artist himself/.I have yet to find any of his art work. Can some sleuth do some digging on this please? As an artist myself, I can tell you many revealing truths end up on that canvas. May provide clues.

srayzie ago

Great post. I can't believe what these people call art! I was surprised that many are Harvard and Yale graduates. One of Tony Podesta's "art" pieces on his wall are 3 young girls leaning and pointing at another girls breast area. There was a head in the way. I wonder if her shirt was off. It was weird how they leaned into to look there. The baby in the diaper is just the most odd thing to put on your wall. As much as I try, I just can't understand how people like this sick stuff.

gurneyx ago

We need start focus on more galleries and art collectors. Follow the money

dmthirdeye ago

Yup they use real estate to launder money too. That's how epstein got his hooker island money. He'd buy a 500k house and sell it for 3 million.

Mtnchan ago

I think we're in the heart of the hornet's nest, wearing bee suits. They try everything to get us out and we won't leave. Even FBIanon wanted to throw us off pizzagate, and IB think that was just so they could slow us down and control the outcome, hence such a long unfocused list of targets. Anon citizen journalism is chaos to them. I used this analogy in another comment this morning, but I'll use it again anyway, we're digging up the foundation of government looking for termites, with the unintended potential consequence being that we bring the whole thing down on top of ourselves and everyone above us, including people who don't even know there's termites, like Tom wrecking the house to get at Jerry.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice T&J reference.

varialus ago

I was expecting disgustingly kinky robots in disguise. I only looked at a few pictures before giving up in disappointment.

dmthirdeye ago

But there more than meets the eye!!

Mtnchan ago

You guys will find this interesting, not sure where I originally saw this, don't think it was on here, this convo reminded me of it, didn't think to share it before, but now in light of all we've learned it says a lot, if the CIA was doing this with art, what else have the done with it, and imagine all the things they must have their hands in. They need completely dismantled and reset.

Modern art was CIA 'weapon'

Revealed: how the spy agency used unwitting artists such as Pollock and de Kooning in a cultural Cold War http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html

dmthirdeye ago

Very nice, there is definitely a connection to the CIA with pizzagate whether or not people want to admit it or not.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Have you seen people who don't want to admit it? Other than shills that is.

dmthirdeye ago

Yes very much yes..... I live in Texas theres a lot of old people here who think we have the greatest country in the world, most of the people here learned from those same old people and their world views are very much from a pinhole on the inside of a box.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Well not gonna lie, texas is probably in my top 5 greatest countries.

NINja edit: And sorry, I was talking about online forums or what have you... Yeah, I know many a people in the real world who live in la la land.

Mtnchan ago

Also thinking of the name of that gallery, trans has multiple meanings, mkultra, transgendered, former trans, etc... Interesting name

dmthirdeye ago

Yup also transforming dirty money into clean money.

lude ago

Art is perfect for laundering

misterinvisible ago

Volta is the name of the place that had the recent bust. Lake Volta. That had ties to CF. Just sayin. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1651548

quantokitty ago

Excellent catch!

dmthirdeye ago

Good eye! I know the Strand part of the name is after Paul Strand. https://www.artsy.net/artist/paul-strand aight so he has a famous set of pictures where hes in Ghana, I'm guessing on Lake Volta.... might truly be something to that.

Ocelot ago

Also, strand is a word for beach, in English as well as in other Germanic languages.

Shitseverewhere ago

I think strand might be a reference to DNA as well. In Chapel Perilous they talk about junk DNA. I have noticed that theme in a few places.

lude ago

Podesta was into DNA/genetic stuff

gurneyx ago

i think its pretty clear that art galleries are being used to launder the cash for sale of people. You can sell a piece of art for whatever you want.

je-sui-pepe ago

As an owner of an art Gallery (small) I will say that the art i just looked at is not what i call art. My hubby and I do street art so we get a lot of edgy stuff, but nothing this disturbing. (and none of those links looked like art to me at all.) I will say the younger generation is death obsessed because of the Walking Dead and American Horror story type shows the they are influenced by. They tend to produce a lot of that type of work, we usually reject it unless its a really good concept or whatever. It is just strange what this supposed art gallery is showing,

strix-varia ago

Thanks for saying this. I am not liking "art" of any kind these days. I'd like to know why fine art students at uni are forced to study abramovic? Is that "art" in an artists world?

je-sui-pepe ago

well the young ladies are all muh feminism, they always do some shocking in your face vagina art. ugh (i can always tell the 20 year old artists). Marina is unique because what she does is performance art, and hers is unique and she is intriguing they way they present her. I personally abhor any art that is satanic and stay away from it, but i do see many satanic references in young artists. I find that a little frightening. Most of them are not really into satanism, they just like the symbolism which is because its seems shocking and so underground (which it has always been that way) We just try to avoid it in our gallery but we still want good edgy art. Also i live in a southern town, and Pizza art, Taco art is very popular among kids. Again the influence is from the Miley/Katy Perry videos and lots of people love the pizza slice art. Never did i know it was a pedophile symbol. After this pizzagate thing though i am seeing things in a different way.

strix-varia ago

Thank you again. I have an +55 friend (although the friendship is waning fast) who is in fine arts in university and all of a sudden, she's a, sigh, feminist, with a fck you attitude. I'm trying to subtly, no outwardly, tell her that she is being indoctrinated big time, but she does not want to hear it! This is a woman who went to Iran 5 years ago and still does not know what Sharia law is and doesn't want to know. Yes, your whole world will look quite different now with a understanding of pizzagate. I look at it as a blessing, even though it's horrifying.

je-sui-pepe ago

depends on the Gallery, All galleries in the modern art world like to show edgy art. Mark Ryden is a well known artist with gorgeous art that leans towards pedophilia heavily, yet every young artist aspires to emulate his art. You have a whole subset of young artists who like to be edgy, most are not portraying pedophilia and death because that is what they are into, but because it is what is popular in their culture. I have to say tho that Alefantis and some of his ilk collect disturbing art that would ONLY appeal to a disturbed mind. I would not show most of that work, because it makes me sick inside. We have one artist who is extremely edgy but he does not feature children, its adult and based on adult sexuality. There are always going to be dark and disturbing references in some art because shock value is something that artists like to do, and because there are a lot of bipolar artists. they think differently than your average person.

dmthirdeye ago

Yup totally agree meant to put that in the post but was digging and pasting as I went thru.

gurneyx ago

great research !

noKnowthing3313214 ago

Nice digging

derram ago

https://archive.is/oHPX2 :

Strand on Volta Cuts In To Some Meaty Issues - The Washington Post

https://archive.is/zbksT :

Illicit Encounters at Strand on Volta

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