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letsdothis2 ago

Last on the trustees list : John J Dooner Jr

Chairman of The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.,_Inc.

Holdings :

Edelman (The world’s largest public relations firm)

Edelman provided crisis communications to News Corporation during the phone hacking scandal.[36][37] Other clients have included Vidal Sassoon, Red Cross, Cantor Fitzgerald,[12] Royal Dutch Shell,[38] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[39] Starbucks,[36] and the government of Saudi Arabia.[40] It has used front groups to help the American Petroleum Institute reduce the perceived environmental damage caused by oil companies.

Vanguard Group Inc

TrustTheTruth ago


Where was Chuck Schumer "MADE"?

Where was Robert Byrd "MADE"?

Where was Tony Podesta "MADE"?

What is Hillary's model of Community Policing?

Who are the Real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is the common connection between the Committee of 300, Council of 13, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Knights of Malta, Global Interfaith Coalition, Red Cross, United Way, and the many other groups involved?

Why does Q exist?

What is "The Truth" that Q is Here to Hide?

What is The Biggest Deal that Trump has "MADE" as President?

What is their Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

What report just came out about The World "ending" in 2030?

What was the Earth Summit and what was decided there?


letsdothis2 ago

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt's research

Clinton and Sustainable Development

Earth Summit:

I suggest people look through the list of patrons for CRAE...

Judd was a member of the Commission on Global Governance. The Commission was established in 1992 with the full support of United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. It produced a report containing many controversial proposals ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’ in 1995. Sitting alongside Lord Judd in the Commission was Maurice Strong. Strong’s appointment as Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development—best known as the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 had resulted in the UNs Agenda 21 programme being implemented by all states belonging to the UN system of Governance including the UK.

Interesting timing. Thank you.

TrustTheTruth ago

There are no coincidences. Thank You for not forgetting.

The Truth is Here.

carmencita ago

According to Haiti Libre, former President Bill Clinton will be in Haiti for a 48-hour visit. During his stay, he will make among others, an announcement during his visit to the recycling company Sustainable Recycling Solutions (SRS Haiti). Haiti Libre reports that Bill Clinton will tour the Sustainable Recycling Sustainable Recycling Solutions HaitiSolutions (SRS Haiti) plant on February 18 and see the recycling process. He will be accompanied by Andrew MacCalla and Brett Williams, the Co-Founders of SRS, and Mike Shinoda, the lead singer of Linkin Park and a major investor, will join the President. Bill Clinton will make an announcement during this visit.

The new link in the chain. The Clinton Foundation.

Linkin Park started an organization called Sustainable Recycling Solutions (SRS) in Haiti. Without applying for any grant* they were surprised to receive a $250,000 donation from the Clinton foundation.

If that wasn’t exciting enough, Mike Shinoda of LinkinPark got a rare and unsolicited visit from none other than Bill Clinton himself. Here’s the Linkinpark video…

Speaking In Miami, Bill Clinton Emphasizes Public-Private Partnerships For Hurricane Recovery

The event, organized by the Clinton Global Initiative and hosted by the University of Miami, aimed in part to introduce people working on hurricane recovery projects to potential funders. Those projects are helping Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Antigua & Barbuda and Dominica build back stronger after last year’s devastating hurricane season.

"The challenges we are facing include not only things that happened directly as the result of the hurricane, but also reflect the aggravation of problems that existed before them," he said.

Those pre-existing problems include aging power grids and communications systems, and a lack of affordable, sustainable energy sources, he said. WHAT? sustainable There is that word again. sustainable

Gregory Milne, chief metrics and impact officer at the Clinton Foundation, said beyond dollars, corporations have expertise NGOs can use -- for instance, how to get a product from a warehouse to a consumer.

"If they can partner with some of the amazing health organizations that are here, that are trying to get medications or vaccinations to those remote communities, that’s a win-win situation," he said.

Bob Lord, chief digital officer for IBM, said the company just held a 5,000-person hackathon in Puerto Rico on using technology for disaster preparedness and recovery. The "Call for Code" program focuses on developing projects like facial recognition software to identify disaster victims, or systems to track blood donations and pharmaceutical drugs.

WOW. What a moneymaker for corporations. Big Pharma Drugs, Vaccinations especially (and fooling around with them) and last but not least sustainability and facial recognition to track their Ahem, Victims.

Whenever is see THAT Word, I know it is not a good outlook for the country CGI and Friends are about to take over.

TrustTheTruth ago

What is Satan's Ability?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

What was The Deal that Trump MADE?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat and why?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?