Throeaweigh ago


Vox_Pacem ago

no kidding... thanks for the info

Ang68 ago

WorldCorp guy was trying to tell us something.... read closely....every word....

rickman ago

"a transportation station at Lake Volta to make organic fertilizer from fish waste" Fish waste, sure.

madmanpg ago

As FBIAnon kept saying: follow the money. Looks like that strategy is bearing fruit.

VoaterFrog ago

Good point! When has anyone ever actually seen or heard Hillary or Bill actually helping people? And I doin't mean smiling into the camera and spouting "I'm such a great person because I believe in blah blah blah..."

Vox_Pacem ago

Not only does human trafficking follow them, but also microfinance.. which leads the poor into a debt cycle they can never repay. Microfinance institutions follow them to Haiti, Mexico, they're even starting an institution here. That's the business Muhammed Yunus (FBI anon gave a tip to him) is involved with. They set up the environment, black markets and slave drivers move in and suck up all the wealth they can.

juhos ago

Yep. Can somebody show the results of those 2000000000 $ they raised? Basically nothing.

draegspir ago

Amazing find. Great job!

cheese_pizza_lover ago

Pizzagate was debunked months ago. Fake news mates. Go back to chasing Bigfoot and chem trails. Saturn slyly smiles. C3P16P16.

GeorgeT ago

Yeah, and Jimmy Saville was knighted by the Queen!!!! What's your point. Pizzagate is an elite CIA operation.

GeorgeT ago

And is it a coinsidence that at Lake Volta where there is child slavery going on we also find all these 'charity' organizations like the Red Cross

GeorgeT ago

Also we know that the Clintons are into Voodoo occult rituals. Bill wrote about it in his book. As it turnes out, Lake Volta is a place where occult practices take place. Spirit cooking, kuru, everything is comming to surface. Truth is stranger than fiction. I wonder how will the left react when their queen may turn out to be a child trafficking cannibal?

RecycledUser ago

An interesting link, you go to that link, then from there to CFI, which I thought was shut down, and they have a link called Charity Navigator... The reviews there are pretty funny!

mrjdouble ago

What's the matter? Dutch Pizzagater and just now found out your gov't is also corrupted and has rotten from the inside out?

pig_lifter ago

...just to be clear, the reason Clintons are always ahead of the curve as to which of their operations will be busted next is because they are in bed with CIA (head of human trafficking) which is in bed with every other federal agency, so a heads up is given prior to arrests. That extra day or two gives the Clintons enough time to destroy files, hide affiliations and leave behind a few patsies to be arrested. Is that pretty much what's been happening in Haiti, Ghana, etc?

edblings ago

i feel like it's a way to establish a reason for them being in these certain places recently as well because knowing bill he probably frequently visits them

8_billion_eaters ago

They sell them kids in Haiti for like 8 dollars. You ain't stopping that industry.

tapsnapornap ago

tapsnapornap ago

Anyone got a list of where else the Clinton Foundation is/has been? Lets try predict the fourth one

mrjdouble ago

WJC was spotted a couple days ago in Amsterdam. What was he doing there you ask? Well, I'm glad you said something. It appears he was accepting a 2million euro payment for, you guessed it, the CF. To increase the curiosity even further, the payment was made by their National lottery. Red flag: To me, this likely means they have blackmail material on the Dutch gov't, just apparently as they also have on Iceland, (contributed a whopping $125mil to the CF last year, and Norway, who poured in just over 80mil)

tapsnapornap ago

This is the shit i want to see, ill keep an eye out.

mrjdouble ago

Just so you know I'm not bullshittin' and pulled that off the top of my head. That's the piece I pulled that data from. Appears he dropped in and helped himself to some Stamppot while he was in town.

But to me, this is the gateway to Europe, and would be a prime spot to set up a covert operation. Especially if it was authorized by the gov't via blackmail or whatnot.

tapsnapornap ago

February 7, 2017

Anything more recent? Thats a good find.

mrjdouble ago

Well, I'm not Dutch but I live in country. I'm also super active in this investigation in my free time, so like to keep my eyes open on anything that could be "something".

Took a second look just now, everything else I found pre-dates the 7th. A woman tweeted a picture of him walking with his light security detail and "an attractive woman in a trechcoat and boots".

Who was this woman? Perhaps he was just being slick willy, (wild speculation here) but perhaps this was his contact on the other side??

edblings ago

who was it? good question man, post the pictures?!

tapsnapornap ago

I made a list last week, I might have to make a table just for the Clinton Foundation

Mad_As_Hell ago

First comment on Reddit post about this ( hints at possible occult connections to Lake Volta, the plot thickens:

"That part of Ghana is very well know for high occult rituals...source: I lived in Ghana.

Edit: If you know actual Ghanaians ask them what part of Ghana is associated with ritualistic occult practices with an history of human sacrifices...unanimously point the Ewes [Tribe in the Volta region]"

tapsnapornap ago

I made this list, started about a week ago. Got everything back to end of last year.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are not the only usual suspects involved in all of those locations.

