OhRutherfordBehave ago

PizzaGate is going down people!

Zanbato ago

Maybe the Clintons are the ones actually busting these rings up, on the secret down low. Fighting like superheroes.

icydays33 ago

I pray I don't get hit by a car or something before that happens. Major bummer missing that day.

Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Your Cheeto leader is being impeached. Life is good. Go scatter now cockroaches. Mercury maims meddlers. J10A1.

0fsgivin ago

Not that I care but couldn't you have archived it first?


not savvy.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Exactly the way it goes down in Haiti as well

23eulogy23 ago

That website would make a VERY good tool for making connections like this

tapsnapornap ago

Holy shit, whats going to be the fourth place to get caught. Where else have the Clinton Foundation been?

Cr1xus ago

How come no one is investigating papa john,? Him and jaded from subway Peyton manning, pizza, look at him in the commercials he looks like a young bill Clinton and don't get me going on that big retard Peyton manning or there party friend jared

Freemasonsrus ago

Has anyone ever heard of a sex trafficking bust in a place like Ghana??? Ever???? It never happens! Too much money and too corrupt. So that's like a big wow. Also George Webb talked to the guy from hotel in Haiti and he said their were 34 American adults. So 21 were let go. It was basically one per child/woman. So who were these people and why were they let go? They left the hotel and fled country without paying their bill also.

VieBleu ago

this is a great find, but frankly needs to be put under a better headline so people will look at it. thx though

pepe16 ago

Plebbit just got lucky this time.

Fate0011 ago

You mad CTR/ShareBlue/American Bridge/Crew?

http://pastebin.com/jhi8V5TG http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/92183220/#92187506

Why so serious?

hafen ago

Damn. That's a great way to handle shills.

Do you know where I can find this thread?


Forgetmenot ago

I thought the comment from the person who had previously lived in lake Volta said the area was associated with occult practices and it is a rural area.

privatepizza ago

BOOM ! Please tell /r/The_Donald cheers

privatepizza ago

Thats unfair. We're all on the same team and it aint a comp.

cyks ago

peddit could drop the entire sub for attempting to stop child abuse, so it is a wise move to alert voat

Fate0011 ago

Lettit and 1/2 chan are censored

Or EVERY participant is b&, there is NO free speech at either even though 1/2 chan's whole spiel is "Muh Free Speech" They have been proven to have a rogue mod and janitor at half-chan. He came out in irc once (Screenshot) And another time asking others who and what to ban. Im starting to respect VOAT way more, and i've been on the chans since 2010

Reddit and Half-Chan are turning into the main stream media

"Say what we like....or we'll censor you"

Shout out to VOAT!!!

SickofRedditsShit ago

So many god damn coincidences. There must be a lot of witnesses too. But I bet none can come forward since there is no 100% safe way, ya know? We need to find a safe way for people to come out with evidence and bury these fucks

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

What COMETS around goes around