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ESOTERICshade ago

The Core Club

The word "core" is a bit of code word possibly. I think Alex Jones servers's used to be named "Core 1" and "Core 2" and so forth. They may still be named that but I don't know. I think maybe, but i'm not sure, that "Core" refers to "The Family" or the "Core Group" of elites that run this world like the "Council On Foreign Relations", The "Bilderberg Group", the "Trilateral Commission", the banking families, the cult, etc...

EricKaliberhall ago

@ESOTERICshade is a proven disinformation whore... Please read the following -

ESOTERICshade ago

@ESOTERICshade is a proven disinformation whore... Please read the following -

Maybe you should abandon the Zionist lifestyle and start serving humanity. Right now your mind is neck deep in the swamp. You didn't save your country, Switzerland, and it got messed up really bad. You could leave our country alone and let us try to fix it. You obviously don't have the balls to do it. Q will not save you and if you think he will, you are mistaken.