Hint - the key to solving Pizzagate and Global Corruption lies in Racine, Wisconsin - an epicenter of criminal corruption and the home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus. Scott Walker is aware as well, however all local and state officials are authorities are compromised, negligent, complicit or corrupt. There are numerous connections between Racine and the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Agenda 21 and sustainability, child trafficking, community policing, and secret societies. We will know if Trump is for real based on how quickly indictments happen in Racine, Wisconsin. The evidence of criminal corruption in Racine, Wisconsin is indisputable and insurmountable. This is no joke, this is all too real, and people need to understand how pizzagate, fake news and global corruption affects them directly and their local communities. These are not isolated events. It is a network.

Edit: compromised

sponiatowski ago

**We will know if Trump is for real based on how quickly indictments happen in Racine, Wisconsin. The evidence of criminal corruption in Racine, Wisconsin is indisputable and insurmountable.

What evidence? I live near Racine and I'm not familiar with anything going on there, though Reince Priebus' name has come up from time to time.

edblings ago

thanks for replying this guy has copy-pasta'd this or someone else had and i had been wondering about it. needs more investigating

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes, it needs thorough federal criminal investigations. It is all true, and anyone who has been actively following anything about Racine over the past 10 years would know exactly what is going on despite the local media's involvement in covering up and censoring the truth. It is a very large and organized network of corruption with regional, national and global ties. It is not just a few bad apples or small time cases. This is as scary and real as it gets. They threaten and do anything they can to destroy people's lives and careers, and their friends and family's lives, and they are willing to do anything to cover up their corruption. Source - file cabinets and backup drives full of evidence, public records, videos, death threats, and corroborating witnesses.

The world needs to know the real truth about corruption - and the answer that binds it all together lies in Racine, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The truth about criminal corruption in Racine is all covered up and censored locally. There is a huge list of cases involved, and there was a recent RICO (Racketeering and Corrupt Influence) case that was settled under threats, collusion and duress. That case barely scratched the surface of what is going on in Racine.

Some of the crimes involving officials and their associates include racketeering, influence and abuse of power, insider trading, bribery, extortion, bid rigging, fraud, stalking, slander, libel, defamation, coercion, open meetings law violations, open record law violations, discrimination, kickbacks, handouts, embezzlement, perjury, and other related corruption.

Anyone who raises questions or concerns is stalked, slandered, blackballed and threatened. This ties into pizzagate in many ways, along with the bigger picture of global corruption and what is covered in the George Webb videos. Everything connects back to Racine, Wisconsin. It is alarming.

sponiatowski ago

Guess what. I believe you. Reince Priebus is being talked about as the "next to go" and there is a lot about Ryan that I do not like. Scott Walker I like though. Thanks for backing up some of this brouhaha. Let's all watch Wisconsin and Racine.

sponiatowski ago

Hi, new here. Just got interested in PizzaGate from YouTube and the closing IMDB Politics Board. This all looks real to me. I'm a former Clinton supporter. Is it possible that the Clinton's did all the legwork for this Pedobust? In other words, were they the ones that rounded up and fingered these pedo-people? I mean, Trump thanked the Clinton's personally during his inaugural speech. Are the Clinton's provably the Bad Guys?

Endeffekt ago

go to george webbs youtube channel. start from the earlier videos.

sponiatowski ago

Thank you. I just subscribed and know what I will be doing tonight and tomorrow.

plowboys ago

Glad to have you aboard....absolutely no chance the Clintons are the good guys in this. Their criminal background is long and documented.... IMO keep an open mind to the information found here but don't accept any until back up by various sources. You will be amazed at the corruption in our government.

sponiatowski ago

It was more about thanking the Clinton's at his inaugural. Maybe Trump wants to cast some doubts and divisiveness into the Clinton Machine.

redditsuckz ago

Was anyone talking about pizzagate on the IMDB politics board?...

IMDB had millions and millions of users and it was pretty much free speech zone but troll central so I can understand why they shut it down and it wasnt because of the trolls.

sponiatowski ago

With all the trolls on the Politics Board of IMDB, I could barely carry on a Pizzagate related conversation. No one responded. No one was interested. I just posted news item after news item and the message got buried. I wonder if there are a lot of Hollywood pedos on the board. I'm not sad it's going away. There are a handful of posters I like a lot though. But not even a second opinion on any of my questions or news items posted. I'm alone on the Pizzagate topic.

dootdootbeepbop ago

From the "progress report tab" on the ClintonFoundation website.

April 2013

A big part of the success of this commitment depended on the relationships created, built and maintained. The first part of the commitment involved activities in Ghana. The elections in Ghana, following the untimely passing of President John Atta Mills, caused some of the Post Harvest Project's (PHP's) work to be focused in areas outside of Ghana. The government and people of Ghana had undertgone historic changes, and PHP needed to allow the new government to be ready to help actualize the project.

