Doc_Holiday ago

I hope whatever was found on Weiner's laptop comes to light. If Erik Prince can be believed, this material will break the floodgates and drain the swamp. Sadly the FBI under comey is owned by the clinton camp

JrSlimss ago

This gives me hope (link). Preet Bharara was one that got Weiner's laptops in the first place (link).

pizzagate2 ago

I'm still waiting for NYPD to act on this since FBI won't. Hopefully come Jan 20 they will act? These crimes REALLY need to be brought to light

caliginosity ago

I'm thinking that everything is in the works behind the scenes. Congress did just pass that bill for FBI whistleblowers today. They are gearing up for something.

Flat_Truth ago

If a formal investigation were to be started by the authorities who could actually do do you think that would turn out given the current leadership? Same as the warren commission's findings, the 911 commission findings...etc.

Flat_Truth ago

They can't right now. The corruption goes all the way to the top. There will be no Justice as long as the Justice system is involved. 45 more days or so. Notice wikileaks went silent? Notice Milo was about to talk on the subject, but claims to have received a friendly phone call asking him to wait? Notice Gowdy passing laws that will help to facilitate apprehension of these types of crimes? I know there are children involved and the natural response is "we must act". But right now is not the time to move, the whole endeavor could be squashed as its always been in the past. America needs new leadership before real charges can be levied.




bopper ago

NYPD still on it, this is a good interview. NYPD retired Gold Star detective who goes way back to the sixties says Trump is in contact with them about the Weiner laptop emails.

FuckReddit69 ago


bopper ago

Gold 'Shield' detective, not Gold 'Star,' my mistake.

very_concerned ago

I used to listen to Fetzer a lot years ago. I will give this a listen when I have the time. Thanks.

hedy ago

I have no doubt they have this info. Any New Yorker (especially anyone who was there on 9/11) will assure you that the NYPD heads are as corrupt as they come.

CIAEatsShit ago

FBIanon made it clear this stuff WOULD NEVER go public.

Credibility of the entire US ponzi ( USD FIAT ) is based on trust, if the world knew the truth that WASH-DC was just a front for Saudi's to fuck, kill, & eat white children the USA would collapse tomorrow.

hedy ago

Absolutely. In a horribly sadistic way, the fact that the chaos and evil has been in equilibrium during Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations makes a lot of sense, now. It also makes perfect sense that there is a lot of risk in disturbing that chaos, which I'm sure some fear in a Trump administration, if he can't be as manipulated (and I think he probably can, as his #1 priority always has been and always will be financial leverage - it's the only language he speaks). The terrifying part of it all is that you and I have absolutely no recourse, no matter how well armed or prepared, in whatever happens. And there is also kind of a calming notion in that. I've felt this way ever since 9/11 (I was blocks away). I'm no longer in a panic and no longer fear the unknown. Instead, my energy is spent trying to educate those around me, although that alone might kill me.

Look up Catherine Austin Fitts if you are not already familiar with her. She talks about the end game of the debt-based system. Interesting theory.

CIAEatsShit ago

U can do something, you can run and hide. There is a civil war coming to the USA. Canada or Mexico is all good.

When the Vampires running the USA are outed the first thing they'll do is cut the EBT, when that happens +50% of the USA will go zombie, there is NO place in the USA for good people to hide, well except Canada, Alaska, Mexico and wait out the coming civil war.

+65% of the USA population lives paycheck-2-paycheck on GOV money ( cops, judges, welfare ppl, mil ... ) when the checks & ebt comes to a halt, cannibalism hits the hood in 3-7 days.

hedy ago

You are absolutely correct.

Maybe I'll join the CIA. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

very_concerned ago

So all this work is a waste of time. Pizzagate outcome would be no different. Got to protect the dollar? Can you please link a source?

CIAEatsShit ago

Google "all wars are banker wars"

Google "All bankers are pedophiles"