Disgusted-Lurker ago

These kids should be taken into police station and shown pictures of high-profile pedophila suspects to see if any memories are jogged.

Do it line-up style with lots of false pictures (people not suspected) interspersed. Interview them individually and ON CAMERA.

brokencookie ago

This is good news. Of course one has to wonder WHO has the kids NOW and what's going to happen to them?

conspiracyprincess ago

My same thought exactly, "Where do these children go?"

Wolftrail7272 ago

Is this the first trafficking event where they rescue boys? I think up until now its only been girls both adult and child. If so, it may be significant because it would mean either that it happened randomly, or there is a specific drip-style narrative coming out. If it were a drip style narrative with escalating worse busts and more deranged finds, I think we may be making more progress than we think we are. It would mean a few things: 1) the rising scope and style of busts implies that it's going to KEEP getting worse, and that there is something at the end so bad that it needs all this priming, 2) Either the media is doing it for some weird reason, like they have algorithms that scan social media and its picking up the word trafficking more and more and creating a kind of feedback loop, or the media is doing it on purpose for a multitude of unknown reasons, (limited hangout where they claim to have gotten them all and don't worry about it anymore; or they could be doing it at the behest of the good guys and priming us...)

EyesWideScared ago

FWIW, it seems the Clinton Foundation is all about money laundering, but the CGI faction is all about trafficking. Keep a really close eye on anything connected to CGI.

Gammi ago

Anywhere the Clinton Foundation has touched down you find child trafficking near by......will their gang ever be brought in and arrested?....I just don't know, so much evidence in my opinion, yet Podesta's, JA, Hillary, Bill, Soros, Brock are still free and, no sign of the FBI crashing their places of business, there is probably a treasure trove with Brock alone......then we have pervert Weiner with his laptop full of 650,000 emails that both the NYPD, and some in the FBI were going to sing about if they were not released, that has yet to materialize....you wonder, with all the time that has past, how much evidence they have been able to destroy....the Clinton's have pretty much shut down their Foundation, FBI should have gone in there long ago....I don't care if it is a former President, Senator or SOS, no one is above the law......yeah right.

Clinker ago

You are talking about arresting HRC, WJC, the Podestas (and all their pasta-driving around staff), Carlos Slim and others at the NYT, and certainly some at the Washington Post, and also some in the TV networks. You cannot just do that without civil war. Ninety percent of the citizens don't know about any of this stuff. It would look like President Trump is a madman attempting to become a dictator. That is why the Left is calling Trump supporters 'Nazis', because they are preparing for that charge. You can bet that the pedos have not been just sitting around. They've no doubt been carefully working on determining what evidence the good guys have and ways to debunk it. The media probably already has the stories written with experts debunking anything the Adminstration produces as far as evidence for the people to see. I'm not saying that there will be no arrests. I believe that Trump will try. I'm just pointing out that you cannot simply just arrest them just because you have proof. You need to think carefully about how to do it to avoid rioting. Obviously, HRC does not believe it is possible. Hence her gloating tweets regarding Flynn's ouster.

Gammi ago

I understand exactly what you are saying, and have thought of that myself, our country is so divided between good and evil, and we have had 8 years of a very evil man in office, it is just hard to come to grips that children will continue in this nightmare and, this will more then likely never be fully resolved, you have to cut off the serpents head, and that will take a Higher Authority then mankind.

impulse110 ago

This is what happens when Clinton's cut ties with someone