Thus, PHP has been collecting additional success stories from its private technology partners. Additionally, PHP has been creating and building relationships with private entities throughout Africa, especially those with activities in Ghana. Finally, we have engaged with the highest level possible in the government in Ghana.


So basically, they didn't actually accomplish anything w/ the partner? Except to establish a trafficking presence and build relations w/ "highest level possible in the government in Ghana."

samhara ago

" untimely passing of President John Atta Mills," Doesn't sound good. They do a "Coup" , get rid of the leaders and install their own people. So Sad.. They've been used to this and doing it, not just to "strangers" / other countries, but to our own. That's why they are freaked out over Trump.

madhatter67 ago

Just read up a bit about President John Atta Mills....seemed like a cool guy for an african head of wonder he didn't last long

throwitaway20172017 ago

They are trying to clear up their trafficking operations before trump can indict them

mrjdouble ago

Problem with that is they already have all the firepower they will need to bury these people for good. They can run, but they can't hide.

thelordhumongus ago

This is exactly correct.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

So in Lake Volta there is an island called Dodi Island that is always referred to as a "tourist destination", but I can't figure out why. It appears to be the destination for a cruise, a party boat rides around the lake, stops at the island then rides back. There are also people living on the island, mainly children it sounds like. Here are a couple travel blogs about their visits to Dodi and both bloggers were confused by the children and write about how odd it was seeing the children and how the children would follow them around.

But then there is this.... an article about a new hotel to be built on Dodi Island and the "Volta River Authority" logo is a freaking triangle inside a triangle with a swirl.

Here is the Volta River Authority website:

The Volta River Authority board of directors:

madmanpg ago

is a freaking triangle inside a triangle with a swirl.

But not a swirl triangle, nor is the tiny swirl within similar to any of the FBI symbols.

GeorgeT ago

That triangle again!

formatist ago

Just curious - how do you zero in on something like this (blog post)? Google search? I am not smart.

mrjdouble ago

The short answer? Some curiosity, logic and problem solving skills.

formatist ago

Um you aren't OR

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I google'd Dodi Island but information was very slim, so I went to images and just started looking for pictures that looked like people on vacation took them, since all the information I could find on Dodi said it was a "tourist destination" I wanted to know what people were going there for. I found literally nothing, it appears to be a spot people walk around and have a picnic or something during a boat cruise and they get followed around by young children. So I found those two blog posts by looking for vacation photos then following the image to the original page it was on and then reading. I found it very interesting that 2/2 blog posts from regular people on vacation who happened to stop by Dodi Island said essentially the same thing about not understanding why children were there and following them around. Not a coincidence. Something is very wrong with Dodi Island. Additionally the last line of the Wikipedia about Volka Lake says there are 7,000 - 10,000 child slaves working in the Lake Volka fishing industry.

dmthirdeye ago

WTF makes it look like its a children only island... really creepy.

pepe16 ago

Kek these people are everywhere and two triangles and a separate swirl do hint at a crypto pedo logo.

What I want to know is, what is the mechanism by which authorities are prevented from stopping these monsters until just after Clintons pull out? How do Clintons exert their power? This is some kind of spoopy deep state business.

8toborrm ago

Very good questions... My own speculation is that once an authority entity gets close to these pedo crimes, an unknown/mysterious person contacts them somehow, and in one way or another lets them know that doing anything besides forgetting about it right now will lead to the destruction of everything that person has ever known or loved.

I don't think this is necessarily someone who the Clintons have direct dirt on, but if you can imagine a sort of chain reaction effect this has as they gain influence over already powerful agencies. So maybe, Clintons have pedo dirt on NSA, so by proxy they threaten high level CIA operatives in some way, and because of that pressure, the CIA is then "forced" to bully the NYPD into dropping the Weiner case. This is an example of course but I think there are very complex webs of power games.

privatepizza ago

Whatdya know... ! Great find.

KittyTigerlily ago

Love this and posted at Gab, ai. We need something like this. Gives one lots of hope.

Rmm ago

Is it possible that there really is something of value being done for the people of Ghana? When you read the blurb which purports to explain the initiative it sounds oh so humanitarianly. Of course, in true Satanic style, one good act must be followed by an evil one .

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

CGI link says it's nearly a $9 Million project, yet the progress report has only one entry from 2013. Anyone on the ground in Ghana?

Forgetmenot ago


Beaucephus ago

In 2012, Craig Rominger of NanoICE committed to launch The Post Harvest Project (TPHP), a pilot project aimed at reducing waste, improving nutrition, and supporting the livelihoods in Ghana's fisheries. By installing new cold chain systems using NanoICE Molecular Ice Technology(TM) and building a manufacturing plant at the Port of Tema with a transportation station at Lake Volta to make organic fertilizer from fish waste, PHP and its partners will reduce fish waste, waterway and harbor pollution, and methane gas emissions; as well as increase protein consumption, food product shelf life, and product margins; and provide new employment/business opportunities, while decreasing malnutrition.